Helmut K. Anheier, PhD, is President and Dean at the Hertie School of Governance, and holds a chair of sociology at Heidelberg University. He received his PhD from Yale University in 1986, was a senior researcher at John Hopkins School of Public Policy, Professor of Public Policy and Social Welfare at UCLA's Luskin School of Public Affairs, and Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics. Professor Anheier founded and directed the Centre for Civil Society at LSE, the Center for Civil Society at UCLA, and the Center for Social Investment at Heidelberg. Before embarking on an academic career, he served as social affairs officer to the United Nations. He is author of over 400 publications, and won various international prizes and recognitions for his scholarship. Amongst his recent book publications are Nonprofit Organizations - Theory, Management, Policy (London: Routledge, 2014), A Versatile American Institution: The Changing Ideals and Realities of Philanthropic Foundations with David Hammack (Washington, DC: Brookings, 2013) and The Global Studies Encyclopedia with Mark Juergensmeyer (5 vols, Sage, 2012). He is the principal academic lead of the Hertie School?s annual Governance Report (Oxford University Press, 2013-), and currently working on projects relating to indicator research, social innovation, and success and failure in philanthropy. Yudhishthir Raj Isar is an independent analyst, advisor and public speaker who straddles different worlds of cultural theory, experience and practice. He is Professor of Cultural Policy Studies at The American University of Paris and Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney. He has also been maitre de conference at Sciences Po, Paris. Professor Isar is co-editor of the Cultures and Globalization Series (SAGE). He is a trustee of civil society cultural organisations and consultant to international organisations and foundations and Past President of Culture Action Europe. Earlier, at UNESCO, where he served from 1973 to 2002, he was notably Executive Secretary of the World Commission on Culture and Development and Director of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture.

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APPROACHES AND DEVELOPMENTS Globalization and Cultural Conflict - Beverly Crawford An Institutional Approach Dimensions of Conflict in Globalization and Cultural Practice - Rustom Bharucha A Critical Perspective Ethnicity and War in a World of Nation-States - Brian Min and Andreas Wimmer Resistance to Cultural Globalization - Laura Adams, Miguel Centeno, and Charles Varner A Comparative Analysis Cultural Expression in Globalized Conflict - Dragan Klaic Cause or Victim? Conflict and the Deliberate Destruction of Cultural Heritage - Dacia Viejo Rose REGIONAL REALITIES Cultures, conflict, and Globalization - Francis B. Nyamnjoh Africa Regional Realities in the Arab World - Ahmad S. Moussalli Globalization and Asian Values - Janadas Devan Globalization and the European Social Model - Anthony Giddens Latin America - Anibal Ford Diversity, Invention and Crisis in Cultural Production Managing Cultural Conflicts - Yunxiang Yan State Power and Alternative Globalization in China Capitalism, Conflict and Churn - Ronnie D. Lipschutz How the American Culture War Went Global FAULT LINES: TENSIONS, VALUES AND MIGRATION Tensions Tensions between the North and South - Hugo Achugar The West versus the Arab World - Georges Corm Deconstructing the Divide Islam Between Religious-Cultural Practice and Identity Politics - Bassam Tibi Europe versus America: A Growing Clash within the West? - Nathan Gardels Values Value Patterns in Europe and the United States - Christian Welzel and Franziska Deutsch Is there a Transatlantic Rift? Why Religion Didn't Disappear? - Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Noris Re-examining the Secularization Thesis Migration Migration, Security and Culture in the USA - Leo F. Estrada Migration - Alejandro Grimson the Experience of Argentina Migration, Conflict and Illegitimacy - Diana Wong A Malaysian Case Study CULTURE AS A TOOL OF CONFLICT PREVENTION AND RESOLUTION Creating Concord Organizations - Barbara J. Nelson, Kathryn A. Carver and Linda Kaboolian Institutional Design for Bridging Antagonistic Cultures Performance, Globalization and Conflict Promotion/Resolution - James Thompson Experiences from Sri Lanka Performing Gacaca in Rwanda - Ananda Breed Local Culture for Justice and Reconciliation From Violence to Discourse - Clemencia Rodriguez and Amparo Cadavid Conflict and Citizens' Radio Stations in Columbia The Pedagogy of Drums - Silvia Ramos Culture Mediating Conflict in the Slums of Brazil INDICATOR SUITES Introducing cultural indicator suites - Helmut K. Anheier
In the age of globalization we are no longer home alone. Migration brings other worlds into our own just as the global reach of the media transmits our world into the hearts and minds of others. Often incommensurate values are crammed together in the same public square. Increasingly we all today live in the kind of 'edge cultures' we used to see only on the frontiers of civilizations in places like Hong Kong or Istanbul. The resulting frictions and fusions are shaping the soul of the coming world order. I can think of no other project with the ambitious scope of defining this emergent reality than The Cultures and Globalization project. I can think of no more capable minds than Raj Isar and Helmut Anheier who can pull it off Nathan Gardels Editor-in-Chief, NPQ, Global Services, Los Angeles Times Syndicate/Tribune Media This series represents an innovative approach to the central issues of globalization, that phenomenon of such undefined contours Lupwishi Mbuyumba Director of the Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa "Globalization has received considerable attention from the political and economic perspective. "The Cultures and Globalization Series" is intended to fill a gap in current research by studying the cultural consequences of globalization. This volume also includes cultural indicators with a visual representation of data relevant to culture and globalization. A variety of charts, graphs, and data tables add value. Summing up: Highly recommended." -- M.A. LaMagna