Citizenship Education


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Edited by James Arthur, Ian Davies
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234 x 156 mm

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Professor James Arthur, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor of Education and Civic Engagement, University of Birmingham. He is Director, Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, an inter-disciplinary research centre focussing on character, virtues and values in the interest of human flourishing. He has written widely on the relationship between theory and practice in education, particularly the links between communitarianism, social virtues, citizenship, religion and education. He is Secretary to the Society for Educational Studies.

Volume 1: Fundamental Issues: The Nature of Citizenship Education Democracy and Diversity: principles and concepts for educating citizens in a global age - 1. James A. Banks et al Beyond Sentimental Civic Education - 2. Eamonn Callan The Presuppositions of Citizenship Education - 3. Bernard Crick The Democratic Conception in Education - 4. John Dewey 5. Paulo Freire The Politics of faith and the Politics of Skepticism: Michael Oakeshott, Education and Extremism - 6. Ian Frowe Civic Education - 7. William A. Galston The History of Citizenship Education in England - 8. Derek Heater Education for Citizenship - 9. Will Kymlicka Liberalism, Pluralism and Political Education: paradox or paradigm? - 10. Meira Levinson Citizenship and Social Class - 11. T.H. Marshall Citizenship, Diversity and Education: a Philosophical Perspective - 12. Terence H. McLaughlin Political Education - 13. Michael Oakeshott Diversity, Schooling and the Liberal State - 14. Francis Schrag Outline of a Theory of Citizenship - 15. Bryan S. Turner Volume 2: Purposes of Citizenship Education Should We Teach Patriotism? - 16. David Archard The Re-Emergence of Character Education in British Education Policy - 17. James Arthur Basic Concepts and Core Competences of Education for Democratic Citizenship: A Second Consolidated Report - 18. Francois Audigier The End of Citizenship? The Nation State, Threats to its Legitimacy and Citizenship Education in the Twenty-first Century - 19. Mike Bottery The Civic Mission of Schools - 20. Carnegie Corporation of New York and CIRCLE Globalising Citizenship Education? A Critique of 'Global Education' and 'Citizenship Education' - 21. Ian Davies, Mark Evans and Alan Reid Comparing Definitions of Democracy in Education - 22. Lynn Davies Feminist Political Frameworks: New Approaches to the Study of Gender, Citizenship and Education - 23. Jo-Anne Dillabough and Madeleine Arnot The Essential Moral Dimensions of Citizenship Education: What Should We Teach? - 24. Linda FarrDarling Citizenship, Education and Social Capital - 25. Eva Gamarnikov and Anthony Green Citizenship, 'Race' and the Hidden Curriculum - 26. David Gillborn The Reality of Multiple Citizenship - 27. Derek Heater Rational Inquiry on Society's Closed Areas - 28. Maurice P. Hunt and Lawrence E. Metcalf Rethinking Teachers' Professional Responsibilities: Towards a Civic Professionalism - 29. Kerry J. Kennedy Moral Reasoning - 30. Lawrence Kohlberg Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism - 31. Martha C. Nussbaum Democratic Citizenship - Amy Gutmann Reply - Martha C. Nussbaum Advanced Ideas about Democracy: Toward a Pluralist Conception of Citizen Education - 32. Walter C. Parker What Kind of Citizen? The Politics of Educating for Democracy - 33. Joel Westheimer and Joseph Kahne Volume 3: Towards practice: Types of Citizenship Education The Hidden Curriculum and the Nature of Conflict - 34. Michael W. Apple Citizenship Education and Diversity: Implications for Teacher Education - 35. James A. Banks Teacher Development for Conflict Participation: Facilitating Learning for 'Difficult Citizenship' Education - 36. Kathy Bickmore All European Study on Policies for Education for Democratic Citizenship (EDC): Synthesis of EDC Policies in Europe - 37. Cesar Birzea Citizenship and Nationhood: The Constructions of British and American Children - 38. Bruce Carrington and Geoffrey Short Basic Concepts for Political Education - 39. Bernard Crick The American School in the Political Socialization Process - 40. Lee H. Ehman Education and Democratic Citizenship: In Defence of Cosmopolitanism - 41. Penny Enslin Citizenship Education: Anti-political Culture and Political Education in Britain - 42. Elizabeth Frazer Citizenship Education as Placebo: Standards, Institutional Racism and Education Policy - 43. David Gillborn The Study of Early Political Learning - 44. Fred I. Greenstein Postscript on the Educational Implications of Political Socialization Research - Fred I. Greenstein Gender and Political Learning - 45. Carole L. Hahn Underlying Values in Citizenship and Moral Education - 46. J. Mark Halstead and Mark A. Pike Understanding the Field - 47. David Hicks Concepts and Issues of Asian Citizenship: Spirituality, Harmony and Individuality - 48. W.O. Lee Asian Perspectives on Citizenship Education in Review: Postcolonial Constructions or Precolonial Values - Kerry J. Kennedy and Gregory P. Fairbrother Political Education in England 1974-84: A Briefing Paper Presented to the Global Education Centre of the University of Minnesota - 49. Ian Lister Citizenship Education in England: the Crick Report and Beyond - 50. Terence H. McLaughlin Civic Education across the 6 Societies - 51. Paul Morris, John J. Cogan and Meihui Liu Extracts from Civic Education: what makes students - 52. Richard G. Niemi and Jane Junn Volume 4: Action: Implementing Citizenship Education Practicing Democracy at School: A Qualitative Analysis of an Elementary Class Council - 53. Ann V. Angell Elementary Curriculum about Conflict Resolution: Can Children Handle Global Politics? - 54. Kathy Bickmore Human Rights, Identities and Conflict Management: A Study of School Culture as Experienced Though Classroom Relationships - 55. Charlotte Carter and Audrey Osler Citizenship Education and the Provision of Schooling: A Systematic Review of Evidence - 56. Ruth Deakin Crick The Role of Universities in Advancing Citizenship and Social Justice in the 21st Century - 57. Ira Harkavy 'Heaven Help the Teachers!' Parents' Perspectives on the Introduction of Education for Citizenship - 58. Cathie Holden The Influence of School Ethos on Pupils' Citizenship Attitudes - 59. Peter D. John and Albert Osborn The Programme for Political Education Revisited: Another Outsider's View - 60. Gerald L. Johnston Differing Concepts of Citizenship: Schools And Communities As Sites Of Civic Development - 61. Gloria Lasdon-Billings Politics and Reasoning: Through the Eyes of Teachers and Children - 62. Sara Lawrence Lightfoot Citizenship Education in England - Listening to Young People: New Insights from the Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study - 63. David Kerr Effects of Participatory Learning Programs in Middle and High School Civic Education - 64. Simon Kim, B. Sue Parks and Marvin Beckerman Who Wants To Be An Active Citizen? The Politics and Practice of Community Involvement - 65. Michael Marinetto Pedagogy for Global Perspectives in Education: Studies of Teachers' Thinking and Practice - 66. Merry M. Merryfield Collaborative Tasks, Collaborative Children: An Analysis of Reciprocity During Peer Interaction At Key Stage 1 - 67. Lynn Ogden The Use of a Jurisprudential Framework in the Teaching of Public Issues - 68. Donald W. Oliver and James P. Shaver Public Discourses in Schools: Purposes, Problems, Possibilities - 69. Walter C. Parker Asian(?) Citizenship and Identity in Japanese Education, Citizenship Teaching and Learning - 70. Lynne Parmenter The Four Dimensions of Globality - 71. Graham Pike and David Selby A Cross National Analysis of Political and Civic Involvement among Adolescents - 72. Judith Torney-Purta and Jo-Ann Amadeo

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