The Principal as Curriculum Leader 3/e

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781412960342

Shaping What Is Taught and Tested

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Edited by Allan A. Glatthorn, Jerry M. Jailall
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Allan A. Glatthorn (1924-2007) was a major contributor to the third and fourth editions; his research used in the preparation of the first and second editions of Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation: A Step-by-Step Guide was the foundation for the third edition. He was the Distinguished Research Professor of Education (Emeritus) in the College of Education of East Carolina University, where he advised doctoral students, chaired dissertations, and taught courses in supervision and curriculum. He was formerly Professor of Education at the Graduate School of Education of the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to his university assignments, he was a high school teacher and principal. In his work as a professor, he chaired close to 100 dissertations. He is the author of numerous professional books, several of which have been published by Corwin. Jerry M. Jailall recently served as the state coordinator for the federal Comprehensive School Reform program and as a Title 1 Consultant at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. He has worked with 172 elementary, middle, and high schools implementing school reform initiatives. He previously coordinated the NC School Improvement Grants program in 107 school districts under the standards-based GOALS 2000 federal initiative. He has over 25 years of K-12 experience in public education spanning Guyana, the Bahamas, and the US. He is a former lecturer at the University of Guyana. He obtained his doctorate in education from East Carolina University.

Preface to the Third Edition Acknowledgments About the Authors Part I. Laying the Foundations 1. What It Means to Be a Curriculum Leader: No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Beyond Current Trends in Curricula Beyond NCLB: Moving From State Standards and Their Unintended Consequences to Voluntary National Standards for States The Hallmarks of Curriculum Quality Chapter Summary 2. The Four Curriculum Levels: State, District, School, and Classroom State Functions District Functions School Functions Classroom Functions Flexible Allocations Chapter Summary 3. Importance of the Principal NCLB Spurs New National Leadership Standards: Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Defining Curriculum Leadership Understanding the Problems of the Principal?s Curriculum Leadership Role Understanding the Rationale for Principal Leadership Uniting Principal and Teacher Leadership Discharging the Leadership Functions Chapter Summary Part II. Shaping State and District Curricula 4. State Policies and Frameworks Becoming Informed Getting the Message Across Evaluating State Frameworks Chapter Summary 5. District Curricula District Functions Exercising Influence as the Principal Chapter Summary Part III. Providing Leadership 6. Developing Vision and Goals Developing the School?s Vision of a Quality Curriculum Developing the School?s Curriculum Goals Chapter Summary 7. Rethinking the Program of Studies Renewing an Existing Program of Studies Restructuring the Program of Studies Chapter Summary 8. Committing to a Learning-Centered Schedule The Nature of a Learning-Centered Schedule Developing a Learning-Centered Schedule How the Principal and Teachers Can Make More Effective Use of the Existing Schedule Chapter Summary 9. Integrating the Curriculum Types of Integration Arguments Supporting Integration Arguments Questioning the Use of Integration A Process for Resolving the Issue Chapter Summary 10. Aligning the Curriculum Types of Curricula Aligning the Recommended and the Written Curricula Aligning the Written, the Supported, and the Assessed Curricula Aligning the Written and the Taught Curricula Aligning the Hidden and the Learned Curricula Aligning the Taught and the Learned Curricula Chapter Summary 11. Monitoring the Implementation Process The Argument About Monitoring A Practical Solution Chapter Summary Part IV. Working With Teachers 12. Making Yearly Planning Calendars The Nature of Yearly Plans and a Rationale for Their Use Organizing for Yearly Planning Developing Yearly Plans Reviewing the Plans Chapter Summary 13. Developing Units of Study A Rationale for Unit Development Organizing for Unit Development Developing Units Based on Constructivist Principles Some Criticisms of Constructivism Chapter Summary 14. Enriching the Curriculum and Remediating Learning Helping Teachers Enrich the Curriculum Helping Teachers Remediate Learning Chapter Summary 15. Evaluating the Curriculum Evaluating the Assessed or Tested Curriculum Evaluating the Supported Curriculum Evaluating the Written Curriculum Evaluating the Taught Curriculum Evaluating the Learned Curriculum Chapter Summary Part V. Looking Ahead 16. Curriculum Leadership: Putting It All Together Work Closely With District Leadership Set Up the Curriculum Organizational Structures Use Team Leadership Make Curriculum Improvement Part of an Overall Plan Use an Incremental Process in Effecting Curricular Change Prioritize Curriculum Tasks Use Routine Activities to Support Quality Curricula Develop Specific Plans and Manage Time A Personal and Concluding Note Chapter Summary Index

"I highly recommend this book to new and prospective principals. Glatthorn and Jailall provide a lot of food for thought to truly make a change in what is done with curriculum." -- Donnan Stoicovy, Principal "Provides an overview of the complexity of school administration while identifying and organizing a plan of action for the educational leader to build effective curriculum within the organization." -- Edward Drugo, Principal "Gives insights and directions for the critical role and responsibility of the principal. It is a must-have book for the school leader who wants to focus on the truly important aspects of being an effective principal!" -- Anthony L. Parker, Superintendent "The authors provide excellent insights about the importance of effective leadership in our public schools." -- June Atkinson, Superintendent "Brings the job description of the principal to full circle as we transition the role to a 21st-century school executive." -- Bill McNeal, Executive Director "There is no role more important for a school principal today than that of curriculum leader. This book is the best that I have seen in this regard. The authors get straight to the point and give guidance to anyone currently serving as a principal or aspiring to become a principal." -- Jim Causby, Executive Director "Glatthorn and Jailall provide a helpful resource anchored in the context of No Child Left Behind, state standards, and the elevation of curriculum reform. Their work is a reference point for the practitioner, providing straightforward guidelines and suggestions to ensure that the principal plays an active leadership role in the expanding area of curriculum and instruction responsibilities." -- Nancy Farmer, Director of the Principals' Executive Program

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