Aleda V. Roth is the Burlington Industries Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management at Clemson University. She is an internationally recognized empirical scholar in service and manufacturing operations strategy. Her research is motivated by theoretical and practical explanations of how firms can best deploy their global supply chains, operations, and technology strategies for competitive advantage. Dr. Roth has more than 150 publications to her credit; and her work has been distinguished by 43 research awards and 27 grants. She holds senior editorial positions for Management Science, Production and Operations Management (POM), Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Decision Sciences (DSJ), Journal of Supply Chain Management and others. She served as President of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS); was named the 2006 OM Scholar at the Academy of Management; and is a Fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute, POMS, and UK Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM). Dr. Roth is a member of the Conference Board's Performance Excellence Council has consulted with corporate staff at leading global companies. She worked in top management for a decade before earning her PhD in at Ohio State University, where she also received her BS. She received her MSPH in biostatistics from UNC-Chapel Hill. Roger G. Schroeder holds the Frank A. Donaldson Chair in Operations Management at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. He received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University and has published over 100 papers in academic journals on the topics of quality management, operations strategy and high performance manufacturing. Professor Schroeder is a leader in empirical research in Operations Management. He is a Fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute and received the Lifetime Scholarship Achievement Award from the Academy of Management, Operations Management Division. In 2005, he received the Dean's prize for best researcher in the Carlson School of Management and was inducted into the University of Minnesota Academy of Distinguished Teachers. According to ISI, he is the most highly cited scholar in the world in the Operations Management field. Professor Schroeder is the author of the highly regarded textbook entitled: Operations Management: Contemporary Concepts and Cases, published by McGraw-Hill. Xiaowen Huang is an assistant professor of supply chain and operations management at the Richard T. Farmer School of Business, Miami University, Ohio. She teaches in the areas of operations management, supply chain management, and operations strategy. Her research interest primarily revolves around the question of "how can companies achieve competitive advantage through effective technology management, especially in the supply chain context?" Her current research falls into two main research streams. The first stream includes empirical investigation of use of information and Internet technologies (especially online auction) in the manufacturing setting and in the retail e-Bay setting. Her second research stream involves theoretical understanding and testing effective product modularity and mass customization strategies. Her research appears in Journal of Operations Management and other academic journals. She received her PhD from the Operations and Management Science Department, University of Minnesota. M. Murat Kristal is an assistant professor of operations management at Schulich School of Business at York University, Toronto, Canada. He teaches in the areas of operations management/strategy, supply chain management, and statistical models. Dr. Kristal received his Ph.D. from the Operations Management Department in the Kenan-Flagler Business School at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research interests focus on the areas of supply chain, operations management and strategy. His current empirical research spans from how supply chains adapt to their competitive environments to how manufacturers achieve mass customization capabilities.
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Preface Chapter 1: Introduction The Purpose of the Book Coverage and Scope Caveats and Cautions Organization of the Book Selected Bibliography of Methods for Scale Development Chapter 2: Classification of Scales Chapter 3: Objective Measures of Operations Introduction Industry Week Best Plants Study Global Manufacturing Research Group Study High Performance Manufacturing Study Vision in Manufacturing Survey Retail Banking Futures Study Appendix 3-1 to 3-5: Survey Instruments/Selected Items Chapter 4: List of Scale Summaries (alphabetic by first author) Authors A-B Authors C-D Authors E-G Authors H-J Authors K-M Authors N-R Authors S-T Authors V-Z Appendices: A1: Classification of Scales A2: Index for Scale Names A3: List of papers summarized Index