Designed for college-level study of advertising this 6 page laminated guide is filled with the answers you need for a solid foundation and understanding of the details. Organized like designer course notes the details build a broader view of the big picture of advertising whether you are a communications major in advertising, or a business major in marketing. Author Maria Siano, PhD is an adjunct professor (John Hopkins & Rutgers) with 20 years of experience as a communications professor making her perfectly suited to fit over 100 pages of coverage into just 6 pages, succinctly written to focus on the facts. There is no better value for maximizing study time at the most reasonable price for any college-level educational supplement. 6 page laminated guide includes: History & Principles of Advertising Persuasion Audiences Advertising Process Types of Advertising Strategic Planning Advertising Goals Types of Appeal Ad Messaging Advertising Strategies & Approaches Implementing Ad Campaigns Measuring Campaign Effectiveness Branding Non-profit Advertising Ethics