Inclusion and Diversity in Education


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Edited by Peter Hick, Gary Thomas
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Gary Thomas is a professor of education at the University of Birmingham. His teaching and research have focused on inclusion, special education and research methodology in education, with a particular focus on case study. He has co-edited the International Journal of Research and Method in Education and the British Educational Research Journal and is currently executive editor of Educational Review.

VOLUME 1 The Concept of Oppression and the Development of a Social Theory of Disability - P. Abberley Synthesis of Research on Compensatory and Remedial Education - L. W. Anderson and L. O. Pellicer The Repetition of Exclusion - J. Allan Inclusion as Social Justice: Critical notes on discourses, assumptions, and the road ahead - A.J. Artiles, N. Harris-Murri and D. Rostenberg The Historical Development of Special Education: Humanitarian rationality or 'wild profusion of entangled events'? - F. Armstrong Education Markets, Choice and Social Class: The market as a class strategy in the UK and the USA - S. J. Ball Competition, Selection and Inclusive Education: Some observations - L. Barton and R. Slee Normalisation, Needs and Schools - S. Carson Routes to Inclusion - P. Clough Pseudo-science and Dividing Practices: A genealogy of the first educational provision for pupils with learning difficulties - I. Copeland Special Education for the Mildly Retarded - is much of it Justifiable? - L.M. Dunn Reframing Justice in a Globalizing World - N. Fraser Reviewing the Literature on Integration - S. Hegarty The Process of Reconstruction: An overview - G. Leyden The Acquisition of a Child by a Learning Disability - R.P. McDermott Changing the Way We Think About Kids with Disabilities: A conversation with Tom Hehir - E. Miller Disability, Education and the Discourses of Justice - F. Rizvi and B. Lingard Driven to the Margins: Disabled students, inclusive schooling and the politics of possibility - R. Slee Witnessing Brown: Pursuit of an equity agenda in American education - A. Smith and E. B. Kozleski Inclusive Education: The ideals and the practice - G. Thomas, D. Walker and J. Webb Why a Sociology of Special Education - S. Tomlinson Brown vs. Board of Education - E. Warren VOLUME 2 Developing Inclusive Education Systems: What are the levers for change? - M. Ainscow Inclusion and the Standards Agenda: Negotiating policy pressures in England - M. Ainscow, T. Booth and A. Dyson The Politics of Official Knowledge: Does a national curriculum make sense? - M. Apple Reinventing 'Inclusion': New Labour and the cultural politics of special education - D. Armstrong Learning in Inclusive Education Research: Re-mediating theory and methods with a transformative agenda. - A.J. Artiles, E. Kozleski, S. Dorn and C. Christensen Inclusion in Action: An in-depth case study of an effective inclusive secondary school in the south-west of England - E. Avramidis, P. Bayliss and R. Burden Getting Started - D. Biklen The Development of Young Children's Ethnic Identities: Implications for early years practice - P. Connolly A Critical Examination of Special Education Programs - F. Christoplos and P. Renz Gender and Learning: Equity, equality and pedagogy - H. Daniels and A. Creese Making the Ordinary School Special - T. Dessent The Puzzle of Inclusion: A case study of autistic students in the life of one high school - P. M. Ferguson Persistent Absence from School and Exclusion from School: The predictive power of school and community variables - D. Galloway, R. Martin and B. Wilcox Education Policy as an act of White Supremacy: Whiteness, critical race theory and education reform - D. Gillborn Deviance and Education - D.H. Hargreaves, S.K. Hestor, and F.J. Mellor Effective Inclusive Schools: A study in two countries - M. Rouse and I. Florian Met Cognition and Passing: strategic interactions in the lives of students with learning disabilities - R. Rueda and H. Mehan Learning Disabilities as Sociologic Sponge - G. M. Senf The Special Education Paradox: Equity as the way to excellence - T. M. Skrtic Excluding the Included: A reconsideration of inclusive education - R. Slee and J. Allan The Place and The People - G. Thomas, D. Walker and J. Webb Street Level Bureaucrats and Institutional Innovation: Implementing special education reform - R.A. Weatherley and M. Lipsky Quality and Inequality in Children's Literacy: The effects of families, schools and communities - J. D. Willms VOLUME 3 Making Sense of the Development of Inclusive Practices - M. Ainscow, A.J. Howes, P. Farrell and J. Frankham Foucault and Special Educational Needs: A 'box of tools' for analysing children's experiences of mainstreaming - J. Allan Differential Diagnosis - Prescriptive Teaching: A critical appraisal - J.A. Arter and J.R. Jenkins Inclusion Power and Community: Teachers and students interpret the language of community in an inclusion classroom - R. Berry Embracing the Faith, Including the Community? - T. Booth Psychological Theory and the Study of Learning Disabilities - A.L. Brown and J.C. Campione The Learning Disabilities Test Battery: Empirical and social issues - G. Coles Teaching Approaches which Support Inclusive Education: A connective pedagogy - J. Corbett The Silenced Dialogue: Power and pedagogy in educating other people's children - L.D. Delpit Making Space in the Standards Agenda: Developing inclusive practices in schools - A. Dyson, F. Gallannaugh and A. Millward The scientific Knowledge Base of Special Education: Do we know what we think we know? - D.J. Gallagher Extending Inclusive Opportunities - M.F. Giangreco Introducing Innovative Thinking - S. Hart To Summarise - J. Holt Skills Management Systems: A critique - D.D. Johnson and P.D. Pearson How Specialized is Teaching Children with Disabilities and Difficulties? - B. Norwich and A. Lewis A 'Turbulent' City: Mobility and social inclusion - P. Potts The High/Scope Preschool Curriculum Comparison Study through Age 23 - L.J. Schweinhart and D.P. Weikart Pedagogy and Dialogue - D. Skidmore Race and Special Education - S. Tomlinson In Search of Inclusive Pedagogies: The role of experience and symbolic representation in cognition - T. Wrigley VOLUME 4 Encounters with Exclusion through Disability Arts - J. Allan Special Education's Changing Identity: Paradoxes and dilemmas in views of culture and space - A.J. Artiles Research and Practice: The need for alternative perspectives - L. Barton 'SEN', Inclusion and the Elision of 'Failure' - S. Benjamin Effects of Resources, Inequality, and Privilege Bias on Achievement: Country, school, and student level analyses - M.M. Chiu and L. Khoo Problems of Identity and Method in the Investigation of Special Educational Needs - P. Clough How the West Indian Child is Made Educationally Subnormal in the British School System - B. Coard The Masculine Habitus as 'Distributed Cognition': A case study of 5- to 6 year old boys in an English inner-city, multi-ethnic primary school - P. Connolly Maintaining Underclasses via Contrastive Judgement: Can inclusive education ever happen? - H. Cremin and G. Thomas Beyond Special Education: Towards a quality system for all students - A. Gartner and D. Lipsky Supporting the Development of More Inclusive Practices Using the Index for Inclusion - P. Hick Integration, Italian style - M. Johnson Special Education for the Mentally Handicapped - A Paradox - O.G. Johnson 'And When Did You Last See Your Father?' Exploring the views of children with learning difficulties/disabilities - A. Lewis The Cultural Work of Learning Disabilities - R. McDermott, S. Goldman and H. Varenne The Professional-lay Relationship: A Victorian legacy - E. Midwinter Does Special Education have a Role to Play in the Twenty-first Century? - M. Oliver The Discursive Practice of Learning Disability: Implications for instruction and parent-school relations - K. Reid and J. Valle Thinking about Inclusion: Whose reason? What evidence? - G. Thomas and G. Glenny The Expansion of Special Education - S. Tomlinson

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