Madhu Viswanathan is an Associate Professor of Marketing in the Department of Business Administration within the College of Business at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, where he has been on the faculty since 1990. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration (Marketing) from the University of Minnesota, and a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He teaches a course on measurement and research methods to Ph.D.. students and marketing research to undergraduate and MBA students. He has been listed several times as an excellent instructor at the University of Illinois. His research has appeared in journals, including the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of Marketing Research, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and Computer, Speech, and Language. His research is in two areas: measurement and research methodology and low-literate buyer and seller behavior. His work on literacy has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, and the Illinois Center for International Business Education and Research. He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of Consumer Research, and Psychology and Marketing. He has served as the Secretary-Treasurer for the Society for Consumer Psychology and as the Chair of the Consumer Behavior Special Interest Group of the American Marketing Association. He also chaired national conferences for the American Marketing Association and the Society for Consumer Psychology. He directs the Marketplace Literacy Project (, a nonprofit organization which aims to disseminate knowledge about low-literate buyer and seller behavior. Its activities include the development and distribution of educational materials for adult education, nutrition, and other programs targeted at low-literate consumers in the US, and development and provision of business and consumer literacy training for low-literate, low-income adults in India and other similar contexts. He lives in Champaign, Illinois, with his wife and 10-year old son.
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Reflections on Social Measurement: How Social Scientists Generate, Modify, and Validate Indicators and Scales - Eric Tucker, Madhu Viswanathan and Geoffrey Walford PART ONE: METHODS FOR DATA COLLECTION Surveys, Tests, and Observational Scales How to get Valid Answers from Survey Questions: What we Learned from Asking about Sexual Behavior and the Measurement of Sexuality - Aniruddha Das and Edward O Laumann The SAT : Design Principles and Innovations of a Quintessential American Social Indicator - Howard T Everson Measurement as Cooperative Communication: What Research Participants Learn from Questionnaires - Norbert Schwarz Developing Observation Instruments and Arriving at Inter-rater Reliability for a Range of Contexts and Raters: The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales - Elena Soucacou and Kathy Sylva Studying Teacher Effectiveness: The Challenges of Developing Valid Measures - Linda Darling-Hammond, Jack Dieckmann, Ed Haertel, Rachel Lotan, Xiaoxia Newton, Sandy Philipose, Eliza Spang, Ewart Thomas, and Peter Williamson Identifying Consumers' Compulsive Buying Tendencies: Lessons Learned for Measuring Consumer-related Phenomena - Kent B Monroe, Nancy M Ridgway and Monika Kukar-Kinney PART TWO: THE CONTEXT OF MEASUREMENT Comparative, Cultural, Linguistic, and International Dimensions of Measurement Linguistic Factors in the Assessment of English Language Learners - Jamal Abedi Measurement Issues in Cross-cultural Research - A Timothy Church Conceptualizing and Measuring Culture: Problems and solutions - Louis Tay, Sang Eun Woo, Jennifer Klafehn and Chi-yue Chiu International Comparisons of Educational Attainment: Purposes, Processes, and Problems - David Phillips Measurement Across Time and Space Reflections on Measuring Behavior: Time and the Grid - Roger Bakeman Approaches to Measuring Multi-dimensional Constructs across the Life-course: Operationalizing Depression over the Lifespan - Briana Mezuk and William W Eaton Description and Discovery in Socio-spatial Analysis: The Case of Space Syntax - Bill Hillier and Noah Raford PART THREE: FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN MEASUREMENT Minimizing Measurement Error Understanding the Intangibles of Measurement in the Social Sciences - Madhu Viswanathan Towards a More Rigorous Scientific Approach to Social Measurement: Considering a Grounded Indicator Approach to Developing Measurement Tools - Eric Tucker Theorisation of Constructs Measuring Conceptualizations of Morality: Or How to Invent a Construct and Measure it too - Remo Ostini The Problem with Poverty: Definition, Measurement and Interpretation - Robert Walker, Mark Tomlinson and Glenn Williams Critical and Ethical Perspectives Ethical Issues in Social Measurement - Martin Bulmer and Josephine Ocloo Measuring is More than Assigning Numbers - Stephen Gorard Is Social Measurement Possible, and is it Necessary? - Martyn Hammersley PART FOUR: THE REAL WORLD PRACTICE OF MEASUREMENT Sensitive Issues and the Difficult to Measure Sensitive Issues and the Difficulty to Measure: The Case of Measuring Child Sexual Abuse - Will Tucker and Ross Cheit Indirect Measurement - David J Bartholomew Improving the Practice of Measurement Increasing the Measurement Accuracy of Consumption Intentions - Brian Wansink Making Applied Measurement Effective and Efficient - Ujwal Kayande Contemporary Challenges of Longitudinal Measurement Using HRS Data - John J McArdle Measuring the Dimensions of Social Capital in Developing Countries - Veronica Nyhan Jones and Michael Woodcock Administrative and Secondary Data and Performance Measurement The Use of Administrative Data to Answer Policy Questions: Secondary Data on Crime and the Problem with Homicide - Marc Riedel Assessing Performance of School Systems: The Measurement and Assessment Challenges of NCLB - Sean Mulvenon