The SAGE International Handbook of Educational Evaluation


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By Katherine E. Ryan, J. Bradley Cousins
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Katherine Ryan (B.S., Psychology, M.Ed., Special Education, Ph.D., Educational Psychology, University of Illinois - Urbana) is Associate Professor of Educational Psychology in the College of Education at UIUC. Her areas of specialization include Educational Measurement, Program Evaluation, and Applied Statistics, and she is currently Head of Measurement and Evaluation in the College of Education. Her research interests include assessment validation issues, particularly the evaluation of validity evidence based on response processes and consequences of assessments. Other interests include differential item/test functioning, and issues in program evaluation theory and practice. She teaches Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, Classroom Assessment, Introduction to Measurement, Introduction to Program Evaluation Theory, and Introduction to Evaluation Methods. She has edited two volumes of New Directions in Evaluation for the American Evaluation Association (AEA), one on evaluation as a democratic process, and the other on teaching evaluation in higher education. J. Bradley Cousins is professor of Evaluation at the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. Cousins' main interests are in program evaluation including participatory and collaborative approaches, use, and capacity building. He received his PhD in Educational Measurement and Evaluation from the University of Toronto in 1988. Throughout his career he has received several awards for his work in evaluation including the Contribution to Evaluation in Canada award (CES, 1999), the Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award for Theory in Evaluation (AEA, 2008) and the AERA Research on Evaluation Distinguished Scholar Award (2011). He has published many articles and books on evaluation and was editor of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation from 2002 to 2010. Throughout his career, Cousins has had considerable experience planning, delivering, and evaluating evaluation training and capacity building in Canada and abroad. Internationally he led evaluation capacity building in Central and West Africa and a major three and one-half year project in India. He is currently leading a nation-wide evaluation of teacher in-service training in that country in collaboration with several of the people he had previously trained. Cousins completed a three and one-half year term as director of the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services at the University of Ottawa in July 2015. He continues to be an active member of CRECS, which has a strong mandate for research and evaluation capacity building. For more information, visit

Introduction Acknowledgments PART I. THE EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION CONTEXT 1. Globalization and Policy Research in Education - Fazal Rizvi 2. Globalizing Influences on the Western Evaluation Imaginary - Thomas A. Schwandt 3. Fundamental Evaluation Issues in a Global Society - Nick L. Smith PART II. THE ROLE OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION 4. Evaluation, Method Choices, and Pathways to Consequences: Trying to Making Sense of How Evaluation Can Contribute to Sensemaking 5. Randomized Experiments and Quasi-Experimental Designs in Educational Research - Peter M. Steiner, Angela Wroblewski & Thomas D. Cook 6. Enhancing Impact Evidence on How Global Education Initiatives Work: Theory, Epistemological Foundations, and Principles for Applying Multiphase, Mixed Method Designs 7. The Evaluation of the Georgia Pre-K Program: An Example of a Scientific Evaluation of an Early Education Program - Gary T. Henry & Dana K. Rickman 8. Globalization-Blessing and Bane in Empirical Evaluation: Lessons in Three Acts - Jacob Marszalek & Debra D. Bragg 9. Science-Based Educational Evaluation and Student Learning in a Global Society: A Critical Appraisal - Lois-ellin Datta PART III. EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION, CAPACITY BUILDING, AND MONITORING 10. Evaluation, Accountability and Performance Measurement in National Education Systems: Trends, Methods, and Issues - Katherine E. Ryan 11. A Precarious Balance: Educational Evaluation Capacity Building in a Globalized Society 12. International Assessments and Indicators: How Will Assessments and Performance Indicators Improve Educational Policies and Practices in a Globalized Society? 13. Exemplary Case: Implementing Large-Scale Assessment of Education in Mexico 14. Inquiry-Minded District Leaders: Evaluation as Inquiry, Inquiry as Practice 15. Where Global Meets Local: Contexts, Constraints, and Consensus in School Evaluation in Ireland - Gerry McNamara & Joe O?Hara 16. Accountability and Capacity Building: Can They Live Together? PART IV. EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION AS LEARNING AND DISCOVERY 17. Learning-Oriented Educational Evaluation in Contemporary Society 18. Meaningfully Engaging With Difference Through Mixed Methods Educational Evaluation 19. Case Study Methods in Educational Evaluation - Linda Mabry 20. Developing a Community of Practice: Learning and Transformation Through Evaluation 21. Learning-in-(Inter)action: A Dialogical Turn to Evaluation and Learning 22. Educational Evaluation as Mediated Mutual Learning - John Elliott PART V. EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION IN A POLITICAL WORLD 23. Own Goals: Democracy, Evaluation, and Rights in Millennium Projects 24. Reclaiming Knowledge at the Margins: Culturally Responsive Evaluation in the Current Evaluation Moment 25. Evaluation for and by Navajos: A Narrative Case of the Irrelevance of Globalization - Stafford Hood 26. Dialogue, Deliberation and Democracy in Educational Evaluation: Theoretical Arguments and a Case Narrative 27. Pursuing the Wrong Indicators? The Development and Impact of Test-Based Accountability PART VI. EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION: OPPORTUNITIES AND NEW DILEMMAS 28. Evaluation and Educational Policymaking 29. Technology and Educational Evaluation - Michael Scriven 30. Serving the Public Interest Through Educational Evaluation: Salvaging Democracy by Rejecting Neoliberalism 31. Dilemmas for Educational Evaluation in a Globalized Society - J. Bradley Cousins & Katherine Ryan Author Index Subject Index About the Editors About the Contributors

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