Martyn Hammersley is an emeritus professor of educational and social research at The Open University, UK. He has carried out research in the sociology of education and the sociology of the media. However, much of his work has been concerned with the methodological issues surrounding social enquiry. He has written several books including (with Paul Atkinson) Ethnography: Principles in Practice (fourth edition, Routledge, 2019), The Dilemma of Qualitative Method (Routledge, 1989), The Politics of Social Research (SAGE, 1995), Reading Ethnographic Research (second edition, Longman, 1997), Taking Sides in Social Research (Routledge, 2000), Educational Research, Policymaking and Practice, (London, Paul Chapman/SAGE, 2002), Questioning Qualitative Inquiry (SAGE, 2008), Methodology Who Needs It? (SAGE, 2011), The Myth of Research-Based Policy and Practice (SAGE, 2013), The Limits of Social Science (SAGE, 2014), and The Concept of Culture (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019). Website:

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Introduction PART ONE: DEBATES ABOUT EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE 1. Teaching as a research-based profession: possibilities and prospects. David Hargreaves 2. Educational research and teaching: a response to David Hargreaves' TTA Lecture. Martyn Hammersley 3. In defence of research for evidence-based teaching: a rejoinder to Martyn Hammersley. David Hargreaves 4. A reply to Hargreaves. Martyn Hammersley 5. Making evidence-based practice educational. John Elliott 6. Making Evidence-based practice educational: a rejoinder to John Elliott. Ann Oakley 7. Evidence-informed policy and practice: challenges for social science. Ann Oakley 8. Intellectuals or technicians? The urgent role of theory in educational studies. Stephen J Ball 9. Beyond reflection: contingency, idiosyncrasy and reflexivity in initial teacher education. Alex Moore PART TWO: THE NATURE OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 10. On the kinds of research in educational settings. Michael Bassey 11. The paradigm wars and their aftermath: a "historical" sketch of research on teaching since 1989. Nathaniel Gage 12. Action research. Stephen Kemmis 13. Increasing the generalisability of qualitative research. Janet W Schofield 14. Critical incidents and learning about risks: the case of young people and their health. Martyn Denscombe 15. Interrogating the discourse of home-school relations: the case of parents' evenings. Maggie MacLure with Barbara Walker 16. Labouring to learn?: industrial training for slow learners. Paul Atkinson, David Shone and Teresa Rees 17. An appraisal of Labouring to learn. Martyn Hammersley 18. The obviousness of social and educational research results. Nathaniel Gage