BarCharts Publishing, Inc was founded in 1991 with our law guides created by the owner attending law school. Since then many law professors, legal editors, and experts in their field of law have peer-reviewed, edited and updated the content, fine tuning the reference over 30 years. Designed to understand the significance of details within the larger scheme of the law, as a daily refresher, and to review before the Bar Exam. Reviewing and referencing essential details in a neatly organized tool offers a macro and micro view of Constitutional Law which is valuable for understanding the whole of the law as the sum of its parts. We update our law guides for students, paralegals and practicing lawyers to have the most handy legal reference to the most important points of the law possible in 6 laminated pages. For such a great price you will not find another law reference this easy to purchase. 6 page laminated guide includes: Executive: Art. II Presidential Powers Impeachment Immunity Judiciary: Art. III Case & Controversy Requirement (Justiciability) Standards of Review Supreme Court Legislative: Art. I Authority to Legislate Commerce [?8] Spending [?8] Taxation Federal Preemption of State Law State Powers & Limitations 10th A. Dormant Commerce Clause 11th A.: State Immunity Art IV: Privileges & Immunities 5th A.: Takings Eminent Domain Physical Occupation 1st A. Time, Place & Manner Restrictions (Public Forum) Punishable Speech No Prior Restraint Free Speech Rights of Public Officials The Media Fundamental Rights: Speech, Press & Association Free Exercise of Religion Establishment Clause 14th A. Procedural Due Process (5th A. & 14th A.) Substantive Due Process (5th A. & 14th A.) Equal Protection & Civil War Amendments NOTE: To offer this much information in this small space for this value, text size can be small but no smaller than default smart phone sized text. For those with poor vision, up-to-date prescription glasses or contacts may be necessary.