Using the National Gifted Education Standards for PreK-12 Professional Development

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781412965231

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Edited by Margie Kitano, Diane Montgomery, Joyce VanTassel-Baska, Susan K. Johnsen
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Diane Montgomery is regents professor emerita of educational psychology at Oklahoma State University. She continues to teach Q methodology and works with researchers who find Q appropriate for their inquiry efforts. Joyce VanTassel-Baska is The Jody and Layton Smith Professor of Education and Executive Director of the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary in Virginia where she has developed a graduate program and a research and development center in gifted education. Formerly she initiated and directed the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University. She has also served as the state director of gifted programs for Illinois, as a regional director of a gifted service center in the Chicago area, as coordinator of gifted programs for the Toledo, Ohio, public school system, and as a teacher of gifted high school students in English and Latin. She has worked as a consultant on gifted educa-tion in all 50 states and for key national groups, including the U.S. Department of Education, National Association of Secondary School Principals, and American Association of School Administrators. She has consulted internation-ally in Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, Jordan, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates. She is past president of The Association for the Gifted of the Council for Exceptional Children, and the Northwestern University Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa. She is currently president-elect of the National Association for Gifted Children. Dr. VanTassel-Baska has published widely including 15 books and over 275 refereed journal articles, book chapters, and scholarly reports. Recent books include: Designing and Utilizing Evaluation for Gifted Program Improvement (in press) (with Annie Feng), Content-based Curriculum for Gifted Learners (2003) (with Catherine Little) and Curriculum Planning and Instructional Design for Gifted Learners (2003). She also serves as the editor of Gifted and Talented International, a publication of the World Council on Gifted and Talented. Dr. VanTassel-Baska has received numerous awards for her work, including the National Association for Gifted Children's Early Leader Award in 1986, the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award in 1993, the Phi Beta Kappa faculty award in 1995, and the National Association of Gifted Children's Distinguished Scholar Award in 1997. She has received awards from five states - Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, South Carolina, and Illinois - for her contribution to the field of gifted education in those states. She was selected as a Fulbright Scholar to New Zealand in 2000 and a visiting scholar to Cambridge University in England in 1993. Her major research interests are on the talent development process and effective curricular interventions with the gifted. She holds B.A., M.A., M. Ed., and Ed.D. degrees from the University of Toledo.

Introduction 1. National Standards for Preparation of Teachers of the Gifted: History and Implications for PreK-12 Schools (Margie Kitano) 2. Professional Standards for Teachers of Students With Gifts and Talents (Susan Johnsen) 3. Aligning Teacher Preparation Standards and NAGC PreK-12 Gifted Program Standards (Joyce VanTassel-Baska) 4. Sensing and Assessing Teacher Needs (Margie Kitano) 5. Identifying Expected Outcomes for Professional Development Through Standards Alignment (Margie Kitano) 6. An Effective, Standards-Based Professional Development Model for Gifted Education (Joyce VanTassel-Baska) 7. Designing Professional Development Activities at Teacher and School Levels (Diane Montgomery) 8. Assessment of Professional Development Activities (Diane Montgomery) 9. Professional Development for the Diversity Standards (Margie Kitano) 10. Challenges and Prospects (Susan Johnson, Joyce VanTassel-Baska, Diane Montgomery, Margie Kitano) Appendices References Index

"This is a highly useable guide to align inservice training coursework with the new national standards. The latest thinking on high-quality gifted education is invaluable; I can be sure that I am teaching what my teachers need!" -- Christine Nobbe, Gifted Education Specialist "The great leveler for new and veteran teachers of gifted and talented learners begins with an understanding of the foundation for the field and current best practice. This guide helps professional development specialists bring their programs in line with the same national standards that are being used in teacher candidate preparation programs." -- Cindy Sheets, Gifted Facilitator

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