63 Tactics for Teaching Diverse Learners, Grades 6-12

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781412942423

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Edited by Bob Algozzine, Pamela Campbell, Jianjun Adam Wang
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Bob Algozzine is a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at the University of North Carolina and project codirector of the U.S. Department of Education-supported Behavior and Reading Improvement Center. With 25 years of research experience and extensive firsthand knowledge of teaching students classified as seriously emotionally disturbed, Algozzine is a uniquely qualified staff developer, conference speaker, and teacher of behavior management and effective teaching courses. He is active in special education practice as a partner and collaborator with professionals in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools in North Carolina and as an editor of several journals focused on special education. Algozzine has written more than 250 manuscripts on special education topics, including many books and textbooks on how to manage emotional and social behavior problems. Pam Campbell is an associate professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. During her 35 years as an educator, she has taught university courses in instruction, assessment, curriculum, and classroom management for both general and special educators. In addition, she has been a public school teacher in general education, Chapter I, and special education classrooms. She served in the dual role of university professor and coordinator of seven professional development schools (PDS) at the University of Connecticut and currently serves at UNLV as coordinator of the Paradise PDS. Her research interests focus on linking the preparation of teacher candidates and sustained professional development of practicing teachers through technology. Her work has been published in TEACHING Exceptional Children, Remedial and Special Education, Record in Educational Leadership, the Professional Educator, and the Council for Administrators of Special Education. She is also the coauthor of Improving Social Competence: Techniques for Elementary Teachers. She has served the field of special education through numerous local, state, regional, and national presentations and as field reviewer for Exceptional Children, the Journal of Special Education Technology, TEACHING Exceptional Children, and Teacher Education and Special Education. She earned her PhD at the University of Florida. Jianjun (Adam) Wang is senior instructional technology specialist at Williams College. He has been responsible for collaborating in the design and development of STRIDE. He has also been instrumental in the implementation of STRIDE in the preparation of future teachers, as well as the ongoing professional development of practicing educators. He has served as an instructor in technology courses and made several regional, national, and international conference presentations related to the effective implementation of technology in education. His research interests concern how educational technology can enhance human learning and focus on developing Web-based learning and teaching tools to enhance the undergraduate learning experience. He earned his MA from the University of Connecticut.

Preface Acknowledgments About the Authors Part I. Planning Instruction 1. Decide What to Teach 2. Decide How to Teach 3. Communicate Realistic Expectations Part II. Managing Instruction 4. Prepare for Instruction 5. Use Time Productively 6. Establish Positive Environments Part III. Delivering Instruction 7. Present Information 8. Monitor Presentations 9. Adjust Presentations Part IV. Evaluating Instruction 10. Monitor Student Understanding 11. Monitor Engaged Time 12. Keep Records of Student Progress 13. Use Data to Make Decisions References Additional Readings Index

"This text is a valuable resource for educators responsible for implementing instruction for a diverse population. Grounded in research and theory, this book provides important foundational knowledge and outlines a comprehensive approach to the planning, management, delivery, and evaluation of instruction. It serves as a practical guide, reflective of current mandates while communicating realistic outcomes." -- Evelyn B. Barese, Assistant Professor of Education "This book leads you through useful tactics in four main areas of instruction, including: planning, managing, delivering, and evaluation. The tactics have been designed to help teachers' facilitate learning for all students across different subject areas. The information is very functional, including authentic examples from classroom teachers and research to support the effectiveness." -- Kelly O'Neal-Hixson, Assistant Professor of Special Education "What a wonderful and essential resource! In the age of differentiated instruction, this resource provides a wide array of authentic approaches that I can use in my classroom today! This book offers the reader real-life solutions to a challenge that teachers face every day: truly educating all students by giving them the tools they need to have a successful future." -- Kendra Sarabia, English Teacher "Special educators really need day-to-day tactics they can use in the school setting. This book provides those in spades-it gives teachers cutting-edge tips they can use Monday through Friday. The authors have hit one out of the park. This is a book all special educators will want to keep within easy reach." -- Rosemary Barton Tobin, Professor of Education

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