Kathleen Odell Korgen is Professor of Sociology at William Paterson University, a comprehensive university in Wayne, New Jersey. Kathleen enjoys teaching her students that sociology is a remarkably useful discipline and highlights how "Sociologists in Action" make a positive impact on society. Her published works on race relations and racial identity include From Black to Biracial, Crossing the Racial Divide, Multiracial Americans and Social Class, Race Policy and Multiracial Americans. Her teaching texts, in addition to Sociology in Action, include Our Social World, The Engaged Sociologist, Sociologists in Action, , and Social Problems in Action. Kathleen is also the editor of The Cambridge Handbook of Sociology. Kathleen works as a consultant for other sociology departments as a member of the American Sociological Association Departmental Resources Group and received William Paterson University's award for Excellence in Scholarship/Creative Expression in 2006 and the university's award for Excellence in Teaching in 2014.
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Section 1: Culture and Social Interaction 1. When Fiends become Friends: The Need to Belong and Perceptions of Personal and Group Discrimination - Mauricio Carvallo and Brett W. Pelham 2. Authentic Identities: Straightedge Subcultures, Music and the Internet - Patrick Williams 3. Differences between Actual and Perceived Student Norms: An Examination of Alcohol Use, Drug Use, and Sexual Behavior - Matthew P. Martens, Jennifer C. Page, Emily S. Mowry, Krista M. Damann, Kari K. Taylor, M. Dolores Cimini 4. The Influence of Friendship Groups on Intellectual Self-Confidence and Educational Aspirations in College - Anthony Lising Antonio Section 2: Social Structure, Social Institutions, and the Media 5. Unmarried with Children - Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas 6. Student Disengagement and the Socialization Styles of High Schools - Lisa A. Pellerin 7. "Regarding the Pain of Others": Media, Bias and the Coverage of International Disasters - Susan D. Moeller Section 3: Deviance and Crime 8. Political Culture and the Penalty - Patrick Fisher and Travis Pratt 9. Social Capital, Too Much of a Good Thing? American Religious Traditions and Community Crime - Kraig Beyerlein and John R. Hipp 10. Reconsidering Peers and Delinquency: How do Peers Matter? - Dana L. Haynie and D. Wayne Osgood 11. Exposure to Community Violence and Childhood Delinquency - Justin W. Patchin, Beth M. Huebner, John D. McCluskey, Sean P. Varano, and Timothy S. Bynum 12. Bullies Move Beyond the Schoolyard: A Preliminary Look at Cyberbullying - Justin W. Patchin and Sameer Hinduja Section 4: Social Stratification and Power 13. Mass Imprisonment and the Life Course: Race and Class Inequality in U.S. Incarceration - Becky Pettit and Bruce Western 14. Talk of Class: The Discursive Repertoires of White Working- and Upper-Middle-Class College Students - Jenny M. Stuber 15. A Place in Town: Doing Class in a Coffee Shop - Carrie Yodanis 16. Professional Capital: Blue-Collar Reflections on Class, Culture and the Academy - Mary Kosut Section 5: Race and Ethnicity 17. Race as Class - Herbert J. Gans 18. A Distorted Nation: Perceptions of Racial/Ethnic Group Sizes and Attitudes Toward Immigrants and Other Minorities - Richard Alba, Ruben G. Rumbaut, and Karen Marotz 19. The Opportunity Costs of Admissions Preferences at Elite Universities - Thomas J. Espenshade and Chang Y. Chung 20. Circles of Influence and Chains of Command: The Social Processes Whereby Ethnic Communities Influence Host Societies - Anthony M. Orum Section 6: Sex and Gender 21. Divorce Culture and Marital Gender Equality: A Cross-National Study - Carrie Yodanis 22. I Just Want to Play: Women, Sexism, and Persistence in Golf - Lee McGinnis, Julia McQuillan, and Constance L. Chapple 23. I'm Not Thinking of It as Sexual Harrassment: Understanding Harassment across Race and Citizenship - Sandy Welsh, Jacquie Carr, Barbara MacQuarrie, and Audrey Huntley 24. Multiple Masculinities? Teenage Boys Talk about Jocks and Gender - C.J. Pascoe 25. William Wants a Doll. Can He Have One? Feminists, Child Care Advisors, and Gender-Neutral Child Rearing - Karin A. Martin Section 7: Global Issues 26. Sociology of Terrorism - Austin Turk 27. Free-Market Ideology and Environmental Degradation: The Case of Belief in Global Climate Change - Yuko Heath and Robert Gifford 28. Glocommodification: How the Global Consumes the Local - McDonald's in Israel - Uri Ram 29. 'In the Court of Public Opinion:' Transnational Problem Construction in the HIV/AIDS Medicine Access Campaign, 1998-2001 - Thomas Olesen Section 8: Social Movements and Social Change 30. Making Theological Sense of the Migration Journey from Latin America: Catholic, Protestant and Interfaith Perspectives - Jacqueline Hagan 31. Hate Crime Reporting as a Successful Social Movement Outcome - Rory McVeigh, Michael R. Welch, Thorodurr Bjarnason 32. Culture Jamming: A Sociological Perspective - Vince Carducci 33. Corporate Citizenship and Social Responsibility in a Globalized World - Juan Jose Palacios