Cultural Anthropology


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Edited by Kim Fortun, Mike Fortun
Release Date:
234 x 156 mm
3240 g

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VOLUME 1: MOORINGS Operations of "Culture" Thick Description: Toward an interpretive theory of culture - Clifford Geertz No Nature/ No Culture - Marilyn Strathern Beyond "Culture": Space, identity, and the politics of difference - Gupta Akhil and James Ferguson The Interpretation of Culture(s) after Television - Lila Abu-Lughod Culture and Cultural Analysis as Experimental Systems - Michael M.J. Fischer Designing Research Up the Anthropologist: Perspectives gained from studying up - Laura Nader Ethnography In/Out of the World System: The emergence of multisited ethnography - George Marcus Contingent Stories of Anthropology, Race and Feminism - Paula Ebron Analytics Nietzche, Genealogy, History - Michel Foucault 'Introduction', Technologies of Gender: Essays on theory, film and fiction - Teresa De Lauretis Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing historiography - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Genre, Intertextuality and Social Power - Charles L Briggs and Richard Bauman Articulating the Archaic: Cultural difference and colonial nonsense - Homi Bhaba Writing Ethnographic Allegory - J. Clifford Difference: 'A Special Third World Women Issue' - Trinh T. Minh-Ha Versions of the Dead: Kalunga, Cuban-Kongo materiality, and ethnography - T. Ochoa VOLUME 2: MODERNITIES Materialities The Mindful Body: A prolegomenon to future work in medical anthropology - Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Margaret Lock The Gender and Labor Politics of Postmodernity - Aihwa Ong Becoming Persons: Consciousness and sociality in human evolution - Tim Ingold After Nature: Steps to an antiessentialist political ecology - Arturo Escobar Consciousness, Affect, Subjectivity Reification and the Consciousness of the Patient - Michael Taussig Constructing Regional Worlds in Experience: Kula exchange, witchcraft, and Gawan local events - Nancy D. Munn The Misplaced Legacy of Gregory Bateson: Toward a cultural dialectic of knowledge and desire - Charles W. Nuckolls Structures and States Notes on the Difficulty of Studying the State - P. Abrams Making Empire Respectable: The politics of race and sexual morality in 20th-century colonial cultures - Ann L. Stoler The State of Shame: Australian multiculturalism and the crisis of indigenous citizenship - Elizabeth Povinelli Democracy and Violence in Brazil - Teresa P.R. Caldeira and James Holston Resistance, Counterpublics Resistance and the Problem of Ethnographic Refusal - Sherry Ortner Refusing Prenatal Diagnosis: The meanings of bioscience in a multicultural world - Rayna Rapp Indigenous Movements and the Risks of Counterglobalization: Tracking the campaign against Papua New Guinea's Ok Tedi mine - Stuart Kirsch VOLUME 3: EMERGENCE Re-Conceiving Wholes Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy - Arjun Appadurai The Global Situation - Anna Tsing Thug Realism: Inhabiting Fantasy in Urban Tanzania - Brad Weiss In the Mirror: The legitimization work of globalization - Susan Bibler Coutin, Bill Maurer and Barbara Yngvesson The Work of the New Economy: Consumers, Brands and Value Creation - Robert J. Foster, Figuring Historical Difference The Fire-walkers Kataragama: The rise of Bhakti religiosity in Buddish Sri Lanka - Gananath Obeyesekere The End of the Body? - Emily Martin Occult Economies and the Violence of Abstraction: Notes from the South African postcolony - Jean Comaroff and John L. Comaroff Technologies of Everyday Life: The economy of impotence in reform China - Judith Farquhar New Moscow Monuments, or, States of Innocence - Bruce Grant Mediations Embedded Aesthetics: Creating a discursive space for indigenous media - Faye Ginsburg The Cell Phone and the Crowd: Messianic politics in the contemporary Philippines - Rafael Vicente Dubbing Culture: Indonesian gay and lesbian subjectivities and ethnography in an already globalized world - Tom Boellstorff Modes Of Care Where it Hurts: Indian material for an ethics of organ transplantation - Lawrence Cohen Doctors, Borders and Life in Crisis - Peter Redfield VOLUME 4: ENGAGEMENTS Recursions Structure, Sign and Play - Jacques Derrida Situated Knowledges: The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective - Donna Haraway The Evidence of Experience - Joan W.Scott Other: From noun to verb - Nathaniel Mackey Occidentalism: The world turned upside-down - James G. Carrier The Gender of Theory - Catherine Lutz (Re)Conceiving The Political The Problem of Ideology: Marxism without guarantees - Stuart Hall The Anthropological Shock: Chernobyl and the contours of the risk society - Ulrich Beck A Hall of Mirror: The rhetoric of indigenism in Brazil - Alcida Ramos Cultural Citizenship, Inequality and Multiculturalism - Renato Rosaldo Edward Said and the Political Present - Nadia Abu El-Haj Crossing Fields Border Crossings: Narrative strategies in science studies and among physicists in Tsukuba Science City, Japan - Sharon Traweek Anthropology in Area Studies - Jane Guyer On Kinship and Marriage: A critique of the genetic and gender calculus of evolutionary psychology - Susan McKinnon Medical Anthropology and Epidemiology: Divergences or convergences? - Marcia Inhorn Engaging Public Spheres Searching for "Voices": Feminism, anthropology, and the global debate over female genital operations - Christine J. Walley Human Rights Law and the Demonization of Culture (and Some Anthropology along the Way) - Sally Engle Merry An Anthropology of Structural Violence - Paul Farmer

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