Preface Acknowledgments About the Authors 1. An Introduction to Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques (FACTs) What Does a Formative Assessment?Centered Classroom Look Like? Why Use FACTs? How Does Research Support the Use of FACTs? Classroom Environments That Support Formative Assessment Connecting Teaching and Learning Making the Shift to a Formative Assessment-Centered Classroom 2. Integrating FACTs With Instruction and Learning Integrating Assessment and Instruction Assessment That Promotes Thinking and Learning Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning: The Mathematics Assessment, Instruction, and Learning Cycle (MAIL Cycle) Stages in the MAIL Cycle Engagement and Readiness Eliciting Prior Knowledge Exploration and Discovery Concept and Skill Development Concept and Procedure Transfer Self-Assessment and Reflection Selecting and Using FACTs to Strengthen the Link Between Assessment, Instruction, and Learning 3. Considerations for Selecting, Implementing and Using Data From FACTs Selecting FACTs Selecting FACTs to Match Learning Goals FACTs and the Common Core Standards for Mathematics Selecting FACTs to Match Teaching Goals The Critical Importance of Classroom Context in Selecting FACTs Planning to Use and Implement FACTs Starting Off With Small Steps Maintaining and Extending Implementation Using Data From the FACTs 4. Get the FACTs! 75 Mathematics Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques (FACTs) #1. A & D Statements #2. Agreement Circles #3. Always, Sometimes, or Never True #4. Card Sorts #5. CCC: Collaborative Clued Corrections #6. Comments-Only Marking #7. Commit and Toss #8. Concept Attainment Cards #9. Concept Card Mapping #10. Concept Cartoons #11. Create the Problem #12. Every Graph Tells a Story #13. Example, Nonexample #14. Fact-First Questioning #15. Feedback to Feed-Forward #16. Fist to Five #17. Four Corners #18. Frayer Model #19. Friendly Talk Probes #20. Give Me Five #21. Hot Seat Questioning #22. Human Scatter Graph #23. Is It Fair? #24. I Used to Think . . . But Now I Know . . . #25. Justified List #26. Justified True-or-False Statements #27. K-W-L Variations #28. Learning Goals Inventory (LGI) #29. Look Back #30. Matching Cards #31. Mathematician's Ideas Comparison #32. More A?More B Probes #33. Muddiest Point #34. No-Hands Questioning #35. Odd One Out #36. Opposing Views Probes #37. Overgeneralization Probes #38. Partner Speaks #39. Pass the Problem #40. P-E-O Probes (Predict, Explain, Observe) #41. Peer-to-Peer Focused Feedback #42. A Picture Tells a Thousand Words #43. POMS: Point of Most Significance #44. Popsicle Stick Questioning #45. PVF: Paired Verbal Fluency #46. Question Generating #47. Response Cards #48. Same A?Same B Probes #49. Sequencing Cards #50. Sticky Bars #51. Strategy Harvest #52. Strategy Probe #53. Student Evaluation of Learning Gains #54. Student Interviews #55. Terminology Inventory Probe (TIP) #56. Ten-Two #57. Thinking Log #58. Think-Alouds #59. Think-Pair-Share #60. Thought Experiments #61. Three-Minute Pause #62. 3-2-1 #63. Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down #64. Traffic Light Cards #65. Traffic Light Cups #66. Traffic Light Dots #67. Two-Minute Paper #68. Two or Three Before Me #69. Two Stars and a Wish #70. Two Thirds Testing #71. Volleyball, Not Ping-Pong! #72. Wait Time Variations #73. What Are You Doing and Why? #74. Whiteboarding #75. Word Sort Appendix: Annotated Resources for Mathematics Formative Assessment References Index