PART 1: HISTORY AND THEORY A: History: European Integration, the Changing World Arena And The EC/EU as an International Actor International Integration: The European and the universal - Ernst Haas Obstinate or Obsolete? The Fate of the Nation State and the Case of Western Europe - Stanley Hoffmann Europe's Role in World Peace - Francois Duchene European Political Cooperation: Procedure as a substitute for policy - William Wallace and David Allen The Exercise of International Civil Power: A framework for analysis - Gunnar Sjoestedt Civilian Power Europe: A contradiction in terms - Hedley Bull The European Defense Community the European Political Community and the ECSC Loan - Pascaline Winand The European Union: A new type of international actor - Richard Rosecrance B: Theory: Perspectives on European Integration and International Relations Western Europe's Presence in the Contemporary International Arena - David Allen and Michael Smith The European Union and a Changing Europe: Establishing the boundaries of order - Michael Smith European Security Identities - Ole Waever, Conceptualising The European Union as an International Actor: Narrowing the capabilities-expectations gap - Roy Ginsberg The European Challenge to Foreign Policy Analysis - Brian White Europe: Regional laboratory for a global polity? - Knud Erik Jorgensen And Ben Rosamond Normative Power Europe: A contradiction in terms? - Ian Manners Toward a Theory of EU Foreign Policy-Making: Multilevel governance, domestic politics and national adaptation to Europe's common foreign and security policy - Michael E. Smith ESDP and The Structure of World Power - Barry Posen Normative Dynamics and Strategic Interests in the EU's External Identity - Richard Youngs Beyond the Civilian Power EU Debate - Karen Smith Conceptualising the EU Model of Governance in World Politics - Ben Rosamond PART 2: INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY A: European Integration and The Changing World Economy 1992: Recasting the European bargain - Wayne Sandholtz and John Zysman The Adaptation of European Foreign Economic Policy: From Rome to Seattle - Alasdair Young B: Trade and Commercial Policy The European Acquis and Multilateral Trade Rules: Are they compatible? - Stephen Woolcock What Happened to Fortress Europe? External trade policy liberalization in the European Union - Brian Hanson "Issue-Systems", "Multi-Level Games" and the Analysis of the EU's External Commercial and Associated Policies: A research agenda - Sarah Collinson Who Speaks for Europe? The delegation of trade authority in the EU - Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaidis The 1999 Cap Reform, the Uruguay Round and the Commission: Contextualising linked policy games - W. Coleman and S. Tangermann C: International Monetary Policy The EMU and International Monetary Relations: What to expect for international actors? - Madeleine Hosli Monetary Sovereignty over the Euro and External Relations of the Euro Area: Competence, procedures and practice - Christoph Herrmann Between National Sovereignty and International Power: What external voice for the Euro? - Katherine Mcnamara and Sophie Meunier Europe, the United States, and Neo-Liberal (Dis)Order: Is there a coming crisis of the Euro? - Alan W. Cafruny D: Aid and Development Policy The Community and Developing Countries: Associates and outsiders - John Pinder The Future of Lome: Europe's Role in Africa's Growth - Paul Collier, Patrick Guillaumont, Sylviane Guillaumont and Jan Willlem Gunning The European Union's Relations with the South: A commitment to development? - Olufemi Babarinde Lome and Post-Lome: Asymmetric Negotiations and the Impact of Norms - Ole Elgstroem Resisting Reform or Risking Revival? Renegotiating the Lome Convention - Martin Holland E: The Changing Agenda: Environment, competition, technology, investment The European Union as an Actor in International Environmental Politics - John Vogler Building an International Identity: The EU and Extraterritorial Competition Policy - Chad Damro No More Euro-Champions? The Interaction of EU Industrial and Trade Policies - Stephen Mcguire PART 3: EU FOREIGN, SECURITY AND DEFENCE POLICY A: CFSP and Defence since 1990: Institutions and policy-making EC: Confidence lost - Michael Brenner The Capability-Expectations Gap, or Conceptualising Europe's International Role - Christopher Hill Two Decades of EPC Performance - Simon Nuttall Beyond the EU/NATO Dichotomy: The beginnings of a European strategic culture - Paul Cornish and Geoffrey Edwards European Defence and the Changing Politics of the European Union: Hanging together or hanging separately? - Jolyon Howorth The New CFSP and ESDP Decision-Making System of the European Union - Gisela Muller-Brandeck-Bocquet The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor: Internal, traditional and structural diplomacy - Stephan Keukeleire B: Foreign, Security Policy and Defence in Action Europe's Uncommon Foreign Policy - Philip Gordon The European Union as an International Actor: The issues of flexibility and linkage - Marise Cremona Europe's Strategic Ambitions: The limits of ambiguity - Francois Heisbourg From Crisis to Catharsis: ESDP after Iraq - Anand Menon The European Security Strategy: An evolutionary history - Alyson Bailes C: The External Politics of Internal Security Wearing it Inside Out: European police cooperation between internal and external security - Monica Den Boer The European Union and the Securitisation of Migration - Jef Huysmans The External Dimension of Europeanization: The case of immigration policies - Sandra Lavenex and Emek Ucarer The European Union as an International Actor in the Domain of Justice and Home Affairs - Joerg Monar D: The Changing Agenda of Foreign and Security Policy: Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management, Human Rights The EU's Capacity for Conflict Prevention - Christopher Hill The EU and Crisis Management: Development and Prospects - Simon Duke Speaking with One Voice? European Union coordination on human rights issues at the United Nations - Karen E. Smith PART 4: THE EU IN THE WORLD ARENA: KEY RELATIONSHIPS A: Transatlantic Relations Power and Weakness: Why the United States and Europe see the world differently - Robert Kagan America as a European Power: The end of empire by integration? - John Peterson Contending Cultures of Counter-Terrorism: Transatlantic divergence or convergence? - Wyn Rees and Richard Aldrich The New Transatlantic Agenda at Ten: Reflections on an experiment in international governance - Mark Pollack B: The Expanding Europe and its Neighbours Europe and the Middle East: Power by stealth? - Rosemary Hollis The European Union and Turkey - Barry Buzan and Thomas Diez A Wider Europe: The view from Moscow and Kyiv - Margot Light, Stephen White and John Lowenhardt Eastern Enlargement: Risk, Rationality and role compliance - Ulrich Sedelmeier The EU and Common Strategies: The revealing case of the Mediterranean - Claire Spencer Why Expand? The Question of Legitimacy and Justification in yhe European Union's Enlargement Policy - Helene Sjursen The Geopolitical Implications of the European Neighbourhood Policy - Roberto Aliboni D: Asia, Africa and Latin America Japan and the European Union: Reluctant Partners - Simon Nuttall Evaluating the EU-Asem Relationship: A negotiated order approach - Anthony Forster The EU and China - Richard Youngs Perspectives for a New Regionalism: Relations between the EU and the Mercosur - Gisela M ller-Brandeck-Bocquet Promoting Democracy, Preventing Conflict: The European Union and Africa - Gorm Rye Olsen