The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment


Personality Measurement and Testing (Volume 2)

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Edited by Gregory J. Boyle, Gerald Matthews, Ph.D Saklofske Donald H
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Professor Boyle has spent over three decades undertaking quantitative research in the field of psychometrics, as related to the measurement of individual differences in personality, intelligence, and motivation, as well as undertaking studies within the fields of neuropsychology, clinical psychology, and educational psychology. In more recent years, he has applied his extensive research skills to studies within the broad fields of medical/health psychology, and has undertaken many studies within the area of women's health. Lately, he has focused his attention more on research topics pertaining to men's health. My research focuses on the study of individual differences with an emphasis on personality and intelligence, including emotional intelligence. These studies and resulting publications are theoretical and practical as well as correlational and experimental. The opportunity for cross-cultural studies has significantly broadened the scope of this research. Also, my recent research interests in emotional intelligence, including emotions and social cognition is motivated by the current emphasis on prevention, resiliency, psychological health, and building capacity. Publications of some of my more recent books, book chapters and journal articles are included in the publications link.

1 Personality Measurement and Testing: An Overview - Gregory J. Boyle, Gerald Matthews and Donald H. Saklofske PART I GENERAL METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES 2 Measures of the Personality Factors Found Recurrently in Human Lexicons - Gerard Saucier 3 Cross-Cultural Personality Assessment - Fons J.R. van de Vijver and Dianne A. van Hemert 4 Measurement Issues Concerning a Personality Model Spanning Temperament, Character, and Experience - Chris J. Jackson PART II MULTIDIMENSIONAL PERSONALITY INSTRUMENTS 5 The California Psychological Inventory - 434- and 260-item Editions - Douglas P. Boer, Nicola J. Starkey and Andrea M. Hodgetts 6 The Comyrey Personality Scales - Andrew L. Comrey 7 The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) - Heather E.P. Cattell and Alan D. Mead 8 Contribution of Cattellian Personality Instruments - Gregory J. Boyle and Keith Barton 9 The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) - Paul T. Costa, Jr. and Robert R. McCrae 10 The Eysenck Personality Measures: Fifty Years of Scale Development - Adrian Furnham, Sybil B.G. Eysenck and Donald H. Saklofske 11 Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ): An Operational Definition of the Alternative Five Factorial Model of Personality - Marvin Zuckerman 12 The HEXACO Model of Personality Structure - Michael C. Ashton and Kibeom Lee 13 Exploring Personality Through Test Construction: Development of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire - Auke Tellegen and Niels G. Waller PART III ASSESSMENT OF BIOLOGICALLY BASED TRAITS 14 Psychophysiological Window on Personality: Pragmatic and Philosophical Considerations - John J. Furedy 15 Psychophysiological Measurement of Personality - Eco de Geus and David L. Neumann 16 Genomic Imaging of Personality: Towards a Molecular Neurobiology of Impulsivity - Eliza Congdon and Turhan Canli 17 Temperament From a Psychometric Perspective: Theory and Measurement - Jan Strelau and Bogdan Zawadzki PART IV ASSESSMENT OF SELF-REGULATIVE TRAITS 18 From Situation Assessment to Personality: Building a Social-Cognitive Model of a Person - Vivian Zayas, Donna D. Whitsett, Jenna J.Y. Lee, Nicole Wilson and Yuichi Shoda 19 The Angry Personality: A Representation on Six Dimensions of Anger Expression - Ephrem Fernandez 20 Interpersonal Theory and the Measurement of Interpersonal Constructs - Leonard M. Horowitz, Bulent Turan, Kelly R. Wilson and Pavel Zolotsev 21 Measuring Emotional Intelligence as a Mental Ability in Adults and Children - Susan E. Rivers, Marc A. Brackett and Peter Salovey 22 The Measurement of Emotional Intelligence: A Decade of Progress? - Richard D. Roberts, Ralf Schulze and Carolyn MacCann PART V IMPLICIT, PROJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE MEASURES OF PERSONALITY 23 The Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire and the Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire - Ryan Y. Hong and Sampo V. Paunonen 24 Using Implicit Association Tests for the Assessment of Implicit Personality Self-Concept - Konrad Schnabel, Jens B. Asendorpf and Anthony G. Greenwald 25 The Objective-Analytic Test Battery - James M. Schuerger 26 Behavioral Measures of Personality in Children - Ellen W. Rowe, Alyssa M. Perna and Randy W. Kamphaus 27 The Projective Assessment of Personality Structure and Pathology - Mark A. Blais and Matthew R. Baity PART VI ABNORMAL PERSONALITY TRAIT INSTRUMENTS 28 Modern Applications of the MMPI/MMPI-2 in Assessment - Edward Helmes 29 The Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology (DAPP) - W. John Livesley and Roseann M. Larstone 30 The Personality Assessment Inventory - Leslie C. Morey and Suman Ambwani 31 The Assessment of Clinical Disorders Within Raymond Cattell's Personality Model 646 - Samuel E. Krug 32 The Logic and Methodology of the Millon Inventories - Theodore Millon

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