The Data Toolkit

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781412992978

Ten Tools for Supporting School Improvement

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By Robert T. Hess, Pamela M. Robbins
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279 x 215 mm
420 g

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Rob Hess is a practicing superintendent with 10 years of experience as a secondary teacher. He has been an administrator at the high school, middle school, and K-8 levels and served in the central office as a Student Achievement Leader. In 2003 he founded Breakthrough Schools, a grass roots network of educators dedicated to helping schools and districts achieve breakthrough school improvement results. He earned his doctorate from the University of Oregon and has taught classes at the University of Oregon, Oregon State University, Willamette University, and Lewis & Clark College on the following subjects: teacher leadership, professional development for administrators, priority leadership, school improvement planning, data analysis for school improvement, and research for education. The Data Toolkit is his fourth book. He frequently presents on the topics of: teacher leadership, professional learning communities, school culture, quality school improvement, and teacher/principal evaluation systems. His webpage can be visited at:, and he can be reached at: Pam Robbins earned her doctorate in educational administration from the University of California, Berkeley. Currently, she consults with school systems, professional organizations, State Departments of Education, leadership academies, and corporations throughout the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Europe, Asia, and South America. Her presentation topics include professional learning communities, effective teaching, how the brain learns, emotional intelligence, leadership, teaching in the block schedule, peer coaching, school culture, and presentation skills. Pam has served as a teacher, high school basketball coach, administrator, director of special projects and research, and director of training for the North Bay California Leadership Academy. She has lectured at several universities, authored and co-authored books, and developed training materials for several principals' academies.

Foreword by Kate Dickson Preface Acknowledgments About the Authors Introduction Chapter 1: Build Your Team The Power of Relationships Tool 1: The Smalley Team-Building Personality Test Another Team-Building Strategy: Using Objects to Reflect Personalities High-Functioning Teams Improvement Means Change, and Change Means Conflict Understanding How Change Occurs Team Member Roles and Responsibilities TIPS Framework for Data Teams Additional Helpful Hints Chapter 2: Identify the Problem: Using Data to Transform Our Intentions Tool 2: Identify the Problem Using Data to Unpack the Problem of Mobility Vertical Alignment and Mobility Using Identify the Problem in a Classroom Data Reflection Helps Budget Woes A Happy Ending to Budget Woes In the Field: Identify the Problem Putting It All Together Chapter 3: The Three Guiding Questions: Making Instruction Work Data and Conversation Tool 3: Three Guiding Questions How to Use Three Guiding Questions Asking the Right Questions The Power of Thinking Corbett: A District That Thinks Conversation Promotes Thinking and Reflection In the Field: Three Guiding Questions Putting It All Together Chapter 4: Analyze Your Students: Let the Data Decide Teach to the Top Analyzing Driving Quantitatively Creating the Standard Measuring to a Standard The Kennewick Model Analyzing Students in Local Districts Classroom Example In the Field: A Kindergarten Success Putting It All Together Chapter 5: Four Quadrants: Creating Crosshairs With Data Tool 5: Four Quadrants: Creating Crosshairs With Data Reeves's Four Quadrants: Lucky, Leader, Loser, and Learner Using the Four Quadrants to Gauge RTI Progress Using the Four Quadrants to Analyze Classroom Data Classroom Example: Third-Grade Classroom Data in Four Quadrants Using the Four Quadrants to Analyze Grade-Level, School-Level, and District-Level Data Teacher and Principal Effectiveness in Four Quadrants Instructional Leadership Standards for Principals Building Management Standards for Principals Teacher Effectiveness in the Four Quadrants Classroom-Based Instructional Standards Non-Classroom-Based Standards In The Field: Analyzing Freshman Failures Putting It All Together Chapter 6: Wagon Wheel: Using Multiple Points of Data to Drive Instruction Tool 6: Wagon Wheel Mapping Fourth-Grade Writing on the Wagon Wheel Reflecting on the Data Using the Wagon Wheel to Measure InTASC Standards Learner and Learning Content Knowledge Instructional Practice Professional Responsibility In The Field: Using the Wagon Wheel to Analyze RTI Effectiveness Putting It All Together Chapter 7: Five Whys: The Power of Questions Tool 7: Five Whys Persistent Achievement Gaps A Diverse District Beating the Odds Schools Beating the Odds The Power of Working Together Teaching Students to Think 21st Century Skills: The Future is Now In The Field: Implementing a Core Program Putting It All Together Chapter 8: Relations Diagram: Discovering the Key Drivers Tool 8: Relations Diagram Tackling Discipline Problems Motivating Students In The Field: READ 180 Revisited Putting It All Together Chapter 9: The Fishbone: Making a Difference With Data Leadership Matters Real Education Reform Making a Difference in the Classroom Tool 9: The Fishbone Improving Tenth-Grade Math Scores Everyone Writes In The Field: Green Acres, The Place to Be Putting It All Together Chapter 10: School Improvement Mapping: Making Strategic Decisions and Taking Action Tool 10: School Improvement Mapping Goal Setting Using Data to Drive Goals Clear Strategies Specific Actions Improving Writing Districtwide with Goals, Strategies, and Actions Creating the Building Blocks of Excellence Hiring the Best Professional Development Evaluation for Meaningful Feedback Improving Instructional Feedback The Power of Mentoring as an Improvement Tool Moving to the Next Level: A New Model of Systemic Improvement Running in Circles Collaboration = Connectivity Stepping Up to Collaboration In The Field: High School Mentoring Project Putting It All Together 11. Now What? Using the Tools in the Classroom, School, and District Tool 1: The Smalley Team-Building Personality Test Tool 2: Identify the Problem Tool 3: Three Guiding Questions Tool 4: Analyze Your Students Tool 5: Four Quadrants Tool 6: Wagon Wheel Tool 7: Five Whys Tool 8: Relations Diagram Tool 9: The Fishbone Tool 10: School Improvement Mapping References Index

"An invaluable resource for teachers and school leaders; a sensible, practical, and human approach to understanding and using data; an excellent guide to use a broad range of data meaningfully for the improvement of education." -- Yong Zhao, Professor, Presidential Chair "Finally, a book that treats data as more than a set of percentages!" -- Charre Todd, Science Teacher "This book is filled with great strategies to establish and grow a school's data team, bringing them from ordinary to extraordinary." -- Brian E. Fernandes, Reading Specialist & Literacy Coach "Many districts and schools are approaching school improvement by implementing bits and pieces of data work without understanding how to build a foundation beneath the practices. This book provides practical and effective tools that can strengthen any improvement program through the efficient use of both quantitative and qualitative data." -- Carrie Carpenter, Instructional Coach "We've been talking data, producing data, collecting data, analyzing data, and using data to drive instruction for over ten years. But most of us in the field still don't really know how to do that. This book shows teachers and school leaders how to use data to improve student learning." -- Scott Hollinger, Instructional Coach for Principals and Teachers "I am excited to say that educators finally have a book that provides a practical toolkit to help increase data fluency and begin using it to foster students' growth. The authors provide precise tools for drilling down into the data and using it in a way that benefits our students." -- Florie Buono, Assistant Principal for Curriculum & Instruction "This book does for educators what a great teacher does for students: it motivates and instructs. Rob and Pam deliver powerful concepts in a very accessible way. They provide a logical framework for educators to work through tough problems while building energy and motivation." -- Sandra Husk, Superintendent "This practical toolkit takes an educator from data parlysis to data analysis. Hess and Robbins have assembled a masterful resource of templates, facilitation tips, data analysis instruments and examples of achievement success. There is something of value for every teacher, principal or superintendent who endeavors to improve student performance." -- Betty Flad, Program Director, Educational Administration "This practical and insightful guidebook provides tools for principals and teacher leaders to facilitate the cycle of continuous improvement and achieve gains in both student and staff learning. Rob Hess and Pam Robbins have synthesized best practices from both research and the field that are both balanced and comprehensive." -- Candace Stevens, CLASS Project Coach, Consultant

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