Social Networks Analysis


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Edited by Linton Freeman
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Volume One Data, Mathematical Models and Graphics General Introduction Introduction to Volume One PART ONE: SOCIAL NETWORK DATA Network Data and Measurement - P V Marsden On the Validity of Retrospective Data - H R Bernard et al The Problem of Informant Accuracy Cognitive Structure and Informant Accuracy - L C Freeman, A K Romney and S C Freeman Cognitive Social Structures - D Krackhardt On Human Social Intelligence - L C Freeman, S C Freeman and A G Michaelson Systematic Biases in Social Perception - E Kumbasar, A K Romney and W H Barchelder Forgetting of Friends and Its Effects on Measuring Friendship Networks - D D Brewer and C M Webster Decay Functions - R S Burt Comparing Networks across Space and Time, Size and Species - K Faust and J Skvoretz PART TWO: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL MODELS A Study of a Large Sociogram - A Rapoport and W J Horvath An Exponential Family of Probability Distributions for Directed Graphs - P W Holland and S Leinhardt Logit Models and Logistic Regressions for Social Networks - S Wasserman and P Pattison 1. An Introduction to Markov Graphs and p? Latent Space Approaches to Social Network Analysis - P D Hoff, A E Raftery and M S Handcock Model-Based Clustering for Social Networks - M S Handcock, A E Raferty and J M Tantrum PART THREE: GRAPHIC IMAGES Explorations into the Visualization of Policy Networks - U Brandes et al The Effect of Spatial Arrangement on Judgments and Errors in Interpreting Graphs - C McGrath, J Blythe and D Krackhardt Exploring the Dynamics of International Trade by Combining the Comparative Advantages of Multivariate Statistics and Network Visualizations - L Krempel and T Pl[um]umper Volume Two The Stucture of Social Groups Introduction to Volume Two PART ONE: SOCIAL GROUPS: CLIQUES AND RELATED CONCEPTS Cliques, Clubs and Clans - R J Mokken A Graph-Theoretic Generalization of the Clique Concept - S B Seidman and B L Foster PART TWO: SOCIAL GROUPS: OTHER APPROACHES The Duality of Persons and Groups - R L Breiger An Information Flow Model for Conflict and Fission in Small Groups - W Zachary L S Sets and Cohesive Subsets of Graphs and Hypergraphs - S B Seidman Proximity, Sociality and Observation - L D Sailer and S J C Gaulin The Definition of Small Groups The Sociological Concept of 'Group' - L C Freeman An Empirical Test of Two Models Using Galois Lattices to Represent Network Data - L C Freeman and D R White Models of Core/Periphery Structures - S P Borgatti and M G Everett Identifying Cohesive Subgroups - K A Frank Structural Cohesion and Embeddedness - J Moody and D R White A Hierarchical Concept of Social Groups Finding Social Groups - L C Freeman A Meta-Analysis of the Southern Women Data PART THREE: SOCIAL GROUPS: DYNAMICS Evolution of Sociology Freshmen into a Friendship Network - M A J van Duijn et al A Theory of Group Stability - K Carley Volume Three The Structure of Social Positions Introduction to Volume Three PART ONE: SOCIAL POSITIONS: EQUIVALENCE BASED Structural Equivalence of Individuals in Social Networks - F P Lorrain and H C White Social Structure from Multiple Networks - H C White, S A Boorman and R L Breiger 1: Blockmodels of Roles and Positions An Algorithm for Clustering Relational Data with Applications to Social Network Analysis and Comparison to Multidimensional Scaling - R L Breiger, S A Boorman and P Arabie Positions in Networks - R S Burt Graph and Semigroup Homomorphisms on Networks of Relations - D R White and K P Reitz Partitioning Networks on Generalized Concepts of Equivalence - P Doreian, V Batagelj and A Ferligoj Are Social Equivalences Ever Regular? Permutation and Exact Tests - J P Boyd and K J Jonas PART TWO: SOCIAL POSITIONS: HIERARCHIES Dynamics of Hierarchy Formation - I Chase The Sequential Development of Dominance Relationships Dominance and Deference in Conversation - A Mazur and M Cataldo Social Positions in Influence Networks - N Friedkin and E E Johnsen Network Role Analysis in the Study of Food Webs - J C Johnson et al An Application of Regular Coloring PART THREE: SOCIAL POSITIONS: CENTRALITIES Centrality in Social Networks - L C Freeman Conceptual Clarification Power and Centrality - P Bonacich A Family of Measures A Measure of Betweenness Centrality Based on Random Walks - M E J Newman A Graph-Theoretic Perspective on Centrality - S P Borgatti and M G Everett Volume Four Antecedents and Consequences of Network Structure Introduction to Volume Four PART ONE: ANTECEDENTS: PHYSICAL PROXIMITY Distance Matters - B Latan[ac]e et al Physical Space and Social Impact Predictability of Large-Scale Spatially Embedded Networks - C T Butts PART TWO: ANTECEDENTS: HOMOPHILY Homophily and Differential Returns - Herminia Ibarra Sex Differences in Network Structure and Access in an Advertising Firm Birds of a Feather - J M McPherson, L Smith-Lovin and J M Cook Homophily in Social Networks PART THREE:ANTECEDENTS: BALANCE Structural Balance - D Cartwright and F Harary A Generalization of Heider's Theory Pre-Transitive Balance Mechanisms for Signed Networks - P Doreian and D Krackhardt PART FOUR: CONSEQUENCES: ACCESS TO INFORMATION The Diffusion of an Innovation among Physicians - J Coleman, E Katz and H Menzel The Importance of Personal Influence in the Adoption of Technological Changes - E M Rogers and G M Beal The Strength of Weak Ties - M Granovetter Collective Dynamics of 'Small World' Networks - D J Watts and S H Strogatz PART FIVE: CONSEQUENCES: SUCCESS OR PROMINENCE Some Effects of Certain Communication Patterns on Group Performance - H J Leavitt Community Structure as Interorganizational Linkages - E O Laumann, J Galaskiewicz and P V Marsden Women's Participation in the Labor Force - J A Stoloff, J L Glanville and E J Bienenstock The Role of Social Networks An Empirical Analysis of Strategies and Efficiencies in Social Networks - Nathaniel Bulkley and Marshall Van Alstyne PART SIX: CONSEQUENCES: SOCIAL SUPPORT AND SOCIAL CONTROL Urban Families - E Bott Conjugal Roles and Social Networks Different Strokes from Different Folks - B Wellman and S Wortley Community Ties and Social Support PART SEVEN: CONSEQUENCES: HEALTH AND ILLNESS Spatial Structures and Scientific Paradoxes in the AIDS Pandemic - P Gould and R Wallace Concurrent Partnerships and the Spread of HIV - M Morris and M Kretzschmar Social Ties and Susceptibility to the Common Cold - S Cohen et al

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