The Literacy Gaps

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781412975209

Bridge-Building Strategies for English Language Learners and Standard English Learners

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Edited by Ivannia Soto, June Hetzel
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Ivannia Soto, PhD , is a professor of education and the director of graduate programs at Whittier College, where she specializes in language acquisition, systemic reform for English language learners (ELLs), and urban education. She began her career in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), where she taught English and English language development to a population of 99.9% Latinos, who either were or had been multilingual learners. Before becoming a professor, Soto also served LAUSD as a literacy coach as well as district office and county office administrator. She has presented on literacy and language topics at various conferences, including the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE), the California Association for Bilingual Association (CABE), the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and the National Council of Urban Education Associations. As a consultant, Soto has worked with Stanford University's School Redesign Network (SRN), WestEd, and CABE, as well as a variety of districts and county offices in California, providing technical assistance for systemic reform for ELLs and Title III. Recently, Soto also directed a CABE bilingual teacher and administrator program across California. Soto has authored and coauthored 12 books, including The Literacy Gaps: Bridge-Building Strategies for English Language Learners and Standard English Learners; ELL Shadowing as a Catalyst for Change, a best seller that was recognized by Education Trust-West as a promising practice for ELLs in 2018; Moving From Spoken to Written Language With ELLs; the Academic English Mastery four-book series; the Common Core Companion four-book series for English language development; Breaking Down the Wall; and Responsive Schooling for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Together, the books tell a story of how to equitably engage and include multilingual learners by ensuring that they gain voice and an academic identity in the classroom setting. Soto is executive director of the Institute for Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching (ICLRT) at Whittier College, whose mission it is to promote relevant research and develop academic resources for ELLs and Standard English learners (SELs) via linguistically and culturally responsive teaching practices/ June Hetzel, professor and dean of the School of Education at Biola University, grew up in the culturally and linguistically rich basin of the San Francisco Bay Area in the Franklin McKinley School District in south San Jose. Her childhood background shaped her passion for access for all learners. Her teaching experiences in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, Africa, and Thailand have provided her with insight into working with elementary and secondary students and adults in multilingual, multicultural settings. Additionally, she has enjoyed travel throughout Europe and on a trip to Oxford University, presented "The Three Literacy Gaps and Title III of NCLB," co-authored with Ivannia Soto-Hinman, at the Oxford Round Table at Harris Manchester College, Oxford University, upon which the book The Literacy Gaps is based. In partnership with Ivannia Soto-Hinman, the model has been refined for ELLs and SELs, developing into its current form. With 30 years in education, Hetzel remains passionate about literacy. She facilitates local volunteer tutoring partnerships and she and her husband, Geoff, enjoy leading teams of literacy teachers overseas to work with English language learners. A long-time member of the International Reading Association and the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Hetzel has authored many literacy resource books and currently freelances for Purposeful Design Publications, serving as a content editor for two textbook series, including the English as a Foreign Language series. She earned her MS in reading education from Cal State Fullerton and her PhD from Claremont Graduate University.

Acknowledgments About the Authors 1. Introduction to the Achievement Gap and the "Literacy Gaps Model" Demographic Patterns Language Spoken and Socioeconomic Factors ELL Achievement Standard English Learners The National Literacy Panel The Literacy Gaps Model Overview of Book Chapters Summary 2. Decoding: Word Recognition Strategies and Fluency Introduction The Gap Between the Student and the Text Decoding and Readability of Text Decoding English Language Development Background Knowledge Summary 3. Background Knowledge and Experiences Schema Fit: Becoming a Text Participant Context: Becoming a Text User (Active Participant) Linkages: Becoming a Text Analyst (Reading Critically) Summary 4. Comprehension Comprehension Gap Academic Language Passage Comprehension Summary 5. English Language Development and Academic English Specialized Language Needs of ELLs Needs of Standard English Learners Academic Language Development Lesson Plan Summary 6. Perceptions and Expectations Were Called on Less Frequently and Were Provided Less Time to Respond Were Given the Answer Rather Than Helped to Solve the Problem Themselves Were Criticized More Often, and Praised Less Were Paid Less Positive Attention, but Disciplined More Strictly 7. Cultural Differences Connecting the Literacy Domains in Second Language Acquisition Parental Involvement and the Literacy Domains Culturally Responsive Teaching Comprehensive Education Multidimensional Approaches Empowerment Transformative Learning Emancipatory Education Summary 8. Socioeconomic Differences Implicit and Explicit Codes Discourse Patterns Interactional Styles Written Language Codes Resource Access Summary 9. Language Variables Academic Language Competence Summary 10. Grouping Strategies Micro Structures That Bridge Language Proficiency Gaps Macro Structures That Bridge Language Proficiency Gaps Summary 11. Beyond the Gap/Envisioning the Future The Literacy Gaps Model Summary Glossary Index

"The book makes a contribution to the education of English language learners. It provides practical instructional suggestions for teachers of both ELLs and SELs that are informed by a deep understanding of theories of second language and second dialect acquisition and the development of reading and writing proficiencies." -- Guadalupe Valdes, Professor of Education "The concepts of gaps and bridges are clearly articulated up front and provide a well-structured theme that unites the various parts of the text. The use of this structure provides a logical and coherent mechanism for providing a complete picture of the problem-the literacy gap between ELs and native speakers-and a means for addressing this problem." -- Kristina Anstrom, Senior Research Scientist "The strategies are clearly presented and there is just enough research cited to provide the rationale for incorporating ideas into instruction. Any teacher will find this book practical, and the discussions will provide meaningful ideas for study groups at the school site." -- Ron Klemp, Secondary Literacy Coordinator "This book presents content that is crucial for narrowing the achievement gap and powerful practical instructional strategies for increasing student achievement." -- Yee Wan, Coordinator, English Language Learners Program

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