In this DVD, Clara E. Hill demonstrates her three-stage model for working with dreams, where she works with the client to explore the dream in detail, find insights by expanding on initial interpretations of the dream, and consolidate those insights and take action to address issues in her waking life. The first stage, exploration, is informed by client-centred theory and involves enlarging key images of the dream to enhance their vividness and help the client experience them again with emotion and depth. In the second stage, insight, client and therapist take what they've learned from the exploration process and conceptualise what the dream means to the client's present life. The third stage of action allows the client to apply her understanding of the dream and determine what waking changes should be made based on newfound knowledge from the dream. In this session, Dr. Hill and the client discuss at length a dream that the client has had recurrently since she was 18 years old. Recurring dreams often represent recurring themes in people's lives, and the client considers the powerful notion that if she can gain insight into her dream, she could perhaps change her life.