In Filial Play Therapy, Dr. Rise VanFleet demonstrates this approach to helping parents develop their relationships with their children through nondirective play. Filial play therapy creates a safe atmosphere where children can express themselves, try new things, learn about social rules and restrictions, develop family attachments, and develop effective social skills and bonds. Because filial play therapy is a developmentally attuned way of communicating and understanding, it can be used with nearly all child problems. Research has shown that play therapy is more effective when parents are involved, so this approach involves training parents how to effectively play with their children. In this session, Dr. VanFleet works with an 8-year-old girl and her mother. First she plays with the girl while her mother watches and then talks with the mother about how the play went. Afterward, Dr. VanFleet plays with the mother, training and coaching her in nondirective play skills that will help her develop a stronger relationship with her daughter.