Jody L. Maanum has taught in both the general and special education settings for 13 years, working diligently to implement best practice techniques and differentiated strategies to meet the individual needs of all students. Maanum is currently the literacy coach and Response to Intervention training specialist for the Midwest Special Education Cooperative in West Central Minnesota. She has been instrumental in promoting early literacy achievement in all children and fully implementing the RTI model in the nine school districts within the cooperative in which she works. She received her bachelor of arts degree in elementary education from Concordia College and obtained a master of science degree in special education from the University of Minnesota, Moorhead.
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Preface Acknowledgments About the Author I. Federal Special Education Disability Categories Autism Deaf-Blindness Deafness Emotional Disturbance Hearing Impairment Mental Retardation Multiple Disabilities Orthopedic Impairment Other Health Impairment Specific Learning Disability Speech or Language Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairment II. The Special Education Process Special Education Flow Chart Explanation of the Special Education Process Traditional Formal Assessments Explanation of Test Scores Non-Traditional and Progress Monitoring Assessment Section 504 Special Education Acronyms and Abbreviations III. Access to the General Education Curriculum: Accommodations, Modification, Strategies, and Assistive Technology Accommodations Modifications Assistive Technology IV. Meeting the Needs of All students: Response to Intervention The "Very Basic" Steps of RTI Three-Tier System Intervention Strategies Language Arts Strategies Whole Class Strategies Reading Comprehension Written Expression Strategies Written Mechanics Strategies Whole Group Response Keeping Students on Track Behavior Interventions Behavior Management Strategies V. Transitions for Students With Disabilities Educational Transitions What Is a Transition Portfolio Secondary Transition Needs From High School to Adulthood Medication Resources References Index
"This is a great resource for general and special education teachers, administrators, and paraprofessionals looking for answers when working with students with special needs. What a wonderful guide for supporting our day-to-day work." -- Heidi Rinke, Special Education Teacher "This book is an extremely valuable resource containing practical and realistic information that can be applied continuously to the challenges in the classroom. It is a refreshing perspective that sheds new light on meeting special needs." -- Colleen Deal, Third-Grade Teacher "What a great resource! This is a quick and handy tool of communication between special education and the general education arena." -- Kim Erdahl, K-6 Teacher "A well-organized and user-friendly text offering essential information and instructional strategies to educators working with children with special needs." -- Susan B. Neuman, Professor, and Christine Meyer, Doctoral Student