Strategies for Learning

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781412972857

Empowering Students for Success, Grades 9-12

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Edited by Karen J. Rooney
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Karen J. Rooney is director of Educational Enterprises, Inc. in Richmond, Virginia. She has taught in both private and public sectors and was the educational specialist in a multidisciplinary clinic before becoming director of The Learning Resource Center and founder of The Attention Disorders Clinic. She is a past member of the national board of the International Dyslexia Association and is the 2007 recipient of the Rebecca Brock Richardson award. Rooney was selected to present a white paper on the importance of clinical judgment at the Learning Disabilities Summit in 2001, was a representative on the National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities, served as the Children's Action Network representative for the Division for Learning Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and participated in the Expert Work Group to develop CEC's position regarding Response to Intervention. She currently is a past-president of the Division for Learning Disabilities of CEC and serves on the Steering Committee of the National Adolescent Literacy Coalition. Rooney provides direct services to children, adolescents, and adults who need to improve their performance. She conducts assessments, provides educational consultation, and teaches the program entitled Independent Strategies for Efficient Study. She also provides professional development on topics related to literacy skill development, learning disabilities, attention disorders, strategy training, and Response to Intervention. She has also published teaching materials such as Wordstorming: A Tutorial Program for Parents, Teachers and Tutors, Reverse Diagramming, and Independent Strategies for Efficient Study - Upper Elementary/Middle School Level and is currently developing a booklet to facilitate communication between parents and their young children. She earned her PhD in special education at the University of Virginia (major areas: special education, psychology, research) and holds licenses in English, Grades 7-12, in New York state and English, Grades 7-12, as well as Learning Disabilities, Grades K-12 in Virginia.

Preface Acknowledgments About the Author 1. Introduction Before Reading This Book Before Teaching the Strategies General Principles, Techniques, and Important Concepts Part I. Vocabulary and Note Taking When Reading 2. Vocabulary Learning Vocabulary 3. Note Taking When Reading Material With Subtitles (Textbooks, Handouts, and Web Site Material) Card Format Paper/Column Format 4. Note Taking Using Shortcut Advance Organizers Shortcut Advance Organizer: Using Cards Shortcut Advance Organizer: Using Paper/Columns 5. Note Taking for Material Without Subtitles (Teacher Handouts, Review Sheets, or Class Notes) Card Format Paper/Column Format 6. Visual Organizers for Note Taking Wheels for Reading Wheels for Literature 7. Additional Reading Strategies Literature Grids or Columns Notation Strategy for Literature Margin Notes Sticky-Note Strategy Page Note Taking Part II. Note Taking When Listening 8. Note Taking During Oral Instruction or Lecture Streamlined Note Taking (for Lecture) Two-Column Note Taking (for Use in Content-Area Subjects) Reduced Note Taking 9. Additional Note-Taking Strategies Note Taking From Visuals (Blackboard, Projector, or PowerPoint) Wheels for Note Taking Note-Taking Grid Advance Organizer Using Pictorials During Note Taking Using Pictorials After Note Taking Note Taking During Math Class Reorganization of Notes After Class Part III. Language Arts 10. Decoding and Spelling Decoding Spelling 11. English Grammar Concept or Rule Cards: Option One Concept or Rule Cards: Option Two Personal Review Journal 12. Writing Sentence-Building Strategy (Syntax) Wheels for Writing Part IV. Math and Foreign Language Proofing for Errors Upgrade Proofing Wheels for Speech Writing 13. Mathematics Concept, Rule, or Problem Type Cards Personal Review Book or Journal Word Problems 14. Foreign Language Vocabulary Chart Cards Concept, Rule, or Topic Cards Personal Grammar Review Book or Journal Part V. Test Taking 15. Test Preparation and Test Taking Imagery Pretest Preparation General Review Vocabulary Review Shortcut Review From Notes Essay Test Review Using End-of-Chapter Questions Reviewing Old Tests Sudden-Death Review Practice-Test Strategies (Conten-Area Subjects) Practice-Test Strategy for Math, Foreign Language, and English Grammar Question Strategies Test-Taking Vocabulary After-the-Test Strategy Part VI. Organization, Time Management, and Solving Problems 16. Organization Notebook Organization: Self-Containted Notebook Backpack Organization Self-Monitoring Strategies Self-Graphing of Grades or Performance Individualized Homework Assignment Planner Strategies for Following Directions 17. Time Management Sunday-Night Planning Overview Homework, Activities, and Exam Review for a Semester Time Management of Weekly Homework Other Examples 18. Problem Solving Wheels for Problem Solving Wheels for Feelings 19. Conclusion Resources A. How to Help Students Choose an Appropriate Strategy B. List of Well-Known Literacy Remediation Programs C. List of Helpful Special Education Resources for Teachers D. Glossary Index

"A gate barring success often needs but the right key. This book provides keys to unlock the learning for those who always possessed the ability to learn. The knowledge, instinct, dedication, and passion of Karen Rooney gives a special clarity and power to her instructional recommendations. I wish my teachers had this book when I was in school." -- G. Emerson Dickman, Immediate Past President "A practical reference, this book adds to teachers' toolboxes of useful learning strategies. All students, whether or not they have learning disabilities, benefit from practicing how to learn!" -- Patricia W. Newhall, Associate Director "Easy-to-implement strategies to successfully develop and maximize learning for all students." -- Loukea Kovanis-Wilson, Chemistry Instructor "Contains proven, practical, and explicit strategies that secondary students with learning disabilities can use to become independent and motivated learners. Wedding years of clinical experience with the most up-to-date research, Rooney provides teachers with evidence-based techniques they can use with their most difficult-to-teach students." -- Daniel P. Hallahan, Charles S. Robb Professor of Education "Having used Rooney's learning strategies for many years, I can affirm their high-yield effectiveness. Best of all, students enjoy this 'take charge' approach to their own learning. The strategies are logical, concise, and excellent for students to achieve improved understanding, retention, and memory retrieval for concepts. This book is a must for teachers who want to help their students become independent, self-confident, and successful learners." -- Rebecca H. Aldred, Reading Consultant and Private Tutor "Karen Rooney's study techniques had a very profound impact on my academic performance. As a ninth- and tenth-grade student at a very competitive and academically rigorous private school, I studied long and hard to keep up with my peers, only to come up with mediocre results. After two years of hard work and little to show for it, I was discouraged and frustrated. My parents made an appointment with Dr. Rooney, who did diagnostic testing. Based on these tests and an understanding of my particular style of learning, Dr. Rooney taught me the techniques that would maximize the time I was putting into my studies. The results were nothing short of miraculous. Through Dr. Rooney's techniques, I was able to tackle more complex information while significantly increasing my comprehension. My grades and test scores improved dramatically, and I gained admission to every college where I applied. Not that I didn't have to continue to work hard, but Dr. Rooney gave me the tools that allowed me to leverage that hard work in a much more productive and efficient manner. Ultimately, Dr. Rooney taught me how to learn, and I strongly recommend her teaching strategies for every struggling student." -- Emily K. Bowles, Student "Dr. Rooney, you first put me on the road to success with the study skills you taught me. How they have paid off! Thank you." -- Patrick Marshall Higgins, Lieutenant

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