SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research 2/e


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By Abbas Tashakkori, Charles B. Teddlie
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Abbas Tashakkori (Ph.D., Social Psychology, University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill) is the Chairperson of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of North Texas (Denton, Texas, USA). Previously, has has been a Professor of Research and Evaluation Methodology at Florida International University (Miami, Florida, USA). He has been a post-doctoral fellow at the Carolina Population Center and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as well as a visiting scholar at Texas A&M University. He has extensive experience as a program evaluator, and he has taught research methods for more than two decades in undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of North Carolina, Shiraz University, Stetson University, Louisiana State University, and Florida International University. In addition to research methodology, his published work covers a wide spectrum of research and program evaluation in cross-cultural and multi-cultural contexts, including self-perceptions, attitudes, and gender/ethnicity. Charles Teddlie (Ph.D., Social Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) is the Jo Ellen Levy Yates Distinguished Professor of Education at Louisiana State University (LSU). He has also taught at the University of New Orleans and has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (U.K.). He has also served as Assistant Superintendent for Research and Development at the Louisiana Department of Education. His major writing interests are social science research methodology and school effectiveness research. Professor Teddlie has taught research methods courses for over twenty years, including statistics and qualitative research methods. He has been awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award from the LSU College of Education. Professor Teddlie has lectured on school effectiveness research and educational research methodology in several countries including the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Russia, the Ukraine, and Belarus.

01. Overview of Contemporary Issues in Mixed Methods Research - Charles Teddlie, Abbas Tashakkori SECTION ONE: CONCEPTUAL ISSUES: PHILOSOPHICAL, THEORETICAL, SOCIOPOLITICAL 02. Mapping the Developing Landscape of Mixed Methods Research - John W. Creswell 03. A History of Philosophical and Theoretical Issues for Mixed Methods Research - Burke Johnson, Robert Gray 04. Pragmatism and the Philosophical Foundations of Mixed Methods Research - Gert Biesta 05. Dialectics and Pragmatism: Being of Consequence - Jennifer Greene, Jori Hall 06. Realism as a Stance for Mixed Method Research - Joseph A. Maxwell, Kavita Mittapalli 07. Feminist Approaches to Mixed Methods Research: Linking Theory and Praxis - Sharlene Hesse-Biber 08.Utilization of Mixed Methods for Transformative Purposes - Donna M. Mertens, Katrina L. Bledsoe, Martin Sullivan, Amy Wilson 09. The Multidimensional Model of Research Methodology: An Integrated Set of Continua - Katrin Niglas 10. Research Design, As Independent of Methods - Stephen Gorard 11. Interviews with the Early Developers of Mixed Methods Research - Nancy L. Leech SECTION TWO: ISSUES REGARDING METHODS AND METHODOLOGY 12. Research Questions in Mixed Methods Research - Vicki Plano Clark, Manijeh Badiee 13. An Inclusive Framework for Conceptualizing Mixed Methods Design Typologies: Moving Toward Fully Integrated Synergistic Research Models - Bonnie K. Nastasi, John H. Hitchcock, Lisa Brown 14. Procedures and Practice of Mixed Method Design: Maintaining Control, Rigor, and Complexity - Janice Morse 15. Advanced Sampling Designs in Mixed Research: Current Practices and Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences - Kathy Collins 16. Hermeneutic Content Analysis: Textual and Audiovisual Analyses within a Mixed Methods Framework - Manfred Max Bergman 17. Emergent Data Analysis Techniques in Mixed Methods Research: A Synthesis - Anthony Onwuegbuzie, Julie Combs 18. Computer Assisted Integration of Mixed Methods Data Sources and Analysis - Patricia Bazeley 19. Visual Displays for Mixed Methods Findings - Wendy B. Dickinson 20. Using Q Methodology and Q Factor Analysis in Mixed Methods Research - Isadore Newman, Susan Ramlo 21. Assessing the Quality of Mixed Methods Research: Towards a Comprehensive Framework - Alicia O'Cathain SECTION THREE: CONTEMPORARY APPLICATIONS OF MIXED METHODS RESEARCH 22. Meeting the Practical Challenges of Mixed Methods Research - Eli Lieber, Thomas S. Weisner 23. Emerging Trends in the Utilization of Integrated Designs in the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences - Nataliya Ivankova, Yoko Kawamura 24. Using Mixed Methods in Monitoring and Evaluation: Experiences from International Development Evaluation - Michael Bamberger, Vijayendra Rao, Michael Woolcock 25. Teaching Mixed Methods and Action Research: Pedagogical, Practical, and Evaluative Considerations - Thomas Christ 26. The Use of Mixed Methods in Biographical Research - Ann Nilsen, Julia Brannen 27. The Contribution of Mixed Methods to Recent Research on Educational Effectiveness - Pam Sammons 28. Current Practices and Emerging Trends in Conducting Mixed Methods Intervention Studies in the Health Sciences - Mi-Kyung Song, Margarete Sandelowski, Mary Beth Happ 29. Mixed Methods and Systematic Reviews: Examples and Emerging Issues - Angela Harden, James Thomas 30. Funding and Publishing Integrated Studies: Writing Effective Mixed Methods Manuscripts and Grant Proposals - Britt Dahlberg, Marsha Wittink, Joseph Gallo 31. Current Developments and Emerging Trends in Integrated Research Methodology - Abbas Tashakkori, Charles Teddlie Author Index Subject Index About the Contributors

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