1. The Wonder Drug
2. Experiments without Borders
3. The New Deal of Colonial Medicine
4. The Spectacle of Eradication
5. Lomidine, the Individual, and Race
6. Good Citizens and Bad Brothers
7. Yokadouma, Cameroon, NovemberDecember 1954
8. ""We Cried without Making a Palaver""
9. The Misfires of the Imperial Machine
10. The Swan Song of Eradication
11. How the Drug Became Useless and Dangerous
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
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""I urge medical scientists, health activists, public health experts, executives of multinational pharmaceutical companies, public officials of affected countries, and officials of international organizations, bilateral development agencies and philanthropic organizations'not to mention the sociologists, anthropologists, historians and others who study them'to read this book. And read it carefully. It cannot tell us how to avoid the catastrophic outcomes of b+¬tise, but it should have a humbling effect, as it offers a painful remainder of the costs to others'not of evil, but of simple passivity, stupidity and arrogance.""