Driving With Care: Education and Treatment of the Underage Impaired Driving Offender


An Adjunct Provider's Guide to Driving With Care: Education and Treatment of the Impaired Driving Offender--Strategies for Responsible Living and Change

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By Kenneth W. Wanberg, David S. Timken, Harvey B. Milkman
Release Date:
279 x 215 mm
740 g

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Kenneth W. Wanberg, ThD, PhD, is a licensed psychologist in the State of Colorado and Director of the Center for Addictions Research and Evaluation, Inc. David S. Timken, Ph.D. has over 45 years experience in the traffic safety field. His specialty areas include the assessment , education and treatment of DWI offenders and he provides consultation, research and training. He is widely published and has presented numerous papers internationally as well as throughout the U.S. He holds membership in a number of professional organizations including the International Council of Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety. Dr. Timken maintains a small clinical consultation practice. Harvey B. Milkman, PhD received his baccalaureate degree from City College of New York and his doctorate from Michigan State University. He is currently professor of psychology at Metropolitan State College of Denver. His doctoral research was conducted with William Frosch, MD, at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York City, on the User's Drug of Choice. From 1980-1981, he completed a sabbatical exploration of addictive behavior in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia; in 1985 he was recipient of a Fulbright-Hays Lectureship award at the National University of Malaysia. He has represented the United States Information Agency as a consultant and featured speaker in Australia, Brazil, Iceland, The Netherlands, Peru, Turkey, and Yugoslavia. He is principle author with Stanley Sunderwirth of "The Chemistry of Craving," and author of "Better than Dope," featured articles in Psychology Today, October, 1983 and April, 2001 respectively. From September 1992-June 2002, he was author, principal investigator, and director of Project Self-Discovery: Artistic Alternatives for High-Risk Youth, a national demonstration model funded by The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention and the Edward Byrne Foundation.

Introduction SECTION I: THEORETICAL AND FOUNDATIONAL PERSPECTIVES: Defining the Problem, The Targets for Change and Intervention Approaches Ch 1. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework for Understanding Adolescent Problem Behavior Ch 2. Scope of the Problem: Incidence, Consequences, and Costs Ch 3. Prevalence and Consequences of Alcohol and Other Drug Use in Underage Populations Ch 4. Risk, Causal and Dynamic Factors Related to Underage Drinking and Drug Use Ch 5. Causal and Dynamic Factors Related to Underage Impaired Driving Ch 6. Assessment of the Underage Impaired Driving Offender Ch 7. Interventions Based on Community Regulations and Laws Ch 8. Interventions and Operational Guidelines for Underage Imparied Driving Offenders SECTION II: GUIDELINES AND ENHANCEMENTS FOR THE DELIVERY OF DRIVING WITH CARE (DWC) TO UNDERAGE IMPAIRED DRIVING OFFENDERS Introduction to Section II Level I Education: Alcohol, Other Drugs and Driving Safety Education Level II Education: Alcohol, Other Drugs and Driving Safety Education Level II Therapy: Alcohol, Other Drugs and Driving Safety Education List of Tables List of Figures

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