Legal research abilities will determine success as a law student, and as a lawyer, to the point it's been argued the abilities should be tested on the bar exam. This handy tool authored and designed to be a concise pin-pointed reference can support those research abilities. In 6 laminated pages our clearly labeled sections offer answers to your questions at a glance. Our authors and professors Deborah Moss Vollweiler, JD, and Vicenc F. Feliu, JD, LLM, MLIS bring years of experience in teaching and practicing to this inexpensive, must have reference. 6 page laminated guide includes: Research Methodology Primary Authority Research Legislative System/Constitutions & Statutes Case Opinions: The Reporting System State Court Reporters Federal Court Reporters Locating Case law Secondary Authority Research Free Legal Sources Online Westlaw (R) Bloomberg Law Lexis (R) Heinonline