Organizing Relationships


Traditional and Emerging Perspectives on Workplace Relationships

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By Patricia M. Sias
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Patricia M. Sias is Professor of Communication in the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University. Her research centers on workplace relationships. She has published articles in and served on the editorial boards of a variety of academic journals including Communication Monographs, Human Communication Research, Management Communication Quarterly, Western Journal of Communication, Communication Quarterly, and Journal of Applied Communication Research. She served as Secretary and Chair of the Organizational Communication Division of the National Communication Association. She has won numerous awards for her research including the W. Charles Redding Outstanding Dissertation in Organizational Communication Award from the International Communication Association, several Top Paper awards from the National Communication Association, and the Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award from the Washington State University College of Liberal Arts.

1. Organizing Relationships Post-positive Approaches to Workplace Relationships Social Construction Approaches to Workplace Relationships Critical Approaches to Workplace Relationships Structuration Theory and Workplace Relationships 2. Supervisor - Subordinate Relationships Overview Functions of Supervisor-Subordinate Relationships Supervisor-Subordinate Relationship Development Outcomes and Consequences of Supervisor-Subordinate Relationships Theoretical Perspectives on Supervisor-Subordinate Relationships Practicing Theory: Equal but Not Equitable 3. Peer Coworker Relationships Overview Functions of Peer Relationships Peer Relationship Development Outcomes and Consequences of Peer Relationships Theoretical Perspectives on Peer Relationships Practicing theory: Strata Tech 4. Workplace Friendship Overview Functions of Workplace Friendship Workplace Friendship Development Outcomes and Consequences of Workplace Friendship Theoretical Perspectives on Workplace Friendship Practicing Theory: Too Much of a Good Thing? 5. Romantic Workplace Relationships Overview The "Gray Area" Between Romance and Sexual Harassment Workplace Romantic Relationship Development Outcomes and Consequences of Workplace Romantic Relationships Workplace Romance Policy Theoretical Perspectives on Workplace Romantic Relationships Practicing Theory: Regretting Romance 6. Customer and Client Relationships Overview Relationship Marketing Customer Relationship Development Outcomes and Consequences of Customer Relationships Theoretical Perspectives on Customer and Client Relationships Practicing theory: Losing Trust in the National Trust Bank 7. Workplace Relationships and Society Overview Technology, Globalization and Workplace Relationships Workplace Relationships and the Life-World Theoretical Perspectives on Workplace Relationships and Society Practicing Theory: Spirited Away

"Organizing Relationships makes a contribution to the discipline in its treatment of this area from multiple perspectives, in its deliberate engagement/suggestions of future research directions, and its functional purpose of bringing together extant research on this important topic in a coherent and organized way. It adds cumulatively to our knowledge of organizational communication and relationships, it fits within the horizon of the established parameters of our field while opening new areas for engagement, and, moreover, it is a very interesting read. It will, no doubt, become a touchstone for the field of organizational communication." -- Janie Hardin Fritz "This book represents an important step to a relational approach to organizational behavior (communication) by pulling together many different areas/types of relationships. It will be a 'must' book to anyone who teaches relationships in organization or broadly relational/applied organizational communication." -- Jaesub Lee

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