Dr Ashok Jansari is a cognitive neuropsychologist at Goldsmiths, University of London, and has been working in the field for over 30 years. Ashok has trained with important neuropsychologists in the UK (Rosaleen McCarthy & Alan Parkin) and in the US (Antonio Damasio, Dan Tranel & Ralph Adolphs) and his research spans three areas (memory, face-recognition and assessment of executive functions). In 2004, he was awarded the International Neuropsychological Society's Cermak Award for best research in memory disorders. Ashok is passionate about teaching, mentoring and public engagement with science; he has contributed to TV documentaries around the world and during the Covid-19 global lockdown, he gave a series of free online talks to open the field of neuropsychology to the general public.
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Chapter 1: Why Study Damaged Brains? Chapter 2: Methods in Cognitive Neuropsychology: A Tool Kit Chapter 3: Principles and Issues in Cognitive Neuropsychology Chapter 4: Neglect & Attention Chapter 5: Apraxia & Motor-Planning Chapter 6: Visual Agnosia & Object Recognition Chapter 7: Prosopagnosia & Face Processing Chapter 8: Amnesia & Memory Chapter 9: Executive Functions Chapter 10: Aphasia, Dyslexia & Language (Ashok Jansari & Anisha Desai) Chapter 11: Cognitive Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (Jwala Narayanan & Ashok Jansari) Chapter 12: Synaesthesia & Sensory Processing (Mary Jane Spiller)
In this well-written, informative book, Ashok Jansari explains what cognitive neuropsychology is, why it matters, and what is has already shown us about how the brain works, and copes with damage of one kind or another. Replete with case studies, historical vignettes, and QR codes to videos of lectures by, and interviews with, the author, this book covers all the bases and covers them well. -- Lynn Nadel Ashok's book is a masterpiece: in a friendly language, he presents the history and complexity of cognitive neuropsychology. The use of examples we can all relate to helps reflecting on the marvels of the brain. This book is the companion you want in a discovery journey into cognitive neuropsychology! -- Anna Sedda A Student's Guide to Cognitive Neuropsychology delivers an informed and accessible introduction to an important field of study. Integrating classic findings with cutting-edge research, Ashok Jansari provides students with a fascinating exploration of the rich insights that can be obtained by studying the damaged brain. -- Daniel L. Schachter An excellent cognitive neuropsychology resource which covers neglect, attention, agnosia, memory, executive function, language and synaesthesia, and also includes a chapter on cognitive rehabilitation. A valuable guide for students wishing to learn about how the brain works and what happens when it gets damaged. -- Narinder Kapur