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Edited by Professor Susan A. McDaniel
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The study of ageing is a fundamental issue for social science. Age is seen much less as a "natural" developmental phase of life and more as a socio-cultural construct. This opens opportunities to new ways to see ageing as a social process and factor in power relations, and for examining in theory and in empirical research, the intersections of age with class, race, gender and sexuality. In four volumes this MW examines: Volume 1: Origins, Theories and Practical Concerns (Classic approaches and contemporary thinkers); Volume 2: Forms and Practice (ageing in pre-industrial societies; ageing historically; aging and identity); Volume 3: Key Dimensions (ageing and life course; ageing and work/leisure; ageing and gender; ageing and health; ageing and sexuality; ageing and family; ageing and culture/ethnicity) and Volume 4: Key Debates (theory versus practice; ageing bodies; critical gerontology

Volume One: Origins, Theories and Practical Concerns Part One: Social Sciences, Gerontology and Geriatrics The State of Theory in Aging and the Social Sciences - Victor W Marshall Aging as a Challenge for Sociological Theory - Martin Kohli Part Two: Classic Approaches Structural/Political Economy The Political and Moral Economy of Aging: Not Such Strange Bedfellows - M Minkler and T R Cole The Structural Dependency of the Elderly: A Creation of Social Policy in the Twentieth Century - P Townsend Towards a Political Economy of Old Age - Alan Walker Theory of the Third Age The Third Age, the Fourth Age and the Future - Peter Laslett Developmental/Role Theory/Activity and Disengagement Theory A Personal and Social Philosophy of Old Age - R Havighurst and R Albrecht Further Thoughts on the Theory of Disengagement - Elaine Cumming Social Gerontology and the Age Stratification of Society - M W Riley Biography and Life Course Age Norms, Age Constraints and Adult Socialization - B L Neugarten, J W Moore and J C Lowe Generational Change The Problem of Generations - Karl Mannheim Cultural Change Strategic Generations: Historical Change, Literary Expression and Generational Politics - Bryan Turner Part Three: Contemporary Thinkers Friends or Foes: Gerontological and Feminist Theory - S Reinharz Re-Engaging the Disengagement Theory of Aging: On the History and Assessment of Theory Development in Gerontology - W A Achenbaum and Vern L Bengston The Invisibility of Age: Gender and Class in Later Life - Sara L Arber and Jay Ginn Theory, Explanation and a Third Generation of Theoretical Development in Social Gerontology - Vern L Bengston, E O Burgess and T M Parrott A Foucauldian Analysis of Old Age and the Power of Social Welfare - Simon Biggs and Jason L Powell Feminist Gerontology and Old Men - Toni Calasanti Old Age, Retirement and the Social Class Structure: Towards and Analysis of the Structural Dynamics of the Latter Stage of Life - Anne-Marie Guillemard Generations and the Generation of Theory in Social Gerontology - Jon Hendricks Later Life, Inequality and Sociological Theory - Sarah Irwin Diversity and the State of Sociological Aging Theory - Julie Ann McMullin Should the Economic Life Course Be Redesigned? - John F Myles and Deborah Street Volume Two: Forms and Practice Part One: Ageing in Pre-Industrial Societies Aging and Modernization: A Revision of the Theory - Donald O Cowgill Growing Old in Inuit Society - Lee Guemple "If You Got Everything, It's Good Enough": Perspectives on Successful Aging in a Canadian Inuit Community - Peter Collings Old Age among the Chipewyan - H S Sharp Part Two: Ageing Historically Old Age and Modernization - W A Achenbaum and P N Stearns The World We Forgot: Historical Views of the Life Course - Martin Kohli The Impact of Past Conflicts and Social Disruption in Cambodia on the Current Generation of Older Adults - Zachary Zimmer et al Part Three: Youth and Ageing Attitudes towards Aging: A Comparative Analysis of Young Adults from the United States and Germany - Jasmin Tahmaseb McConatha et al The Old and the Young in Modern Societies - B L Neugarten Part Four: Images of Ageing and Ageism Three Faces of Ageism: Society, Image and Place - K McHugh Ageism and Ageist Language across the Life Span: Intimate Relationships and Non-Intimate Interactions - John F Nussbaum et al What Can Homosexual Aging Studies Contribute to Theories of Aging? - John Alan Lee Part Five: Aging and Identity Identity Foreclosure: Women's Experiences of Widowhood as Expressed in Autobiographical Accounts - Deborah Kestin van den Hoonaard Self, Society and the 'New Gerontology' - Martha B Holstein and Meredith Minkler Part Six: The Very Old Understanding the Caring Capacity of Informal Networks of Frail Seniors: A Case for Care Networks - N Keating et al Hydra Revisited: Substituting Formal for Self- and Informal In-Home Care among Older Adults with Disabilities - M J Penning Social Support in Later Life: A Study of Three Areas - J Phillips et al Part Seven: Fear of Ageing Fear of Personal Aging and Subjective Well-Being in Later Life - D L Klenmack and L L Roff Volume Three: Key Dimensions Part One: Ageing and Life Course Age Differentiation and the Life Course - G H Elder, Jr. Aging and Generational Relations: A Historical and Life Course Perspective - T K Hareven Work and the Life-Course: A Cosmopolitan-Local Perspective - Walter R Heinz Part Two: Ageing and Work/Leisure Multiple Role Occupancy in Midlife: Balancing Work and Family Life in Britain - M Evandrou, K Glaser and U Henz Midcourse: Reconfiguring Careers and Community Service for a New Life Stage - P Moen Estimating the Influence of Health as a Risk Factor on Unemployment: A Survival Analysis of Employment Durations for Workers Surveyed in the German Socio-Economic Panel (1984-1990) - J O Arrow The Self-Designed Career in Later Life: A Study of Older Portfolio Workers in the United Kingdom - Kerry Platman Ageism, Age Relations and Garment Industry Workers in Montreal - Julie A McMullin and Victor W Marshall Part Three: Ageing and Gender Gender, Class and Income Inequalities in Later Life - Jay Ginn and Sara Arber Women and Ageing: A Sociological Perspective - Susan A. McDaniel The Double Standard of Aging - Susan Sontag Part Four: Ageing and Health Apocalypse No: Population Aging and the Future of Health Care Systems - Robert G Evans et al Paradigms of Retirement: The Importance of Health and Ageing in the Whitehall II Study - G Mein et al How Indicators of Socioeconomic Status Relate to Physical Functioning of Older Adults in Three Asian Societies - Zachary Zimmer et al Part Five: Ageing and Sexuality New Sex for Old: Lifestyle, Consumerism and the Ethics of Aging Well - Stephen Katz and Barbara Marshall Part Six: Ageing and Family Generational Differences and the Developmental Stake - V L Bengtson and J A Kuypers "My Daughter Has a Career; I Just Raised Babies": The Psychological Consequences of Women's Intergenerational Social Comparisons - Debora Carr Part Seven: Ageing and Culture/Ethnicity Decline in Material Family Support for Older People in Urban Ghana, Africa: Understanding Processes and Causes of Change - Isabella Aboderin What's the Latest? Cultural Age Deadlines for Family Transitions - R Settersten and G Hagestad Living Arrangements of Elderly Chinese and Japanese in the United States - Yoshinori Kamo and Min Zhou Race, Ethnicity and Aging: Conceptual and Methdological Issues - K Markides, J Liang and J S Jackson Volume Four: Key Debates Part One: Theory versus Practice Aging Well with Friends and Family - R G Adams and R Blieszner Disability Theory and Public Policy: Implications for Critical Gerontology - J Kennedy and M Minkler Bridging the Knowledge Gap: From Evidence to Policy and Practice That Fosters Seniors' Independence - E Shapiro and B Havens Who Theorizes Age? - Jaber F Gubrium and B Wallace The Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging: From Conception to Implementation - Alexandre Sidorenko and Alan Walker Part Two: Population Ageing Policy Challenges (or not?) On the Demography of Aging - J S Siegel Demographic Aging as a Guiding Paradigm in Canada's Welfare State - Susan A McDaniel Intergenerational Transfers, Social Solidarity and Social Policy: Unanswered Questions and Policy Challenges - Susan A McDaniel Part Three: Longevity and Extension of Life Span The Compression of Morbidity - James F Fries Part Four: Ageing Bodies Older Women's Perceptions of Ideal Body Weights: The Tensions between Health and Appearance Motivations for Weight Loss - Laura Hurd Clarke The Everyday Visibility of the Aging Body - Jaber F Gubrium and James A Holstein Busy Bodies: Activity, Aging and the Management of Everyday Life - Stephen Katz The Body, Gender and Age: Feminist Insights in Social Gerontology - Julia Twigg Part Five: Critical Gerontology the Challenge of Critical Gerontology: The Problem of Social Constitution - Jan Baars The Globalization of Capital, the Welfare State and Old Age Policy - C L Estes and C Phillipson Social Security Privatization and Older Women: A Feminist Political Economy Perspective - Carroll Estes Growing Older without Aging? Positive Aging, Anti-Ageism and Anti-Aging - Stephen Katz Civic Engagement and Older Adults: A Critical Perspective - M Martinson and M Minkler Generationing Gender: Justice and the Division of Welfare - Susan A McDaniel Growing Old and Resistance: Towards a New Cultural Economy of Old Age? - Emmanuelle Tulle-Winton

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