SECTION ONE: A VISION FOR CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 1. Autonomy, Belonging, and Competency for Children 2. Creating Democratic Communities 3. Motivation and Classroom Management SECTION TWO: STRUCTURES AND TOOLS FOR CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 4. Pedagogical Structures For Managing Learning 5. Creating Thinking Classrooms 6. Leading and Learning With a Whole Group of Students SECTION THREE: CREATING CLASSROOMS THAT MEET THE NEEDS OF INDIVIDUALS 7. Recognizing, Accommodating, and Advocating for Children With Special Needs 8. Language and Literature as Classroom Management Tools 9. Asking Students, Parents, and School Resources for Help SECTION FOUR: MAKING A CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN YOUR OWN INSIDE AND OUTSIDE 10. Creating a Classroom Arrangement that Promotes Autonomy, Belonging, and Competency 11. Managing Beyond the Boundaries of the Classroom 12. Making the Classroom Your Own: A Beginning