Dr Sara Delamont, DSc Econ, AcSS. read Social Anthropology at Girton College Cambridge, did her PhD at Edinburgh, and lectured at Leicester before moving to Cardiff in 1976. She was the first woman to be President of BERA (the British Education Research Association) and the first woman Dean of Social Sciences at Cardiff. She has done ethnographies in schools, and other settings where teaching and learning take place such as operatic master classes and martial arts studios. With Paul Atkinson she is the Founding Editor of Qualitative Research, and is the author of fourteen books. Paul Atkinson is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Cardiff University. Recent publications include For Ethnography (SAGE 2014) and Thinking Ethnographically (SAGE 2017). The fourth book in his quartet will be Crafting Ethnography, also for SAGE. The fourth edition of Hammersley and Atkinson Ethnography: Principles in Practice was published by Routledge in 2019. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and of the Learned Society of Wales.
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VOLUME ONE: CONTEXTS AND THEORY Historical Contexts Elsie Clews Parsons in the Southwest - L.A. Hieb Mourning Dove's Canadian Recovery Years 1917-1919 - A. Brown Ella Deloria: The emic voice - B. Medicine Finding Her Sociological Voice: The work of mirra komarovsky - S. Reinharz Multiple Mediations in Zora Neale Hurston's Mules and Men - G. Hernandez Ruth Landes in Brazil - S. Cole Significant Sister: Autonomy and obligation in Audrey Richards' early fieldwork - J. Gladstone 'She Was "Very" Cambridge: Camilla Wedgwood and the history of women in British social anthropology - N. Lutkehaus Beatrice Webb's Romance with Ethnography - A.L. Ardis Theoretical Contexts An Analysis of Ideological Structures - D. Smith Veil of Illusion - C. Nelson and V. Olesen Knowers, Knowing, Known - M.E. Hawkesworth Feminist Theory and Sociology - J.S. Chafetz The Impact of Feminist Thought on Sociology - P. England Feminism and Epistemology - J. Holmwood The Coming of Age of Feminist Sociology - L. Roseneil An Awkward Relationship - M. Strathern Situated Knowledges - D. Haraway The Problem of Bias in Androcentric and Feminist Anthropology - N. Scheper-Hughes VOLUME TWO: GENDER ROLES IN RESEARCH Women Researching Women It's Great to Have Someone to Talk to - J. Finch Interviewing Women - K. Langellier and D. Hall Interviewing Women - A. Oakley When Gender is Not Enough: Women interviewing women - C.K. Riessman Gender and Age in Fieldwork and Fieldwork Education - R.H. Wax Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography? - J. Stacey Dialogue across the Divides - D. Luff Some Methodological and Epistemological Issues - D. Millen Women Researching Men Gender and Method in Folklore Fieldwork - M. Camitta Not 'One of The Boys': Women researching the police - R. Horn The Development of Rapport through the Negotiation of Gender in Fieldwork among Police - K. Ramsay Emotional Labour and Qualitative Research: How I learned not to laugh or cry in the field - J. Hunt (In) Secure Times: Constructing white working-class masculinity in the late 20th century - M. Fine, L. Weis, J. Addestrom and J. Marusza Men Researching Women Women and Class Analysis - M. Stanworth Do Her Answers Fit His Questions? - H. Graham Bringing the Men Back in - B. Reskin Sex Bias in Research Design - K.E. Grady Men Researching Men Cool Guys, Swots and Wimps - R.W. Connell Structural Aporias and White Masculinities - S.D. Farough A Man in the Making: Sexual masculinities within changing training cultures - C. Haywood and M. Mac An Ghaill On Becoming a Male Physical Education Teacher - A. Skelton VOLUME THREE: FEMINIST METHODS Feminist Research, Feminist Consciousness and Experience - L. Stanley and S. Wise Hand, Brain and Heart - H. Rose Feminist Methodology - S. Clegg The Value Of Quantitative Methods - T.E. Jayaratne Methods, Practice and Epistemology - M. Maynard The New Feminist Scholarship - M. Komarovsky Is There an Association Between Gender and Methods in Sociological Research? - L. Grant Et Al. Locked in Uneasy Sisterhood - L.R. Bloom The Progressive Verification Method - J.M. Billson Roundtable Discussion on Feminist Methodology - K.M. Brown Knowledge and Women's Interests - J.A. Cook and M.M. Fonow Beginning where we Are - K. Anderson Et Al. Quality and Quantity: Reconstructing feminist methodology - J. Sprague and M.K. Zimmerman Talking and Listening from Women's Standpoint: Feminist strategies for interviewing and analysis - M.L. Devault Claims and Disclaimers: Knowledge, reflexivity and representation in feminist research - G. Letherby Feminist Methods and Postmodernism The Unhappy Relationship of Feminism and Postmodernism - D.A. Gordon Science, Gender and Women's Liberation: An argument against postmodernism - A. Oakley Feminism, Epistemology and Postmodernism - G. Mclennan Confessions of a Ragpicker - S. Delamont Feminism, Sociology of Scientific Knowledge and Postmodernism - V. Singleton Drawing the Line at Angels - P. Lather Doing Feminist Educational Theory - S. Middleton Postmodernism and Gender Relations in Feminist Theory - J. Flax Kinship between Judith Butler and Anthropology? - T. Strong VOLUME FOUR: MEN'S STUDIES, QUEER THEORY, POLIVOCALITY Men, Masculinity and the Process of Sociological Enquiry - D. Morgan The New Men's Studies: Part of the problem or part of the solution? - J. Canaan and C. Griffin What is Problematic About Masculinities? - K. Clatterbaugh Toward a New Sociology Masculinity - T. Carrigan, B. Connell and J. Lee Theorizing Men and Men's Theorizing: Varieties of discursive practices in men's theorizing of men - J. Hearn Queer Theory and Queer Methods Fieldwork in The Gay World - C.A.B. Warren From Hiding Out to Coming Out - P. Griffin Self and Identity in a Postmodern World - W.G. Tierney Hegemonic Heterosexual Masculinity - B. Frank Queer Fears: Against the cultural turn - T. Edwards I Can't Even Think Straight: Queer theory and the missing sexual revolution in sociology - A. Stein and K. Plummer Polyvocality and the Right to Speak Towards an Anti-Racist Feminism - J. Bourne Sociological Theory: Methods of writing patriarchy - D. Smith Unsexed and Ungendered Bodies - S. Grand The Romance of Resistance - L. Abu-Lughod History in the Making, Narrative as Feminist Text and Practice in a Mexican Feminist Journal - J. Guzik, and J.C. Gorlier The Woman who didn't Become a Shaman - M. Wolf