Introduction SECTION I: MEASURING TEACHING QUALITY FOR PROFESSIONAL ENTRY Ch 1. Measuring Teacher Quality for Professional Entry Ch 2. Hiring for Teacher Quality at the District Level: Lessons from The New Teacher Project Ch 3. Professionalizing the Occupation of Teaching in a Time of Transition Broadening the Vision of Professional Entry--Synthesis of Section I SECTION II. MEASURING TEACHING QUALITY IN PRACTICE Ch 4. Measuring Teacher Quality in Practice Ch 5. The Policy Uses and Policy Validity of Value-Added and Other Teacher Quality Measures Ch 6. Approximations of Teacher Quality and Effectiveness: View from the State Education Agency Measuring Teacher and Teaching Quality: Considerations and Next Steps--Synthesis of Section II SECTION III. MEASURING TEACHING QUALITY IN CONTEXT Ch 7. Mapping the Terrain of Teacher Quality Ch 8. Measuring Instruction for Teacher Learning Ch 9. Opportunity to Teach: Teacher Quality in Context Crisp Measurement and Messy Context: A Clash of Assumptions and Metaphors--Synthesis of Section III Assessment of Teaching or Assessment for Teaching? Reflections on the Invitational Conference About the Contributors Author Index Subject Index