Dr. M. Scott Norton, a former public school teacher, coordinator of curriculum, assistant superintendent, and superintendent of schools, received his Ph.D. in Educational Administration and Supervision from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, where he later served as a professor in and vice-chair of the same department. He then became a professor and chair of the Department of Educational Administration and Supervision at Arizona State University, where he is currently professor emeritus. He teaches graduate classes in human resources administration, the school superintendency, the school principalship, educational leadership, and competency-based administration. Dr. Norton is co-author of college textbooks in the areas of human resources administration, the school superintendency, and administrative management and author of a textbook in the area of effective leadership for effective administration. He has published widely in national journals in such areas as teacher retention, organizational climate, teacher workload, the department chair in educational administration, employee assistance programs, selection and recruitment practices, the school principalship, distance education and others.
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PREFACE Ch 1. THE HUMAN RESOURCES FUNCTION: ISSUES, CHALLENGES, AND TRENDS The Human Resources Function in Education: Its Definition Issues Facing Education and the Human Resources Function Challenges Facing Education and the Human Resources Function Selected New Trends in Human Resources Administration Ch 2. THE HUMAN RESOURCES FUNCTION: AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Personnel Administration Before 1900 The Scientific Management Era and Its Impact on Personnel Practices The Human Relations Era and Its Impact on the Human Resources Function The Behavioral Science Movement and Its Contributions to the Human Resources Function The Postmodern Behavioral Science Era The Human Resources Function and Its Thirteen Processes The Centralization and Decentralization of the HR Function Standards of Ethical Administration Ch 3. THE HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING PROCESS Definition and Background of the Human Resources Planning Process Characteristics of Strategic Human Resources Planning Evolutionary Stage of a School Organization Professional Staff Mix Integrating Human Resources Planning Into the Strategic Plan Correlation With the System Plan Information Needs and Forecasting Policy, Regulation, Processes, and Personnel Changes Ch 4. STAFFING FOR EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS An Operations Model for the Recruitment Process Ch 5. STAFFING FOR EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: THE SELECTION PROCESS An Operational Model for the Selection Process Ch 6. THE HR INDUCTION, ASSIGNMENT, STABILITY, AND PROTECTION PROCESSES: TOWARD THE MAXIMIZATION OF HUMAN POTENTIAL The School as a Social System Human Motivation Theories The Human Resources Induction Process Induction: What the Research Says The Staff Assignment Process The Human Resources Stability Process An Operational Plan for Teacher Retention Retention of Administrative Personnel Teacher Absenteeism The HR Protection Process Ch 7. THE STAFF DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROCESSES The Purposes of Staff Development Trends in Professional Staff Development Operational Procedures for Staff Development The Performance Evaluation Process Ch 8. ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE AND THE HUMAN RESOURCES FUNCTION Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate The Importance of a Healthy School Climate The Measurement of School Climate Research on School Climate Improvement of School Climate Human Resources Responsibilities in the Improvement of School Climate Ch 9. THE LEGAL WORLD OF HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION: POLICY AND REGULATION DEVELOPMENT Legal Considerations and the Human Resources Function Summary of Selected Legal Statutes, Including Various Civil Rights Acts, Relating to the Work of the Human Resources Function The Development of Personnel Policies and Administrative Regulations How Personnel Policies and Regulations Are Developed Model for Policy and Regulation Development The Language of School Policies and Regulations Ch 10. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND THE HUMAN RESOURCES FUNCTION: WORKING WITH EMPLOYEE GROUPS Employee Unions Defined Working Relationships: The Human Resources Function and Employee Groups Collective Bargaining: Definition and Basic Principles The Two Primary Bargaining Processes Bargaining by Employee Groups: Historical Perspectives Collective Bargaining in Education and the Central Human Resources Unit Collective Bargaining in Education Determination and Recognition of the Bargaining Unit Initial Bargaining Procedures and Appropriate Table Strategies The Contract Agreement Impact of Collective Bargaining on Education Ch 11. THE COMPENSATION PROCESS: AN OPERATIONS MODEL School Finance: The Number One Problem Facing Education Education Is Big Business Competition for the Tax Dollar Operational Model for the Compensation Process Establishing Administrative Procedures for Implementation of the Compensation Process Controlling the Compensation Process Trends in Salary Scheduling: Alternative Compensation Programs History of the Single Salary Schedule Three Basic Models of Salary Schedules Ch 12. THE CLASSIFIED STAFF: AN IMPORTANT HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION RESPONSIBILITY The Director of Classified Personnel The Classified Job Analysis Job Grading and Salary Ranges Recruitment of Classified Personnel Appraising Candidates in Relation to the Selection Criteria Classified Employee Selection Process Assessing the Classified Employee Selection Process The Classified Employee Training Program Employee Evaluation Controlling Classified Employee Development Results Glossary Index