Adina Bloom Lewkowicz has an extensive background in prevention, education, expressive arts, and therapy. Most recently, Lewkowicz consulted with the Agnon School, in Ohio, providing programming and training in the area of social-emotional learning. For the past 20 years, Lewkowicz has been developing prevention curricula for schools throughout Ohio. She was the coordinator of the SAY (Social Advocates for Youth) Coalition of Bellefaire JCB in Cleveland, Ohio, providing prevention programs and materials for adolescents. Lewkowicz is the author of Teaching Emotional Intelligence: Strategies and Activities for Helping Students Make Effective Choices (Corwin Press). It is a stream-lined, teacher-friendly manual that thousands of teachers have used to help promote students' personal and academic success through the transmission of emotional, social, and life skills. Lewkowicz speaks and consults nationally on the book and related topics. As an arts educator, Lewkowicz developed a curriculum for an afterschool day care program, using the expressive arts to complement the standard school curriculum. Lewkowicz was the founder and director of The Jewish Ensemble Theater, combining values clarification and theatrical exercises in original dramatic productions for community and school audiences. For seven years, Lewkowicz was an artist-in-residence with the Ohio Arts Council, National Endowment for the Arts, providing theatrical residencies for youth and adolescents in elementary schools throughout Ohio. Lewkowicz continues to coach acting and voice privately, and provides workshops and inservice training to theaters, agencies, universities, and national organizations on the uses of drama in education, prevention, and therapy. As a therapist, Lewkowicz has worked with adolescents, providing prevention and early intervention services, individual and group counseling, and psychosocial drama groups. She has worked with adults with mental illness and dual diagnoses, using the arts in individual and group sessions, and she has also provided concrete and supportive services to senior adults in assisted living and senior residences. In addition, Lewkowicz is a professional actress and singer. As a speaker, Lewkowicz brings with her all her areas of experience and expertise as well as her theatrical background, offering presentations that are not only full of useful information, but highly enjoyable as well!
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Preface Acknowledgments About the Author Introduction: A Teacher Laments Section 1: Developing Emotional Skills 1. Understanding Choice-Making 2. Developing Group Choice-Making 3. Identifying Feelings 4. Understanding Assumptions 5. Examining and Lowering Anxiety 6. Becoming Aware of Feelings 7. Dealing With Anger 8. Examining and Accepting Responsibility 9. Choosing Happiness Section 2: Developing Social Skills 10. Developing Self-Acceptance 11. Examining Self-Measurement 12. Evaluating Unrealistic Expectations 13. Promoting Friendship 14. Strengthening Family 15. Learning About Put-Downs 16. Dealing With Peer Pressure 17. Examining Prejudice Section 3: Developing Life Skills 18. Looking at Manipulation 19. Strengthening Active Listening and Feedback Skills 20. Developing Assertiveness 21. Learning Communication and Negotiation 22. Building Study Skills 23. Clarifying Values and Consequences 24. Investigating Cheating 25. Investigating Stealing 26. Investigating Bullying 27. Investigating Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs 28. Getting Help 29. Taking Risks and Setting Goals Epilogue: A Teacher Rejoices Resource A: Reproducible Masters Resource B: Summary Activities References Index
"The sanest and safest kids on the planet are the ones who know who they are and how to make choices. The author has condensed this complex and critical process into one fantastic classroom manual." -- Michael Bradley, Psychologist and Author "Well organized and comprehensive. A great resource for teachers and counselors who want to focus more on emotional intelligence. Practitioners can choose the topics most relevant to their students." -- Jennifer Betters, School Counselor