Volume One: Origins, Theories and Practical Concerns Part One: Social Sciences, Gerontology and Geriatrics The State of Theory in Aging and the Social Sciences - Victor W Marshall Aging as a Challenge for Sociological Theory - Martin Kohli Part Two: Classic Approaches Structural/Political Economy The Political and Moral Economy of Aging: Not Such Strange Bedfellows - M Minkler and T R Cole The Structural Dependency of the Elderly: A Creation of Social Policy in the Twentieth Century - P Townsend Towards a Political Economy of Old Age - Alan Walker Theory of the Third Age The Third Age, the Fourth Age and the Future - Peter Laslett Developmental/Role Theory/Activity and Disengagement Theory A Personal and Social Philosophy of Old Age - R Havighurst and R Albrecht Further Thoughts on the Theory of Disengagement - Elaine Cumming Social Gerontology and the Age Stratification of Society - M W Riley Biography and Life Course Age Norms, Age Constraints and Adult Socialization - B L Neugarten, J W Moore and J C Lowe Generational Change The Problem of Generations - Karl Mannheim Cultural Change Strategic Generations: Historical Change, Literary Expression and Generational Politics - Bryan Turner Part Three: Contemporary Thinkers Friends or Foes: Gerontological and Feminist Theory - S Reinharz Re-Engaging the Disengagement Theory of Aging: On the History and Assessment of Theory Development in Gerontology - W A Achenbaum and Vern L Bengston The Invisibility of Age: Gender and Class in Later Life - Sara L Arber and Jay Ginn Theory, Explanation and a Third Generation of Theoretical Development in Social Gerontology - Vern L Bengston, E O Burgess and T M Parrott A Foucauldian Analysis of Old Age and the Power of Social Welfare - Simon Biggs and Jason L Powell Feminist Gerontology and Old Men - Toni Calasanti Old Age, Retirement and the Social Class Structure: Towards and Analysis of the Structural Dynamics of the Latter Stage of Life - Anne-Marie Guillemard Generations and the Generation of Theory in Social Gerontology - Jon Hendricks Later Life, Inequality and Sociological Theory - Sarah Irwin Diversity and the State of Sociological Aging Theory - Julie Ann McMullin Should the Economic Life Course Be Redesigned? - John F Myles and Deborah Street Volume Two: Forms and Practice Part One: Ageing in Pre-Industrial Societies Aging and Modernization: A Revision of the Theory - Donald O Cowgill Growing Old in Inuit Society - Lee Guemple "If You Got Everything, It's Good Enough": Perspectives on Successful Aging in a Canadian Inuit Community - Peter Collings Old Age among the Chipewyan - H S Sharp Part Two: Ageing Historically Old Age and Modernization - W A Achenbaum and P N Stearns The World We Forgot: Historical Views of the Life Course - Martin Kohli The Impact of Past Conflicts and Social Disruption in Cambodia on the Current Generation of Older Adults - Zachary Zimmer et al Part Three: Youth and Ageing Attitudes towards Aging: A Comparative Analysis of Young Adults from the United States and Germany - Jasmin Tahmaseb McConatha et al The Old and the Young in Modern Societies - B L Neugarten Part Four: Images of Ageing and Ageism Three Faces of Ageism: Society, Image and Place - K McHugh Ageism and Ageist Language across the Life Span: Intimate Relationships and Non-Intimate Interactions - John F Nussbaum et al What Can Homosexual Aging Studies Contribute to Theories of Aging? - John Alan Lee Part Five: Aging and Identity Identity Foreclosure: Women's Experiences of Widowhood as Expressed in Autobiographical Accounts - Deborah Kestin van den Hoonaard Self, Society and the 'New Gerontology' - Martha B Holstein and Meredith Minkler Part Six: The Very Old Understanding the Caring Capacity of Informal Networks of Frail Seniors: A Case for Care Networks - N Keating et al Hydra Revisited: Substituting Formal for Self- and Informal In-Home Care among Older Adults with Disabilities - M J Penning Social Support in Later Life: A Study of Three Areas - J Phillips et al Part Seven: Fear of Ageing Fear of Personal Aging and Subjective Well-Being in Later Life - D L Klenmack and L L Roff Volume Three: Key Dimensions Part One: Ageing and Life Course Age Differentiation and the Life Course - G H Elder, Jr. Aging and Generational Relations: A Historical and Life Course Perspective - T K Hareven Work and the Life-Course: A Cosmopolitan-Local Perspective - Walter R Heinz Part Two: Ageing and Work/Leisure Multiple Role Occupancy in Midlife: Balancing Work and Family Life in Britain - M Evandrou, K Glaser and U Henz Midcourse: Reconfiguring Careers and Community Service for a New Life Stage - P Moen Estimating the Influence of Health as a Risk Factor on Unemployment: A Survival Analysis of Employment Durations for Workers Surveyed in the German Socio-Economic Panel (1984-1990) - J O Arrow The Self-Designed Career in Later Life: A Study of Older Portfolio Workers in the United Kingdom - Kerry Platman Ageism, Age Relations and Garment Industry Workers in Montreal - Julie A McMullin and Victor W Marshall Part Three: Ageing and Gender Gender, Class and Income Inequalities in Later Life - Jay Ginn and Sara Arber Women and Ageing: A Sociological Perspective - Susan A. McDaniel The Double Standard of Aging - Susan Sontag Part Four: Ageing and Health Apocalypse No: Population Aging and the Future of Health Care Systems - Robert G Evans et al Paradigms of Retirement: The Importance of Health and Ageing in the Whitehall II Study - G Mein et al How Indicators of Socioeconomic Status Relate to Physical Functioning of Older Adults in Three Asian Societies - Zachary Zimmer et al Part Five: Ageing and Sexuality New Sex for Old: Lifestyle, Consumerism and the Ethics of Aging Well - Stephen Katz and Barbara Marshall Part Six: Ageing and Family Generational Differences and the Developmental Stake - V L Bengtson and J A Kuypers "My Daughter Has a Career; I Just Raised Babies": The Psychological Consequences of Women's Intergenerational Social Comparisons - Debora Carr Part Seven: Ageing and Culture/Ethnicity Decline in Material Family Support for Older People in Urban Ghana, Africa: Understanding Processes and Causes of Change - Isabella Aboderin What's the Latest? Cultural Age Deadlines for Family Transitions - R Settersten and G Hagestad Living Arrangements of Elderly Chinese and Japanese in the United States - Yoshinori Kamo and Min Zhou Race, Ethnicity and Aging: Conceptual and Methdological Issues - K Markides, J Liang and J S Jackson Volume Four: Key Debates Part One: Theory versus Practice Aging Well with Friends and Family - R G Adams and R Blieszner Disability Theory and Public Policy: Implications for Critical Gerontology - J Kennedy and M Minkler Bridging the Knowledge Gap: From Evidence to Policy and Practice That Fosters Seniors' Independence - E Shapiro and B Havens Who Theorizes Age? - Jaber F Gubrium and B Wallace The Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging: From Conception to Implementation - Alexandre Sidorenko and Alan Walker Part Two: Population Ageing Policy Challenges (or not?) On the Demography of Aging - J S Siegel Demographic Aging as a Guiding Paradigm in Canada's Welfare State - Susan A McDaniel Intergenerational Transfers, Social Solidarity and Social Policy: Unanswered Questions and Policy Challenges - Susan A McDaniel Part Three: Longevity and Extension of Life Span The Compression of Morbidity - James F Fries Part Four: Ageing Bodies Older Women's Perceptions of Ideal Body Weights: The Tensions between Health and Appearance Motivations for Weight Loss - Laura Hurd Clarke The Everyday Visibility of the Aging Body - Jaber F Gubrium and James A Holstein Busy Bodies: Activity, Aging and the Management of Everyday Life - Stephen Katz The Body, Gender and Age: Feminist Insights in Social Gerontology - Julia Twigg Part Five: Critical Gerontology the Challenge of Critical Gerontology: The Problem of Social Constitution - Jan Baars The Globalization of Capital, the Welfare State and Old Age Policy - C L Estes and C Phillipson Social Security Privatization and Older Women: A Feminist Political Economy Perspective - Carroll Estes Growing Older without Aging? Positive Aging, Anti-Ageism and Anti-Aging - Stephen Katz Civic Engagement and Older Adults: A Critical Perspective - M Martinson and M Minkler Generationing Gender: Justice and the Division of Welfare - Susan A McDaniel Growing Old and Resistance: Towards a New Cultural Economy of Old Age? - Emmanuelle Tulle-Winton

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