Child Maltreatment


A Collection of Readings

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Edited by John E. B. Myers
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231 x 187 mm
650 g

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John E.B. Myers, J.D. is a Distinguished Professor and Scholar at the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento, California. He is the author or editor of eight books and more than 100 articles and chapters on child maltreatment and his writing has been cited by more than 140 courts, including the United States Supreme Court. John is a frequent speaker at conferences, having made more than 400 presentations around the world.

Introduction Part I. The Child Protection System in the United States Chapter 1. The Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect: Pipe Dreams or Possibilities? - John Leventhal Chapter 2. Strengthening Social Worker-Client Relationships in Child Protective Services: Addressing Power Imbalances and "Ruptured" Relationships - Sarah Maiter, Sally Palmer, & Shehenaz Manji Chapter 3. Kinship Care for African American Children: Disproportionate and Disadvantageous - Marian S. Harris & Ada Skyles Chapter 4. Mothers, Men, and Child Protective Services Involvement - Lawrence M. Berger, Christina Paxson, & Jane Waldfogel Chapter 5. Is the Adoption and Safe Families Act Influencing Child Welfare Outcomes for Families With Substance Abuse Issues? - Anna Rockhill, Beth L. Green, & Carrie Furrer Chapter 6. Pathways to Collaboration: Exploring Values and Collaborative Practice Between Child Welfare and Substance Abuse Treatment Fields - Laurie Drabble Chapter 7. Depression Among Alumni of Foster Care: Decreasing Rates Through Improvement of Experiences in Care - Catherine Roller White, Kirk O'Brien, Peter J. Pecora, Diana English, Jason R. Williams, & Chereese M. Phillips Chapter 8. Fostering Futures: A Preventive Intervention Program for School-Age Children in Foster Care - Wendy Nilsen Chapter 9. The Transition From Infertility to Adoption: Perceptions of Lesbian and Heterosexual Couples - Abbie E. Goldberg, Jordan B. Downing, & Hannah B. Richardson Part II. Neglect Chapter 10. Measurement of Three Major Subtypes of Child Neglect - Howard Dubowitz, Steven C. Pitts, & Maureen M. Black Chapter 11. Understanding the Risks of Child Neglect: An Exploration of Poverty and Parenting Characteristics - Kristen Shook Slack, Jane L. Holl, Maria McDaniel, Joan Yoo, & Kerry Bolger Chapter 12. The Potential for Child Neglect: The Case of Adolescent Mothers and Their Children - Julie J. Lounds, John G. Borkowski, & Thomas L. Whitman Chapter 13. Parental Substance Abuse and Child Well-Being: A Consideration of Parents' Gender and Coresidence - Cynthia Osborne & Lawrence M. Berger Chapter 14. Child Maltreatment Trends in the 1990s: Why Does Neglect Differ From Sexual and Physical Abuse? - Lisa M. Jones, David Finkelhor, & Stephanie Halter Chapter 15. Preventing Child Abuse: A Meta-Analysis of Parent Training Programs - Brad W. Lundahl, Janelle Nimer, & Bruce Parsons Chapter 16. Recognizing and Treating Uncommon Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Severely Maltreated: Reactive Attachment Disorder - Jeffrey J. Haugaard & Cindy Hazan Chapter 17. The Co-occurrence of Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence: Examining Both Neglect and Child Physical Abuse - Carolyn Copps Hartley Part III. Physical Abuse Chapter 18. Child Physical Abuse: Prevalence, Characteristics, Predictors, and Beliefs About Parent-Child Violence in South Asian, Middle Eastern, East Asian, and Latina Women in the United States - Azmaira H. Maker, Priti V. Shah, & Zia Agha Part IV. Child Sexual Abuse Chapter 19. An Exploratory Study of Victim Resistance in Child Sexual Abuse: Offender Modus Operandi and Victim Characteristics - Benoit Leclerc, Richard Wortley, & Stephen Smallbone Part V. Investigation and Substantiation of Neglect and Abuse Chapter 20. Socioemotional Factors in Child Sexual Abuse Investigations - Irit Hershkowitz Index About the Editor

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