Learn more about Susan Fitzell's PD offerings Susan Fitzell, M. Ed has been touching lives in public schools and beyond since 1980. She has over two decades of experience identifying and meeting the needs of youth with special needs, behavioral and anger management issues, and students who experience bullying. Susan's work focuses on building caring, inclusive school communities and helping students and teachers succeed in the inclusive classroom. Susan is a dynamic, nationally recognized presenter and educational consultant specializing in special education & Response to Intervention topics, co-teaching, bullying prevention, and adolescent anger management. She provides practical strategies to increase achievement of ALL students in ALL classrooms. Susan's motto is, "Good for all, critical for students who learn differently." Susan's greatest satisfaction comes from helping teachers make a positive impact using practical, doable strategies that fuel positive, measurable results. Whether she's doing a one day workshop or long-term consulting, Susan's straight forward, common sense approach always yields positive results. Other books by Susan Fitzell: Special Needs In The General Classroom: Strategies That Make It Work Please Help Me With My Homework! Strategies for Parents and Caregivers Free The Children: Conflict Educational for Strong Peaceful Minds She co-authored the following book with her daughter, Shivahn Fitzell Umm Studying? What's That?: Learning Strategies for the Overwhelmed and Confused College and High School Student Susan is available for in-service, keynotes and consultation. For Free educational resources and a video sample of Susan's presentations go to her website: www.aimhieducational.com. For More Information Contact Susan at: AIMHI Educational Programs P.O. Box 6182 Manchester, NH 03108 603-625-6087 sfitzell@aimhieducational.com
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Preface Acknowledgments About the Author 1. Introduction: Why This Book This Way? 2. A Snapshot of the Response to Intervention Process The Three Tiers (Sometimes Four) Tier One Tier Two Tier Three How does RTI fit into a secondary education model? General Education Versus Special Education and Responsible Inclusion Assessment? Well, I Quiz Every Friday. . . Research-Based Strategies Incorporated in This Book All right! If I have to do this, what do I really have to do? And how? Lesson Plan Application to Response to Intervention Tiers Options for Determining Which Students Should Be in Which Groups 3. Vocabulary Intervention Strategies Use Vocabulary Mapping to Acquire New Vocabulary Signing as an Intervention Strategy Additional Vocabulary Interventions Additional Nonlinguistic Interventions Combining Verbal Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Strategies: Practice Strategies for Tiers One, Two, and Three: 4. Reading Comprehension Intervention Strategies Somebody-Wanted-But-So Summary Strategy Reading Comprehension Intervention: Reciprocal Teaching Picture Books: A Secondary Reading Intervention Figurative Language Higher-Order Comprehension Additional Interventions for Reading Comprehension 5. Writing Intervention Strategies Writing Paragraphs: Grouping and Organizing Information Use Clustering to Organize Writing 6. Math Intervention Strategies Model and Solve Equations Using Manipulatives Multiplication of Fractions Using Manipulatives Graphing Lesson Plan Math Vocabulary Declutter the Math 7. Cross-Curricular Interventions for Higher-Order Thinking and Recall Mind Mapping, Graphic Roadmaps, and Visual Organizers Strategy to Remember Sequences Additional Nonlinguistic Interventions: Graphic Notes Group and Classify Information to Enhance Long-Term Memory Analogies Additional Interventions for Increasing Recall and Recognition Identify Similarities and Differences Teaching Summarizing Skills: Delete-Substitute-Keep 8. Fitzell Acceleration Centers as an RTI Strategy Acceleration Centers: A Better Alternative Addressing the Challenges of Implementing Fitzell Acceleration Centers Acceleration Center Flowchart Acceleration Center Instructions Acceleration Center Components Keep Inventory Tips for Successful Acceleration Centers 9. Concluding Thoughts Bibliography Index
"RTI for Secondary Teachers is a valuable resource brimming with concrete real-world strategies. Susan Fitzell provides sample lesson plans designed to reach struggling learners, but they can be easily adapted to reach even the most capable learners. Her rich template for success demystifies Response to Intervention at the secondary level and offers a treasure chest of strategies for reaching students in any tier." -- Mary Howard, Literacy Consultant