Fostering Research on Minority Entrepreneurship - Robert Strom, Ph.D Introduction: Advancing Research on Minority Entrepreneurship - Timothy Bates, William E. Jackson, III, and James H. Johnson, Jr. Latino Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship in the United States: An Overview of the Literature and Data Sources - Barbara J. Robles and Hector Cordero-Guzman Mexican-Hispanic Self-Employment Entry: The Role of Business Start-Up Constraints - Magnus Lofstrom and Chunbei Wang Access to Financial Capital among U.S Businesses: The Case of African-American Firms - Alicia M. Robb and Robert W. Fairlie Small Firm Credit Market Discrimination, Small Business Administration Guaranteed Lending, and Local Market Economic Performance - Ben R. Craig, William E. Jackson III, and James B. Thomson Traits and Performance of the Minority Venture-Capital Industry - Timothy Bates and William Bradford Secrets of Gazelles: The Differences between High-Growth and Low-Growth Business Owned by African American Entrepreneurs - Thomas D. Boston and Linje R. Boston Exploring Stratification and Entrepreneurship: African American Women Entrepreneurs Redefine Success in Growth Ventures - Jeffrey Robinson, Laquita Blockson, and Sammie Robinson Building Ventures through Civic Capitalism - Candida Brush, Daniel Monti, Andrea Ryan, and Amy Gannon Tax Refunds and Microbusinesses: Expanding Family and Community Wealth Building in the Borderlands - Barbara J. Robles