John Dunlosky is Associate Professor of Psychology at Kent State University. He received his Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the University of Washington in 1993. He has been extensively involved in metacogntive research, both theoretical and applied, for over 15 years and has written journal articles and book chapters and has edited monographic volumes on the topic, including Hacker, Dunlosky, and Graesser's Metacognition in Educational Theory and Practice (LEA, 1998). He has worked with grants from the Department of Education, the National Institute on Aging, and elsewhere on applied cognitive research and applying metacognition to learning. He is on the editorial board of the newly established journal Metacognition and Learning. Janet Metcalfe is Professor of Psychology and of Neurobiology and Behavior at Columbia University. She has been extensively involved in metacognitive research, both theoretical and applied, for over 15 years and has written journal articles and book chapters and has edited monographic volumes on the topic, including Metcalfe and Shimamura's Metacognition: Knowing about Knowing (MIT, 1994). She is on the editorial board of the newly established journal Metacognition and Learning.
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Preface Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. History Comte's Paradox and Turn-of-the-20th-Century Introspection Some Shortcomings of Introspectionism The Cognitive Renaissance The Return of Introspection and the Rise of the Metacognitive School of Psychology SECTION 1: Basic Metacognitive Judgments Chapter 3. Methods and Analyses Metamemory: Measures and Questions Metamemory: Collecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting Data Overview of the Remaining Chapters on Basic Metacognitive Judgments Chapter 4. Feelings of Knowing and Tip-of-the-Tongue States Theories About Feeling-of-Knowing Judgments Tip-of-the-Tongue States Brain Bases of FOK States Functions of Feelings of Knowing Chapter 5. Judgments of Learning Do All Monitoring Judgments Tap the Same Information? Variables Influencing JOL Accuracy Theories About Judgments of Learning Function of Judgments of Learning Chapter 6. Confidence Judgments Factors Influencing RC Accuracy Theories About Retrospective Confidence Function of Retrospective Judgments Chapter 7. Source Judgments Factors That Influence Source-Monitoring Accuracy The Source-Monitoring Framework Breakdowns of Source and Reality Monitoring Brain Bases of Source-Monitoring Judgments SECTION 2: Applications Chapter 8. Law and Eyewitness Accuracy Confidence and False Memories Does Witness Confidence Matter to Jurors? Lying Hindsight Bias Chapter 9. Education General Models of Student Self-Regulated Learning Student Metacognition in Specific Domains SECTION 3: Life-Span Development Chapter 10. Childhood Development Development of Theory of Mind Development of Metamemory Relationship Between ToM and Metamemory Chapter 11. Older Adulthood What Do Older Adults Believe About Memory? Aging and Memory Monitoring Aging and Control of Learning and Retrieval References Index About the Authors