Cognitive Science


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Edited by Koen Lamberts
Release Date:
234 x 156 mm
4740 g

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Volume One Perception - Object Recognition - Categorization Receptive Fields and Functional Architecture of Monkey Striate Cortex - D H Hubel and T N Wiesel On the Existence of Neurons in the Human Visual System Selectively Sensitive to the Orientation and Size of Retinal Images - C Blakemore and F W Campbell Two Cortical Visual Systems - L G Ungerleider and M Mishkin Theory of Edge Detection - D Marr and E Hildreth Visual Routines - S Ullman Visual Perception of Biological Motion and a Model for Its Analysis - G Johansson Optic Flow - J J Koenderink On the Genesis of Abstract Ideas - M I Posner and S W Keele Principles of Categorization - E Rosch Attention, Similarity and the Identification-Categorization Relationship - R M Nosofsky Toward a Universal Law of Generalization for Psychological Science - R N Shepard Human Image Understanding - I Biederman Recent Research and a Theory A Network That Learns to Recognize Three-Dimensional Objects - T Poggio and S Edelman Is Human Object Recognition Better Described by Geon-Structural-Descriptions or by Multiple-Views? - M Tarr and H H B[um]ulthoff Mental Rotation of Three-Dimensional Objects - R N Shepard and J Metzler Volume Two Attention - Learning Attention - J A Deutsch and D Deutsch Some Theoretical Considerations A Feature-Integration Theory of Attention - A M Treisman and G Gelade A Computational Theory of Visual Attention - C Bundesen An Instance Theory of Attention and Memory - G D Logan Toward a Statistical Theory of Learning - W K Estes A Theory of Pavlovian Conditioning - R A Rescorla and A R Wagner Variations in the Effectiveness of Reinforcement and Non-Reinforcement Selective Association and Conditioning - L J Kamin Toward a Modern Theory of Adaptive Networks - R S Sutton and A G Barto Expectations and Predictions Learning Representations by Back-Propagating Errors - D E Rumelhart, G E Hinton and R H Williams ALCOVE - J K Kruschke An Exemplar-Based Connectionist Model of Category Learning Similarity and Discrimination - J M Pearce A Selective Review and a Connectionist Model The Adaptive Nature of Human Categorization - J R Anderson On the Generality of the Laws of Learning - M E P Seligman Failure to Escape Traumatic Shock - M E P Seligman and S F Maier Implicit Learning of Artificial Grammars - A S Reber Volume Three Memory The Magical Number Seven, plus or minus Two - G A Miller Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information High-Speed Scanning in Human Memory - S Sternberg Levels of Processing - F I M Craik and R S Lockhart A Framework for Memory Research Working Memory - A D Baddeley and G J Hitch Encoding Specificity and Retrieval Processes in Episodic Memory - E Tulving and D M Thomson Procedures of Mind - P A Kolers and H L Roediger III Implicit Memory - D L Schacter History and Current Status A Process Dissociation Framework - L Jacoby Separating Automatic from Intentional Use of Memory A Spreading-Activation Theory of Semantic Processing - A M Collins and E F Loftus Search of Associative Memory - J G W Raaijmakers and R M Shiffrin The Reality of Repressed Memories - E F Loftus Volume Four Language and Speech A Review of B F Skinner's Verbal Behavior - N Chomsky Interaction of Information in Word Recognition - J Morton An Interactive Activation Model of Context Effects in Letter Perception - J L McClelland and D E Rumelhart An Account of Basic Findings Processes in Word Recognition - D D Wheeler Word Recognition - D Norris Context Effects without Priming A Distributed, Developmental Model of Word Recognition and Naming - M S Seidenberg and J L McClelland The Span of Effective Stimulus during a Fixation in Reading - G W McConkie and K Rayner Making and Correcting Errors during Sentence Comprehension - L Frazier and K Rayner Eye Movements in the Analysis of Structurally Ambiguous Sentences The Motor Theory of Speech Perception Revised - A M Liberman and I G Mattingly The TRACE Model of Speech Perception - J L McClelland and J L Elman A Spreading-Activation Theory of Retrieval in Sentence Production - G S Dell Language Production - K Bock and W Levelt Grammatical Encoding Volume Five Discourse Comprehension - Reasoning The Abstraction of Linguistic Ideas - J D Bransford and J J Franks Toward a Model of Text Comprehension and Production - W Kinstch and T A Van Dijk The Role of Knowledge in Discourse Comprehension - W Kintsch A Construction-Integration Model A Capacity Theory of Comprehension - M A Just and P A Carpenter Individual Differences in Working Memory Constructing Inferences during Narrative Text Comprehension - A C Graesser, M Singer and T Trabasso Inference during Reading - G McKoon and R Ratcliff Introduction to Latent Semantic Analysis - T K Landauer, P W Foltz and D Laham On the Failure to Eliminate Hypotheses in a Conceptual Task - P C Wason Confirmation, Disconfirmation and Information in Hypothesis Testing - J Klayman and Y-W Ha A Rational Analysis of the Selection Task as Optimal Data Selection - M Oaksford and N Chater On the Relation between the Natural Logic of Reasoning and Standard Logic - M D S Braine Propositional Reasoning by Model - P N Johnson-Laird, R M J Byrne and W Schaeken Pragmatic Reasoning Schemas - P W Cheng and K L Holyoak Category-Based Induction - D N Osherson et al Understanding Natural Dynamics - D R Proffitt and D L Gilden Volume Six Judgement and Decision-Making Man as an Intuitive Statistician - C R Peterson and L R Beach Rational Choice and the Structure of the Environment - H A Simon Judgments under Uncertainty - A Tversky and D Kahneman Heuristics and Biases Prospect Theory - D Kahneman and A Tversky An Analysis of Decision under Risk The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice - A Tversky and D Kahneman Extensional versus Intuitive Reasoning - A Tversky and D Kahneman The Conjunction Fallacy in Probability Judgment Behavioral Decision Theory - H J Einhorn and R M Hogarth Processes of Judgment and Choice Assessment of Covariation by Humans and Animals - L B Alloy and N Tabachnik The Joint Influence of Prior Expectations and Current Situational Information Contingent Decision Behavior - J W Payne The Use of Statistical Heuristics in Everyday Inductive Reasoning - R E Nisbett et al The Construction of Preference - P Slovic Reasoning the Fast and Frugal Way - G Gigerenzer and D G Goldstein Models of Bounded Rationality

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