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By: Edited by Chris Hackley
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Chris Hackley has been Professor of Marketing at Royal Holloway, University of London, since 2004, when he was appointed as the university's first Chair in Marketing. His PhD from the Department of Marketing at Strathclyde University, Scotland, focused on the creative development process in top advertising agencies. He teaches, researches, writes and consults on topics in advertising, marketing, and consumer cultural policy.

Volume 1: Advertising Management How Divergent Beliefs Cause Account Team Conflict - C. Hackley Silent Running: Tacit, discursive and psychological aspects of management in a top UK advertising agency - C. Hackley Encoding Advertisements: The Creative Perspective - A. Kelly, K. Lawlor and S. O'donohoe International Advertising Strategies of Multinational Corporations - R.E. Hite and C. Fraser Copywriters' Implicit theories of Communication: An exploration - A. Kover Producing Marketing: Towards a social-phenomenology of marketing work - S. Svensson Why Copywriters Don't Like Advertising Research - and What Kind of Research Might They Accept? - A.J. Kover The Games Copywriters Play - Conflict, Quasi-control - A New Proposal - A.J. Kover and S.M. Goldberg The Role of Myth in Creative Advertising Design: Theory, process, and outcome - G.V. Johar, M.B. Holbrook and B.B. Stern Advertising Client-Agency Relationships: The decision-making structure of clients - D.C. West and S.J. Paliwoda Advertising Research and its Influence Upon Managerial Practice: A review of perspectives and approaches - J.P. Cornelissen and A.R. Lock Advertising Agency Creative Reputation and Account Loyalty - P.C.N. Michell, H. Cataquet and G.D. Mandry Standardization vs Specialization: An examination of westernization in Japanese advertising - B. Mueller Standardized International Advertising: A review and criticale of the theoretical and empirical evidence - S. Onkvisit and J.J. Shaw IMC in US Ad Agencies - An Exploratory Study - D.E. Schultz and P.J. Kitchen Endorsers in Advertising: The case of negative celebrity information - B.D. Till and T.A. Shimp A Better Advertising Planning Grid - J.R. Rossiter, L. Percy and R.J. Donovan The Trouble with Creatives: Negotiating creative identity in advertising agencies - C. Hackley and A.J. Kover Account Planning: Its history and significance for ad agencies - P. Feldwick Permission-Based Mobile Advertising - P. Barwise and C. Strong Volume 2: Advertising Culture Advertising as Cultural System - J.F. Sherry The Social Uses of Advertising - An Ethnographic Study of Adolescent Advertising Audiences - M. Ritson and R. Elliott Red Time is Me Time - L. Stevens, P. Maclaran and S. Brown I Can't Believe it's Not Bakhtin!: Literary theory, postmodern advertising, and the gender agenda - S. Brown, L. Stevens and P. Maclaran Asian-Americans: Television advertising and the "Model Minority" stereotype - C.R. Taylor and B.B. Stern Poststructuralism and the Dialectics of Advertising: Discourse, ideology, resistance - R. Elliott and M. Ritson Understanding Jingles and Needledrop - A Rhetorical Approach to Music in Advertising - L. Scott Images of Ourselves - the Good Life in Twentieth Century Advertising - R.W. Belk and R. Pollay Public Policy Issues in Direct -to Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs - J.E. Calfee Advertising Uses and Gratifications - S. O'donohoe Materialism and Status Appeals in Japanese Advertising - R.W. Belk and R. Pollay Raiding the Postmodern Pantry - Advertising Intertextuality and the Young Adult Audience - S. O'donohoe The Distorted Mirror: Reflections on the unintended consequences of advertising - R.W. Pollay Feminist Literary Criticism and the Deconstruction of Ads: A postmodern view of advertising - B.B. Stern The Panoptic Role of Advertising Agencies in the Production of Consumer Culture - C. Hackley A Meaning-Based Model of Advertising Experiences - D.G. Mick and Buhl The Last Straw? Cigarette Advertising and Realized Market Shares among Youths and Adults - R.W. Pollay, S. Siddarth, M. Siegel and A. Haddix Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall, What's Unfair in the Reflections on Advertising - M.B. Holbrook Volume 3: Advertising Science Consumer Research and Semiotics: Exploring the morphology of signs, symbols and significance - D.G. Mick. A Model for Predictive Measurements of Advertising Effectiveness - R.J. Lavidge and G.A. Steiner Advertising - Meaning or Information? - G. Mccracken Information Processing From Advertisements: Toward an integrative framework - D.J. Macinnis and B.J. Jaworski Effects of Brand Name Suggestiveness on Advertising Recall - K.L. Keller, S.E. Heckler and M.J. Houston How Advertising Works: What do we really know? - D. Vakratsas and T. Ambler How Advertising Works: A planning model revisited - R. Vaughn The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising on Consumer Brand Choice - C.F. Mela, S. Gupta and D.R. Lehmann How T.V. Advertising Works: A meta-analysis of 389 real world split cable T.V. advertising experiments - L.M. Lodish, M. Abraham, S. Kalmenson, J.Livelsberger, B. Lubetkin, B. Richardson and M.E. Stevens Advertising and the Diffusion of New Products - D. Horsky and L.S. Simon Repetitive Advertising and the Consumer - A. Ehrenberg 50 Years Using the Wrong Model of Advertising - R. Heath and P. Feldwick How Word-of-Mouth Advertising Works - E. Dichter From Consumer Response to Active Consumer: Measuring the effectiveness of interactive media - D.W. Stewart and P.A. Pavlou Impact On 3-D Advertising on Product Knowledge, Brand Attitude, and Purchase Intention: The mediating role of presence - H. Li, T. Daugherty and F. Biocca Adpuls: An advertising model with wearout and pulsation - H. Simon A Revised Communication Model for Advertising: Multiple dimensions of the source, the message, and the recipient - B.B. Stern Media Context and Advertising Effectiveness: The role of context appreciation and context-ad similarity - P. De Pelsmacker, M. Geuens and P. Anckaert A Review and Critique of the Hierarchy of Effects in Advertising - T.E. Barry and D.J. Howard Research and the Meaning of Advertising Effectiveness: Mutual misunderstandings - W.A. Cook and A.J. Kover Brand Advertising and Creative Publicity - A. Ehrenberg, N. Barnard, R. Kennedy and H. Bloom Agency Beliefs in the Power of Advertising - M.T. Ewing and J.P. Jones

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