Disability Classification in Education

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781412938761

Issues and Perspectives

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By Lani Florian, Margaret J. McLaughlin
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Lani Florian is a Professor and Bell Chair of Education at the University of Edinburgh and Visiting Professor of Special Education at the University of Vienna. She is an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences (UK). Her research interests include models of provision for meeting the needs of all learners, and inclusive pedagogy. She is co-author of Achievement and Inclusion in Schools, winner of the 2008 NASEN/Times Education Supplement academic book award. She has consulted on special needs education and inclusion for a number of international organisations including Open Society Foundations, UNICEF, and the OECD. Margaret McLaughlin has been involved in special education all of her professional career, beginning as a teacher of students with serious emotional and behavior disorders. Currently she is the associate director of the Institute for the Study of Exceptional Children, a research institute within the College of Education at the University of Maryland. She directs several national projects investigating educational reform and students with disabilities, including the national Educational Policy Reform Research Institute (EPRRI), a consortium involving the University Maryland; The National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO); and the Urban Special Education Collaborative. She also directs a national research project investigating special education in charter schools and leads a policy leadership doctoral and postdoctoral program in conducting large-scale research in special education. McLaughlin has worked in Bosnia, Nicaragua, and Guatemala in developing programs for students with developmental disabilities. She has consulted with numerous state departments of education and local education agencies on issues related to students with disabilities and the impact of standards-driven reform policies. McLaughlin co-chaired the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Goals 2000 and Students with Disabilities, which resulted in the report Educating One and All. She was a member of the NAS committee on the disproportionate representation of minority students in special education. McLaughlin teaches graduate courses in disability policy and has written extensively in the area of school reform and students with disabilities. She earned her PhD at the University of Virginia and has held positions at the U.S. Office of Education and the University of Washington.

Preface Acknowledgments About the Authors Part I. International and Cross-National Contexts Within the Current Use of Disability Classification 1. Disability Classification in Education - Lani Florian, Margaret J. McLaughlin The Purpose of the Book Structure of the Book 2. Cross-National Comparisons of Special Education Classification Systems - Judith Hollenweger Approaches to Develop Indicators Relevant to Special Needs Education 3. A Supply Side Approach for a Resource-Based Classification System - Serge Ebersold, Peter Evans A Resource-Based Approach From a Comparative Perspective A Resource-Based Approach for Policy Monitoring 4. Evolving Dilemmas About Categorization - Klaus Wedell Categorization in a Historical Perspective Recent Conceptualizations of Categorization 5. Disability Classification, Categorization in Education: A US Perspective - Philip J. Burke, Kristin Ruedel Prior to 1975 The Hobbs Report IDEA 6A. Implications for Human and Civil Rights Entitlements: Stigma, Stereotypes, and Civil Rights in Disability Classification Systems - Diana Pullin Use of Classifications in Law Diminishing Disability 6B. Implications for Human and Civil Rights Entitlements: Disability Classification Systems and the Law of Special Education - Diana Pullin Applying IDEA Classifications IDEA and the No Child Left Behind Act New Contexts for Classification 7. The Classification of Pupils at the Educational Margins in Scotland: Shifting Categories and Frameworks - Sheila Riddell SEN Policy Frameworks Policy Frameworks and Classification Systems Policy Outcomes: Special Education and the Classification of Children in Scotland The Impact of Disability Legislation in Scotland The Education (Additional Support for Learning)(Scotland) Act 2004 Identifying Children With Additional Support Needs Rights of Appeal, Adjudication, and Mediation Inclusion and Additional Support for Learning Part II. Interaction and Impacts of Classification Policies on Educational Systems 8. Perspectives and Purposes of Disability Classification Systems: Implications for Teachers and Curriculum and Pedagogy - Brahm Norwich Different Kinds of Classifications Are Categories of Disabilities and Difficulties Used in Special Education Relevant to Teaching? Implications for Classification of Special Educational Needs Concluding Comments 9. Disability Classification and Teacher Education - Michael L. Hardman, John McDonnell Preparing Teachers by Disability Category Beyond Disability Categories: Preparing All Teachers for a Standards-Driven System 10. Disproportionality in Special Education: A Transatlantic Phenomenon - Alan Dyson, Elizabeth Kozleski Disproportionality in Special Education in the USA Disproportionality in Special Education in England Disproportionality in Two Countries 11. Classification of Children With Disabilities in the Context of Performance-Based Educational Reform? An Unintended Classification System - Katherine Nagle, Martha L. Thurlow Background Performance-Based Accountability: A New Classification System Part III. New Approaches to the Classification Dilemma 12. International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health - Rune J. Simeonsson, Nancy E. Simeonsson, Judith Hollenweger Defining and Classifying Childhood Disability Classification Problems in Education The Dimensional Paradigm of Disability Toward a Common Language of Disability in Special Education 13. Learning Disabilities in the United States: Operationalizing a Construct - Deborah L. Speece 14. Beyond the Dilemma of Difference: The Capability Approach on Disability and Special Educational Needs - Lorella Terzi Conceptualizing Differences in Education: Disability and Special Educational Needs Reconceptualizing Disability: The Capability Approach Beyond the Dilemma of Difference: The Capability Approach in Education 15. Concluding Thoughts: On Perspectives and Purposes of Disability Classification Systems in Education - Martyn Rouse, Kelly Henderson, Lou Danielson References Index

"Makes a strong contribution to the field, illuminating many issues and significant concerns." -- Mary Carlson, Special Education Teacher "A unique, timeless collection that raises interesting questions about disability classification internationally." -- Wendy Dallman, Special Education Teacher

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