James Price Dillard is Liberal Arts Research Professor in Communication Arts & Sciences at The Pennsylvania State University. His research emphasizes theory and empirical analysis of the role of emotion in persuasion. He has received the John E. Hunter Award for Meta-Analysis and is a Fellow in the International Communication Association. His previous books include Seeking Compliance: The Production of Interpersonal Influence Messages and (with Michael Pfau) The Persuasion Handbook: Developments in Theory and Practice, 1st edition. Lijiang Shen is associate professor of Communication Studies at the University of Georgia. His primary area of research considers the impact of message features and audience characteristics in persuasive health communication, message processing, and the process of persuasion/resistance to persuasion as well as quantitative research methods in communication. His research has been published in major communication and related journals.
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I. FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES 1. Persuasion in the Rhetorical Tradition - J. Michael Hogan 2. The Effects of Message Features: Content, Structure and Style - Lijiang Shen and Elizabeth Bigsby 3. Media Influence as Persuasion - Lance Holbert and John M. Tchernev 4. Outcomes of Persuasion: Behavioral, Cognitive, and Social - Nancy Rhodes and David R. Ewoldsen 5. On Being Persuaded: Some Basic Distinctions - Gerald R. Miller II. THEORIES, PERSPECTIVES, AND TRADITIONS 6. Discrepancy Models of Belief Change - Edward L. Fink and Deborah A. Cai 7. Functional Attitude Theory - Christopher Carpenter, Franklin J. Boster, and Kyle R. Andrews 8. Reasoned Action Theory: Persuasion as Belief-Based Behavior Change - Marco Yzer 9. The Elaboration Likelihood Model - Daniel J. O'Keefe 10. Affect and Persuasion - James Price Dillard and Kiwan Seo 11. Reactance Theory and Persuasion - Brian L. Quick, Lijiang Shen, and James Price Dillard 12. Fear Appeals - Paul A. Mongeau 13. Narrative Persuasion - Rick Busselle and Helena Bilandzic 14. Inoculation Theory - Joshua Compton 15. Supportive and Persuasive Communication: Theoretical Intersections - Graham D. Bodie III. CONTEXTS, SETTINGS, AND APPLICATIONS 16. Political Persuasion - Richard M. Perloff 17. Persuasive Strategies in Health Campaigns - Charles K. Atkin and Charles T. Salmon 18. The Siren's Call: Mass Media and Drug Prevention - William D. Crano, Jason T. Siegel, and Eusebio M. Alvaro 19. Persuasion in the Marketplace: How Theories of Persuasion Apply to Marketing and Advertising - L.J. Shrum, Min Liu, Mark Nespoli, and Tina M. Lowrey 20. Persuasion in the Legal Setting - John C. Reinard 21. Persuading in the Small Group Context - Franklin J. Boster 22. When Presumed Influence Turns Real: An Indirect Route of Media Influence - Ye Sun 23. How Does Technology Persuade?: Theoretical Mechanisms for Persuasive Technologies - S. Shyam Sundar, Jeeyun Oh, Hyunjin Kang, and Akshaya Sreenivsan