Environmental Sciences


A Student's Companion

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By Kenneth J. Gregory, Ian Simmons, Anthony Brazel, John W Day, Edward A Keller, Alejandro Yanez-Arancibia, Arthur G Sylvester
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Ken Gregory obtained his BSc, PhD and DSc from the University of London, was made CBE in 2007 for services to geography and higher education, and is currently President of the British Society for Geomorphology. Research interests include river channel change and management, palaeohydrology and the development of physical geography, and he has written more than 140 papers, authored and edited 30 books including The Earth's Land Surface (2010) and The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology (2011). He has 3 Honorary degrees, and received the Founder's Medal of the Royal Geographical Society (1993), the Linton award of the BGRG (1999), and the Geographical medal of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society (2000). Anthony Brazel is a retired geographer and climatologist who has written over 100 professional articles and reports on climate, focusing primarily at the local and regional scale. He has served as Laboratory of Climatology Director from 1979-1988, Arizona's governor-appointed State slimatologist from 1979-1999, geography departmental chair from 1991-1997, and manager of the Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy through the Center for Environmental Studies from 2001 to 2003. He is former member of the Board of Urban Environments of the American Meteorological Society and current member of the scholarship committee of the International Association on Urban Climate. He is a Fellow of American Association of the Advancement of Science and editor of the Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science.

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Introduction Anthropology Archaeology Atmospheric sciences Biogeography Biology Cartography Climatology Earth system science Ecology Ecosystem Environmental chemistry Environmental sciences Genetics Geoarchaeology Geochemistry Geology Geomorphology Glacial geomorphology Glaciology Human ecology Human Geography Hydrology Landscape architecture Limnology Meteorology Microclimate Oceanography Palaeoecology Palaeogeography Pedology Physical geography Physiology Seismology Soil science ENVIRONMENTS Introduction Antarctic environment Anthropogenic impact, Noosphere Arctic environments Arid zones/Deserts Atmosphere Biomes Biosphere Climate classfication Climate zones Coasts Cryosphere Deltas Earth spheres Earth structure Estuarine environments Fluvial environments Fossil fuels Glacial environments Glaciers Hydrosphere Karst Lithosphere Periglacial environments Permafrost Soil profiles Stratigraphy Temperate environments Tropical environments Troposphere Urban environments Vegetation and its classification PARADIGMS/CONCEPTS Introduction Biocomplexity Biodiversity/functional biodiversity Biogeochemical cycles Biomass Catastrophism Catastrophe theory Chaos theory Cultures Cycles Diaspora Environment Environmentalism Epistemology Equifinality Equilbrium Ergodicity Estuarine dependent or related species Evolution Gaia hypothesis General circulation models Greenhouse effect Habitat of coastal and marine fishes Hazards Holism Landscape Landsystems approach Modernism Natural resources Nature Ocean circulation Paradigms Perception Philosophy of science Place, sense of Postmodernism Process-form relationships Pulsing Reductionism Self-design Systems: Thoery, approach and analysis Thresholds Uniformitarianism PROCESSES AND DYNAMICS Introduction Acid rain Albedo Animal behaviour Carbon cycle Drainage basins Earthquakes Earth surface processes El Nino southern oscillation Energetics Energy Energy flux Energy and mass balance Environmental change Erosion rates Floods Geochemical cycles Hydrological cycle Lakes Minerals Natural production mechanisms of marine Fisheries Nitrogen cycle Plate tectonics Power and Energy Precipitation Productivity Radiation balance of the Earth River systems Rock types Soil Management Solar radiation Tectonics Volcanoes and Volcanism Weathering Wetlands SCALES AND TECHNIQUES Introduction Aesthetics Biological oxygen demand Climate modeling Cost benefit analysis Dating techniques, Radiometric and Isotopic dating Ecosystem approach Ecotechnology Expert systems Field studies and surveying in Geology Fossil record Fossils and Palaeontology GIS Global circulation models (GCM's) Geologic time Glaciations GPS Holocene Ice cores Isotopic dating Land evaluation Landscape ecology Modeling Pleistocene Quaternary Radiometric dating Remote sensing Rock classification Sea level change Timescales, Geologic UN programmes Vegetation and its classification ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Introduction Agenda 21 Climate change Climate forcing and feedbacks Climate sensitivity Coastal management Conservation of natural resources Deforestation Desertification Disasters Ecological engineering Ecological integrity Ecosystem-based management Energy scarcity Environmental ethics Environmental impact assessment Environmental law Environmental management Environmental perception Environmental policy Environmental values Fire Fishery management Genetic modification (GM) Geothermal energy Global change Global conventions and treaties Global dimming Global warming Human impacts on environment Integrated basin management Integrated coastal and marine management Limits to growth Ozone depletion Pollution of air and water Population growth Recycling Renewable energy Resource depletion Restoration of ecosystems Risk-based management Risk assessment Sensitivity Sustainability Sustainable development Thermohaline circulation Waste management Water resources Zoos, Botanical Gardens and museums

... an essential storehouse of knowledge for understanding the world around us and the sciences that investigate it. No educated person would think of trying to live a productive life without knowing the multiplication table, and no twenty-first century citizen should try to live an environmentally responsible life without the knowledge in this classic work - Professor William L. Graf University of South Carolina Environmental science students embarking on their courses in this fast changing area will find this book to be an essential companion, for it provides a wide-ranging, up-to-date summary of all the crucial issues and concepts of which they will need to be aware - Professor Andrew Goudie University of Oxford ...a key text that should be on the introductory reading list for any undergraduate environmental science and/or physical geography student. It would be of particular benefit to students starting their studies in environmental science who have no background in the subject, including post-graduate students embarking on a masters' course. I shall certainly recommend that my students purchase a copy Book Review Progress in Physical Geography

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