Bob Algozzine is a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at the University of North Carolina and project codirector of the U.S. Department of Education-supported Behavior and Reading Improvement Center. With 25 years of research experience and extensive firsthand knowledge of teaching students classified as seriously emotionally disturbed, Algozzine is a uniquely qualified staff developer, conference speaker, and teacher of behavior management and effective teaching courses. He is active in special education practice as a partner and collaborator with professionals in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools in North Carolina and as an editor of several journals focused on special education. Algozzine has written more than 250 manuscripts on special education topics, including many books and textbooks on how to manage emotional and social behavior problems. Ann P. Daunic is an Associate Scholar in the Department of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies at the University of Florida. For the past 12 years, she has directed applied research projects focused on the prevention of problem behaviors through school- and classroom-based interventions including conflict resolution, peer mediation and instruction in social problem solving. Her interest in preventive interventions for students at risk for school failure reflects an academic background in psychology and her experience as a college counselor for economically and educationally disadvantaged students from the New York City metropolitan area. She has also served as a private high school administrator and guidance counselor, collaborating with teachers and parents to address the social and instructional needs of students with behavioral and academic difficulties. She is currently director of the Prevention Research Project, a four-year study funded by the Institute of Education Sciences to evaluate the efficacy of a social problem-solving curriculum for fourth and fifth grade students. Associated research interests include merging social-emotional and academic learning and the role of social cognition in the self-regulation of emotions and behavior. Stephen W. Smith is a Professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Florida (UF). Prior to receiving his Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Kansas, he was a teacher of special education students for eight years. Dr. Smith teaches graduate courses in the area of emotional and behavioral disorders and research in special education at UF and has conducted multiple federally funded investigations of effective behavior management techniques including the study of social conflict and the effects of school-wide peer mediation programs. As the Principal Investigator of a large-scale prevention science research grant funded by the US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES), Dr. Smith is investigating the effects of a universal cognitive-behavioral intervention in the form of a social problem solving curriculum to reduce student aggression and chronic classroom disruption. He has presented his findings and recommendations at numerous state, regional, national, and international professional conferences. While at UF, Dr. Smith has received three teaching awards, a University Research Award, and has served twice as a UF Research Foundation Professor. He is a member of the IES Social and Behavioral Education Scientific Research Review Panel and is a member of the Executive Board of the Division for Research, Council for Exceptional Children.
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Acknowledgments About the Authors 1. Prevention Science and Practice What We Know about Prevention Practice What We Know about Response to Intervention What We Know about Behavior and Academics Changing the Lives of Students with Problems An Illustration from Practice 2. Preschool Behavior Support Importance of Teaching Social Skills in Preschool Effective Practices for Teaching Social Skills to Young Children Teaching Young Children How to Behave in Social Settings An Illustration from Practice 3. Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support Definition and Importance of SWPBS Characteristics and Effective Practices of SWPBS Effectiveness of SWPBS Perspective on School-Wide Positive Behavior Support An Illustration from Practice 4. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in School Settings Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions Theoretical Underpinnings of CBI Current Research on CBI School-Based CBIs A CBI Example Summary An Illustration from Practice 5. Social Skills Instruction and Generalization Strategies Social Skills, Social Competence, and Curricula Generalization of Social Skills and Building Performance Competence Why Social Skills Programs Sometimes Fail Gaining Community Support for Social Skills Training Importance of Improving and Generalizing Social Skills 6. Conflict Resolution, Peer Mediation, and Bullying Prevention Some Program Definitions A Developmental Framework Characteristics of Effective CRE Programs How to Sustain CRE and Bullying Prevention Programs Concluding Thoughts An Illustration from Practice 7. Classroom Interventions and Individual Behavior Plans What Educators Should Know About the RTI Model RTI as a Schoolwide and Classroom Management Approach Effective Classroom Management Approaches Tier 2 Behavior Plans for Students Behavior Planning for Tier 2 Students Summary of Tier 2 Behavior Planning Individualized Behavior Plan (BIP) Conclusion 8. Effective Home-School Partnerships The Importance of Home-School Partnerships Principles and Key Features of Home-School Partnerships Characteristics of Effective Home-School Partnerships Home-School Partnerships and Challenging Behavior Illustration from Practice 9. Community and Interagency Partnerships Poverty, Immigrant Status and Risk Interagency Approaches to Preventing Problem Behavior Core Principles and Governance Structure Linkages to Learning in Action Preventing Problem Behaviors with Community Partnerships 10. Culturally Responsive Teaching Culture and Today's Classrooms Culturally Responsive Teaching Teaching Appropriate Behavior Teaching Behavior to CLD Learners Conclusion Illustrations from Practice 11. Monitoring Student Progress and Evaluating Prevention Practices Evaluating Outcomes of Prevention Efforts Designing Program Evaluations Measurement Issues Common Hazards in Program Evaluation Disseminating Evaluation Information Measuring Success of Preventing Programs 12. Building and Sustaining Effective Prevention Practices Building Effective Prevention Practices Putting It All Together Postscript References Index
"A wonderful tool for administrators and teachers that offers child-centered resources and ideas to help our learners succeed, thereby making our classrooms more effective. The book contains tools to help our students think through their problems, learn social skills necessary in everyday life, and focus on positive results. I especially love the sample behavior reports, progress monitoring charts, and the self-monitoring chart. It is so effective to help students see that they are responsible for their actions and to make them partners in their education." -- Megan M. Allen, Fourth-Grade Teacher "This clearly written book provides a comprehensive review of programs and strategies that support positive behaviors in our schools. The connection between social behavior and academic achievement has long been recognized. The authors go beyond describing this link to clearly delineate the factors that must be addressed, including early intervention, the use of evidence-based practices, and progress monitoring. They also address the need for building and sustaining the supports necessary for success, such as partnerships with families and community agencies and culturally responsive teaching. This book is for educators and administrators who are committed to preventing problem behaviors in schools." -- Joan Robbins, Director of Special Services "The authors provide a rigorously researched, highly accessible resource for preventing, minimizing, and responding to students' challenging behaviors. A major strength is the wide array of evidence-based, culturally responsive practices presented in ways that school personnel can readily apply. Teachers, administrators, and related service personnel will find this well-sequenced text both motivating and instructive as they consider how best to address the academic and behavioral needs of their students." -- Michael S. Rosenberg, Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Special Education