Sara Bubb is an experienced London teacher who helps staff in schools develop. She does this in many ways: through leading professional development, assessing, developing schemes, researching, and writing. With a national and international reputation in the induction of new teachers and professional development, Sara speaks at conferences and runs courses throughout the country and abroad (e.g. Norway, Taiwan) on topics such as helping staff develop, observation skills, induction, developing pedagogical skills, leading continuing professional development (CPD), subject leadership, monitoring teaching and implementing performance management. She has featured on and been a consultant for eight Teachers TV programmes. She trains a broad range of people, including inspectors, assessors, advisers, consultants, Fasttrack, TeachFirst and advanced skills teachers. Sara assesses advanced skills, excellent, overseas trained and graduate teachers and higher level teaching assistants and was an external assessor for Threshold. She has inspected over 25 primary schools. As a senior lecturer at the Institute of Education (0.2) she works on PGCE and Masters programmes and set up the employment-based routes (OTT and GTP) to QTS. She is lead director of the CfBT Education Trust-funded Sef2Si - From Self Evaluation To School Improvement: The Importance Of Professional Development - project. She co-directed the DfES-funded national research Project on the Effectiveness of the Induction Year, was deputy director of the TDA systematic review of induction research and has helped the Northern Ireland GTC revise their teacher competences. On a 0.2 secondment to the DCSF London Challenge team, Sara is the consultant for Chartered London Teacher status - a scheme involving over 38,600 teachers. She is the London Gifted & Talented Early Years network leader, working with staff in reception and nursery classes to enhance their provision for all children, especially the most able. She has written books and numerous articles on induction, professional development, workload, and performance management. She is the new teacher expert at the Times Educational Supplement, and writes articles, a weekly advice column and answers questions on its website.

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Introduction PART ONE: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Learning People - Learning Schools Leading and Managing CPD Identifying Training and Development Needs Meeting CPD Needs Monitoring and Evaluation: The Impact of CPD Collaboration and Enquiry: Sharing Practice PART TWO: LEADING AND MANAGING THE CPD OF SPECIFIC GROUPS Support Staff Initial Teacher Training Newly Qualified Teachers and Their Induction Supply and Overseas-Trained Teachers Early Professional Development Emergent Leaders and Middle Managers Leadership Development for Heads and Deputies Governors' Training and Development
Praise for the first edition: 'Peter Earley and Sara Bubb bring together, in a very accessible way, theoretical and practical aspects of CPD and suggest how leadership and management can be applied in this vital area of staff development. This book will help co-ordinators and school leaders to develop their most important resource - the people who work with the children' - Richard Stainton, Education Journal 'The most obvious target user for the book is the (not rare) person suddenly hoist with the staff development responsibility petard: but, thoughtfully used, most staffrooms will include several people who could benefit from thinking about its contents and putting some of the ideas into practice' - British Journal Educational Technology 'This book is a welcome and practical guide to the wealth of publications on Continuing Professional Development... [M]akes an excellent contribution to the current and widening debate on the nature of Continuing Professional Development. For School Leadership Teams it is an essential resource and reference for the managing of professional development and learning. It also serves as an excellent practical guide, and CPD coordinators reading this book will find themselves questioning and as a result developing their own practice. The book is written in accessible language using believable case studies to illustrate the wealth of research that has been carried out. The deeply embedded notion among some teachers that professional development consists of the one day course is challenged, and the reader is left in no doubt as to the range of opportunities that exist and need for them to be harnessed in order to ensure school improvement. The book is will surely act as a catalyst for the review and development of CPD in schools' - Stephen Merrill, Edge Hill College of Higher Education, British Journal In-Service Education 'A practical guide to all aspects of professional development which ought to be in the possession of every professional development coordinator in every primary and secondary school in the land - and their colleagues in leadership teams' - Tim Brighouse, TES Friday Magazine