Arguing for a General Framework for Mass Media Scholarship


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By W. James Potter
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W. James Potter, professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara, holds one PhD in Communication Studies and another in Instructional Technology. He has been teaching media courses for more than two decades in the areas of effects on individuals and society, content narratives, structure and economics of media industries, advertising, and journalism. He has served as editor of the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media and is the author of many journal articles and several dozen books, including: Media Effects; Media Literacy, 10th edition; The 11 Myths of Media Violence; Major Theories of Media Effects; Becoming a Strategic Thinker: Developing Skills for Success; and 7 Skills of Media Literacy.

PART I: INTRODUCTION 1. Why Do We Need a General Framework? 2. Introduction to the General Framework PART II: EXPLAINING THE MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS FACET 3. Media Media Organization Line of Thinking 4. Business Strategies 5. Marketing Strategies 6. Employment Strategies PART III: EXPLAINING THE MEDIA AUDIENCES FACET 7. Media Audience Line of Thinking 8. Audience Cognitive Algorithms 9. Audience: Filtering Media Messages 10. Audience: Meaning Matching 11. Audience: Meaning Construction PART IV: EXPLAINING THE MEDIA MESSAGES FACET 12. Media Message Line of Thinking 13. Message Formulas and Conventions--General 14. Message Formulas and Conventions by Genre 15. Critique of Media Message Scholarship PART V: EXPLAINING THE MEDIA EFFECTS FACET 16. Media Effects Line of Thinking 17. Conceptualizing Media Influence and Effects 18. Designing Media Effects Studies PART VI: CONCLUSION 19. Integration of Explanations

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