George Kapalka is a board-certified clinical psychologist, a licensed mental health counselor, and a certified school psychologist. He holds additional board certifications in child mental health services, learning disabilities, and psychopharmacology. For over 20 years, he is an active clinician who primarily treats children and adolescents with problem behaviors. In addition, he is associate professor of psychological counseling at Monmouth University (a graduate faculty appointment) and is a member of medical staff at Meridian Health Systems where he trains physicians and nurses about the diagnosis and treatment of children with ADHD and other disruptive disorders. Kapalka authored books and dozens of professional publications in psychological, educational, and medical literature. In addition, he has authored or coauthored numerous research presentations at regional, national, and international conferences of psychological, educational, and medical associations. He is an active lecturer, has appeared on television, and has been quoted in news articles in stories pertaining to the development, education, and treatment of children and adolescents.
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Foreword by Margaret Alvarez, PsyD, MSCP, MS IV Acknowledgments About the Author Introduction: Why Do Students Misbehave? Prologue: Prepare Yourself Step 1: Give Effective Single-Action Commands Step 2: Give Effective Warnings Step 3: Handle Flare-Ups and Tantrums Step 4: Construct a Behavioral Contract Step 5: Manage Transitions Step 6: Discourage Interruptions Step 7: Improve Behaviors in Out-of-Class Settings Step 8: Develop an Effective Homework Routine Conclusion: Maximize the Improvement With Additional Techniques References
"This book gives readers the tools needed to create a positive learning environment for everyone in the classroom, including themselves, thus making them more effective educators." -- Deborah D. Therriault, Teacher "Provides easy-to-follow techniques that can be incorporated into any K-12 classroom." -- Pamela L. Opel, Science Curriculum Specialist "Kapalka's 8 steps foster academic, behavioral, and social success and provides teachers and students with a purposeful and systematic plan to meet the needs of complex and challenging behaviors. When put into practice, the 8 steps establish a climate of accountability and possibility. This book is also a great resource for intervention and referral services (I&RS) teams and for districts looking to expand their Response to Intervention (RTI) models." -- Karen C. Filkin, Inclusion Facilitator "Kapalka presents, in a very clear format, scenarios of difficult cases that educators often encounter. The book introduces a new approach that looks at both sides of the equation: educators who deliver the intervention and students who receive it. This is an easy-to-read manual that makes for quick referencing. Keep a copy by your desk." -- Maria Barresi-Devore, Consulting Psychologist "Kapalka's book is a comprehensive, practical approach to dealing with many of the behavioral issues a teacher will face. Kapalka not only offers time-tested and research-based information in an applicable format, he also gives some of the latest techniques that can be quickly applied to difficult behaviors within the classroom setting." -- Brett J. Novick, Elementary School Social Worker "This is a practical, straightforward, ready-to-use 'cookbook' to manage typical classroom misbehaviors. It helps the educator understand the rationale of the behavior as well as how to deal with it. Following the steps in sequence results in a win-win situation, with both the teacher and the student saving face and maintaining integrity." -- Marilyn Gonyo, President "Kapalka's book offers a focused, concise, and straightforward approach to classroom management that will be welcomed by time-starved teachers, school psychologists, and others who deal daily with classroom behavior." -- Kent E. Rude, Certified School Psychologist "The author gives helpful ways of fine tuning what teachers already practice on a daily basis. The idea that Kapalka presents-that it's not about the teacher, but about the student-is a concept that enables teachers to become more focused on the ultimate success of their students. " -- Bessie Finger, Psychiatric Teacher Counselor "The author has skillfully described specific techniques that benefit the teacher in managing the classroom, while emphasizing the importance of nurturing the attributes necessary for healthy growth and development in learning for challenging students." -- Danielle Monti Pfeiffer, Student Assistance Counselor