The School-Home Connection

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781412968645

Forging Positive Relationships With Parents

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By Rosemary A. Olender, Jacquelyn Elias, Rosemary D. Mastroleo
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Rosemary Olender is a retired school administrator who is currently providing consulting and staff development services for school districts across a broad range of educational issues. She has focused her work on the development of educational practices that lead to higher standards for all students and increased public relations between schools and communities. Olender received her bachelor's degree in speech pathology and audiology from the State University of New York at Albany, her master's degree in speech and language pathology from Syracuse University, and her CAS in educational administration from Syracuse University. Prior to becoming an administrator, Olender taught for 17 years as a teacher (Grades 1-2; 7-9; 10-12) of profoundly deaf children in inclusive settings. She then became a general education administrator as associate principal for a junior high school (Grades 8-9) and principal of an elementary school (Grades K-4) before becoming director of special education (K-12) for the North Syracuse Central School District in upstate New York. She now focuses her consulting and staff development training for school districts and state organizations on a variety of topics centered on effective parent relations, inclusive practices, special education laws and practices, behavior management, and school-related personnel. Olender is a member of the American Speech and Hearing Association, the Council of Exceptional Children, and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Additionally, she is a part-time administrator for the supervision of speech therapists providing Medicaid services in several upstate New York school districts. Jacquelyn Elias is a retired speech therapist and school administrator residing in upstate New York. She received a bachelor of arts degree in speech pathology and audiology from the State University of NY at Geneseo and a masters and educational administrative degree from Oswego State University. Elias spent 19 years in the public schools as a speech therapist and special educator. Her primary interest was working with students with emotional disabilities and the very young child with language disabilities. Elias was a school administrator for 10 years. She spent 3 years as an intermediate school principal and 7 years in the capacities of assistant director and director of special education programs in three different school districts. Elias was active in the NYSWA (New York State Women in Administration) organization and SANNYS, a NYS organization for all administrators. Rosemary Mastroleo is a retired school teacher and supervisor now living in Southwest Florida. Throughout her career, Mastroleo was responsible for the set up and design of special education programs in public school settings. She focused her efforts on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each child in order to build a successful academic program both at home and at school. Mastroleo's consistent efforts to build cooperative relationships with families enhanced the success of her students and her programs. Prior to becoming an administrator, Mastroleo taught for 17 years in the North Syracuse Central School District in central New York. During that time, she was a first grade teacher, an elementary counselor, a resource teacher, and then an itinerant junior and senior high school teacher. Following her tenure as a teacher, Mastroleo became a program monitor for the special education department in the North Syracuse District. Her duties included overseeing self-contained special education classes, sitting as a permanent member of the Committee on Special Education and providing consultant services for special education and regular education teachers regarding students with special needs. In addition to her supervisory and consultant duties, Mastroleo became a hearing officer for the North Syracuse District during her last five years of service.

Preface Acknowledgments About the Authors 1. Committing to the Relationship Benefits to the Student Benefits to the Teacher Benefits to the Parent Benefits to the Class Benefits to the School Benefits to the School District Summary 2. Recognizing Different Personalities Determining Personality Effects of Personalities on Your Relationships Implications Dealing With Difficult Parents Summary 3. Identifying Potential Red Flags Recognizing Red Flags The Likelihood Rating Scale Parent and Family Conditions Teacher Conditions Administrator Conditions Summary 4. Honing Solid Communication Skills Verbal Communication Obstacles Nonverbal Communication Obstacles Summary 5. Adopting Key Rules Rule 1: Be Respectful Rule 2: Be Proactive Rule 3: No Surprises Rule 4: 24 Hours Rule 5: No Dump Trucks Allowed Rule 6: Document Rule 7: Be Prepared Rule 8: "I Don't Know" Rule 9: Never Say Never Rule 10: Never Lie Summary 6. Using Flexibility to Enhance Relationships Common Family Issues Needing Accommodation Failing Students Students With Disabilities Families of Divorce or Separation Illness or Death of a Close Family Member Non-English-Speaking and Low-Literacy Families Counterproductive Family Dynamics Summary 7. Documenting and Celebrating School Events What Do We Need to Document? Quick, Easy, and Routine Daily Documentation Methods Weekly or Monthly Newsletters Specialized Daily Contacts Conferences DVDs/CDs Back-to-School Nights and Open Houses Summary 8. Connecting Home and School Levels of Parent Participation Level 1: General Parental Support of School Activities Level 2: Parental Involvement in Daily School Events Level 3: Parental Involvement in Decision-Making Processes Summary 9. Cultivating Resources Where Do You Start? Compiling a List of Family Resources What Should Your Resource List Look Like? One Step Further Summary 10. Summarizing Global Lessons Learned Lesson 1: Keep the Student Front and Center Lesson 2: Be the Best Communicator You Can Be Lesson 3: Become User-Friendly Lesson 4: Be Proactive Lesson 5: View Parents and Families as Opportunities to Bring Diversity, Interests, and Talents into the Classroom and School Lesson 6: Above All, Keep and Use a Sense of Humor Summary Resource A: Discover Your Personality Resource B: The Animal Test Resource C: Personality Types References and Recommended Readings Index

"When parents and school get together, all kids can win. Every teacher and administrator should read this book. The detailed table of contents directs you to a solution for your problem." -- NZ Carol, Development Officer "After enduring a 16-day due process hearing with Rosemary Olender, in which the district prevailed but nobody 'won,' especially the student, Rosemary said to me, 'There has to be a better way.' I agreed. The research conducted by the authors, combined with their years of special education experience, has found a better solution. This book provides sound, practical, readily implemented advice regarding communication and relationships-the keys to successful outcomes for special education students, their families, and their school districts." -- Donald E. Budmen, School Attorney "A useful resource for all educators with practical suggestions to help close the gap between school and home. Through analogies and shared reflections on real-life examples, the authors provide guidance in dealing effectively with parents, appreciating the importance of family dynamics, and understanding the effects of personality types on relationships." -- Annette Speach, Director of Human Resources "A resource that every school district should use for staff development. It provides excellent strategies with effective examples to use in various situations that occur in our schools. Effective strategies are offered to deal with parents who are insecure, feel threatened, or are very anxious. The book also offers insight on how school staff should act to develop a climate of respect." -- Nellie A. Bush, Retired Assistant Superintendent "These authors understand the basic and important concepts to working successfully with even the most challenging students and families. In clear language, they provide concrete steps to guide readers in developing the relationships that are the basis of all successful collaboration between school and home. Becoming skilled in these relationships is the foundation for successful home-school collaboration, and these authors provide the why's and how-to's in very readable form." -- Bonnie Dunn, Retired School Social Worker "This commonsense and practical approach to improving relationships contains a storehouse of solid resources and tools that will assist both neophytes as well as the experienced practitioner. The book serves as a strong wake-up call, as the research clearly indicates that student achievement improves when parents are involved in a child's education." -- Jerome F. Melvin, Superintendent of Schools

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